The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 620

She took out her mobile phone, searched the map, and showed that they were going in the direction of the ring expressway, not the city center.

Her finger stopped on the screen, and Chu Su Xin's eyelids suddenly jumped. She pretended to be calm and said with a smile: "Xiaohei, do you have a girlfriend?"

Xiaohei was silent, and Chu Suxin asked again, "are you married? Can the children play soy sauce

Little black still ignore her, Su every year help forehead, have a kind of mother to tease than the feeling.

Sure enough, Chu Su Xin laughs innocuously, but the topic he asks is enough to make people laugh, "what, you look so ugly, isn't it the disharmonious life of husband and wife? Cough, young man, how many times a night

Su years to the side of the head shrunk, said she can pretend not to know Chu Su Xin?

Xiao Hei moved a little, but his hand holding the steering wheel was not relaxed at all. He put on the gear and stepped on the accelerator, and the speed continued to increase at the speed visible to the naked eye!

Su year after year realized that it was not right. She looked at Chu Suxin with a puzzled look. Chusuxin said with a low smile: "drive so fast, be careful of speeding. When the traffic police issue a ticket, I'm not responsible for it!" Laughing, she fastened the seat belt for Su Nian.

Chu Suxin's palm swept over Su nianian's back. Su nianian was acutely aware that she was sweating.

Sue was biting her lips every year, nervous.

The driver, Xiao Hei, is afraid there is something wrong

Chu Su Xin tries to interfere with Xiao Hei through a dialogue. With one hand, she presses 110. Within seconds, the call is suspended. Then she received a text message from the operator saying her phone number was down and restricted.

Chu Su Xin clenched the mobile phone and her fingers began to shake uncontrollably.

Her number is convenient for work and use, and the phone charges are kept at five digits for emergencies.

Now it's showing arrears. Someone must have done something about it!

She hinted to see Su Nian, Su Nian a pale face, she came out in a hurry today, did not bring a mobile phone at all!

At this moment, the mother and daughter realized that they were completely on the pirate ship!

"Xiaohei, do you like fruit or thin? How about the threaded one? " Chu Su Xin continued to smile and joke. Xiao Hei, who had not uttered a word, suddenly hummed: "Mr. Chu, you don't have to waste your energy."

"No, it should be done to understand the preferences of my employees." Chu Su's face did not change.

"I hope you will cooperate and I will send you to the place where you should go." Xiao Hei lenglengleng finish, continue to speed up, the car almost drift fast.

Chu Su heart despair, so fast speed, they both want to jump the car is impossible, just do not know, he will send them to where?

Thinking of some dirty answers, Chu Su Xin clenched her teeth and held Su Nian's small hand in her backhand, and whispered, "every year, you see, it's snowing."

Every year, Su turned her head stiffly and looked out of the window at the falling snow. She felt that her eyes were sour.

She held Chu Su Xin's hand tightly, and she was afraid to the extreme.

"Dear, don't be afraid. As I said, the world can live without anyone. Even if we are not here, the earth will still rotate, right?"

A bad feeling appeared in Su's heart every year. Chu Su Xin took out a nail clipper from her bag and brushed it across her neck!

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