The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 523

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Yuan, a gentle and good brother, couldn't even see it. He couldn't cry or laugh at Su's posture of protecting snacks every year.

Gu Zichen laughs innocently: "little year, what do I do with your snacks?"

Still laughing! There's definitely a conspiracy!

Su Niannian has a judgment in his heart and decides to ignore Gu Zichen and try to move all the boxes back to the room.

Unfortunately, the box was too heavy and she had to push it.

Gu Zichen saw her trying to push the box like a game of pushing boxes, and felt a burst of laughter.

How is the biggest weakness of the pig?

He stood up and took Su Niannian to one side without any effort. He stood by the snack box, with a smile on his eyebrows and eyes: "well, I think this snack is good."

"No, no, no! It's not delicious at all! Don't eat it. It's poisonous. You'll die if you eat it In order to protect his snacks, Su every year to make every move out.

Gu Zichen pretended to suddenly realize: "will the dead? That can't give you to eat, poison you to death, isn't it to leave me alone for the rest of my life

Su tears every year, explained: "slip of the tongue! In fact, it won't die, but if you eat too much, you will get fat! You are so handsome. If you are fat and ugly, no one will like you, so you'd better leave the things to me! "

Gu Zichen narrowed his eyes. How did he feel that the girl was hating himself?

If she is fat and ugly, she doesn't like herself?

"You are poor in constitution and puffy. You will get fatter if you eat these. You'd better give it to me."

Su felt two shots in the knee every year, conscience of heaven and earth! She just wants to eat a snack. Why should she fight with Gu Zichen?

"Dachengchen, don't rob me of my rations!" Su year after year tears heart crack lung's cry, lets Gu Zichen extremely doubt, even if he is really fat ugly, this wench estimate will not be so sad.

See Gu Zichen speechless, Su every year opened a big trick - play Lai!

She sat on the ground, holding Gu Zichen's calf, and did not give up.

Gu Zichen has a headache. She just wanted to tease her. How can she feel that the reaction is a little too big?

"All right, all right. I won't take it from you." Gu Zichen said helplessly that Su did not believe every year. He dragged Gu Zichen's trouser legs and announced: "I don't believe you!"

"Be good every year. Don't make trouble. It's cool on the ground." Gu Zichen rubbed her hair, and Su hugged her harder every year. That posture was like taking off Gu Zichen's pants.

Chu Suxin and Chen Yunhua came out of the room. Seeing their posture, Chu Suxin immediately covered their eyes: "ouch, old Chen, we'd better go back to sleep."

Chen Yunhua chuckles and throws a clear look at Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen has a black line. He is really innocent!

"Chen Yuan, look at you. You are always a light bulb. You don't have any consciousness!" Chu Su was seriously training Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan touched his nose innocently, saying that he just let his sister down to get a snack. How could things develop into this?

The crowd scattered together, Gu Zichen, with a black face, pulled Su from the ground every year.

Su years vigilant looking at him, Gu Zichen a look, get, or afraid of him grab snacks!

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