The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 615

Chen Yuan repressed his anger, "Nanning, she is your sister!"

"So what? No one wants to see her. She wants to come back! " Nanning said with a straight face, Chen Yuan's eyebrows and eyes were stained with a layer of frost, and then he laughed at himself.

Yeah, what can he do?

From a long time ago, he had no choice but to face such a scene.

Again and again, scene after scene, which time he is not looking at the South Gardenia smile to leave?

He raised his hand and rubbed Nanning's hair. The coldness in his eyes lingered, even Nanning noticed it.

After the timid Chen Yuan, she let go.

"I'm sorry I was wrong... " Nanning's timid apology makes her look in a trance.

Nan's parents changed their faces and turned to Chen Yuan for help.

Chen yuanrou said, "no, you're right. Ah Lin is good. Let's cut the cake..."

His voice seemed to have magic. After listening, Nanning nodded obediently and took his hand to cut the cake.

For the sake of being in the corner, there were not many people who saw this scene. The secret that was hidden in the deepest part of the south family ended the departure of Gardenia in the south.

Sue poked at the cake on her plate for a long time every year, and finally she lost all desire to eat. Hope, vent like push the plate to one side.

"It must be worth it for Nanzhi, isn't it? Must be very angry. Nanning doesn't know anything about it? " The gentle voice of night is near my ears.

Su Niannian looks at her curiously, and she chuckles: "in fact, it's no secret. Nanning has been weak and sick since she was young..."

"Every year!" A cry interrupted the elegant words of the night. Su turned her small face every year and saw that Gu Zichen came to her, curled her mouth, and did not intend to pay attention to him.

Gu Zichen went to her side and politely said hello to Ye Qingya. Ye Qingya joked: "how can I come so late and let me wait for you so long? What should I do?"

GU Zichen smiles helplessly, "the company has something to delay." He looked at Su Nian, spoiled in his eyes, and asked, "do you want cake?"

In the middle of the living room, a half person high cake tower is pushed out. Nanning is preparing to cut the cake with the help of Chen Yuan.

Su year after year, his eyes are shining, obviously want to eat, but after hearing Gu Zichen asked, he firmly shook his head, "don't eat, lose weight."

The night is elegant and thoughtful. She looks at the two people's differences and chuckles. It turns out that the recent rumors are true. Are the young lovers really upset?

Naturally, she didn't want to be a light bulb. With a smile, she made an excuse and walked away.

Unfortunately, the smile on his face froze after seeing the dazzling Gu from the crowd.

Gu Li walked up to her as if no one else was there. He raised his glass from afar. "What a coincidence. Didn't you come with your fiance?"

The smile on his face is flawless, and his national male level acting skills enable him to cover up all his emotions.

Night Qingya smile: "thank you for your concern. He is busy."

Gu Li's eyes sank, and he was puzzled to see the elegant smile of the night.

But night Qingya pretended to be curious and looked at him: "Mr. Gu, what's the matter with you?".

Gu Li suddenly burst out a burst of anger. When he was a student, he was popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan opera. During that time, he was obsessed with chasing after him. He also imitated Hong Kong and Taiwan dialect and called him "Gu xiansen".

The same address, but that smile called out "Gu xiansen" intention, is not long gone? , the fastest update of the webnovel!