The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 614

Chen Yuan didn't push her away. To be exact, she didn't dare to.

He kept a stiff posture, but the fresh breath of the girl's lips made him nauseous. He frowned, slightly staggered his lower body, and let Nanning's kiss fall on his chin.

Nanning said discontentedly, "brother yuan, do you not like me?"

Chen Yuan smile, with a touch of alienation, "Nanning, don't make trouble, so many people look at it."

"I know!" Nanning Du with a small mouth, like a willful child, she was to take advantage of many people to kiss.

She let the world know that Chen Yuan belongs to her!

Even if only for a short time

She looked at the figure in the corner, raised the corner of her lips, and walked over.

"Sister, what are you doing here? Did I ask you to come? "

Chen Yuan's face suddenly changed and turned his head. He saw Nan Zhi standing in the corner with an embarrassed look and a thick coat in his hand. It was obvious that he had just returned from the outside.

South Gardenia pulled out a smile toward Nanning: "happy birthday Sorry, I Just want to come back and get something. "

Nanning frowned: "I said, you are not allowed to appear on my bar mitzvah!"

Her chest heaved violently, and her face turned pale. Nanzhi was almost frightened. She apologized at a loss: "I'm sorry, I'm leaving Let's go, ah Lin, don't get excited... "

Nanzhi station is very close to Su Niannian. Su Niannian also looks at her quietly entering the living room from the outside. It seems that she wants to go back to her room. Somehow, Nanning finds out.

Chen Yuan walked quickly to the two of them. He did not care to look at Nanzhi. He held Nanling's shoulder and patted her back gently.

When Nanning's parents heard the news, they yelled at Nanzhi: "what are you doing back here! Who made you appear? Don't you know that it's just a little bit more serious? "

South Gardenia face has no blood color, bite lips hard, even smell the faint smell of blood rust.

This is a bar mitzvah for her family, her parents, her own sister.

Why, she can't even show her face

What's more, she just wants to get back her own things, because after today, it's even more impossible for her to come back.

Su years in the side to see all in the heart can not bear, this family to South gardenia, really a little too much?

South Gardenia efforts to open a very bitter smile, "I will take a thing, immediately leave, will not disturb you."

"What?" Nanma asked with a frown.

"The mahogany box under my bed..." South Gardenia answers.

Nanning's eyes crossed a shrewd, gloating and saying, "is that the broken box? I've already thrown it away

South Gardenia such as by electric shock, the whole person leng in situ, feel that has been evacuated the soul in general.

The dizziness in front of her almost made her want to fall to the ground. She hesitated for several days abroad and had insomnia for several days. Finally, she summoned up the courage to book a ticket back.

And now There was no hope left, which made her feel completely defeated.

She pinched her palm with her fingernails. The pain made her wake up a little. She laughed pale and said, "I know. I'll go first, and then Goodbye. "

She turned to leave, is still a dignified and elegant image of the goddess, but Su years feel that her back is fragile, as if the next second will fall in general.

Under the consciousness, Chen Yuan is chased to death.

"Brother yuan, you can't go, I won't allow you to go!" Nanning said maliciously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!