The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 522

Looking at Gu Zichen's thoughtful look, Su year after year expression a second to become super panic!

Why is this kind of life event put in Gu Zichen's mouth like a casual feeling?

"Isn't it too early to talk about it now?" Every year Su wiped his sweat again and again. He felt that his little heart was scared by Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen grinned and approached Su Niannian a little bit. Her hot breath was sprayed on her clavicle. Her voice was ambiguous: "it's not too early. We can make up for the ticket after getting on the boat. Ten months, 300 days, we can witness the birth of a new life..."

Su Niannian's small face suddenly collapsed. She pulled away the distance from Gu Zichen as if he were a monster.

Serious nonsense, Gu Zichen has this kind of ability, but Su can't laugh every year, for fear that Gu Zichen will really.

She looked around the small fitting room, heart filled, want to run can not run!

"Big Chen Chen, don't be kidding..." Su years of grievance said, legs began to soften.

Gu Zichen pinched a handful of her cheek well and said, "look at your performance."

It's your performance again! Su every year depressed, but she took Gu Zichen no way!

"Good." A fortune pig was so tearful that he signed an unequal treaty.

Seeing that the little girl was honest, Gu Zichen picked up the crumpled clothes on the ground. Shi Shi ran took Su to pay the bill and settle the bill every year.

The shopping guide took aim at Su Niannian. Su Niannian's face turned red immediately. Gu Zichen was the most calm, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Zichen held the paper bag in one hand, and held Su Niannian in his arms with the other hand, and walked out in the open and aboveboard manner.

Su year after year found that compared with the psychological quality and the thickness of the skin, she also lost to Gu Zichen.


back home, Su Niannian lies on the bed and sends messages to Doudou. They all go back to their home and ask her about Tang Yu one after another. Su Niannian only says that he did leave, and nothing else is mentioned.

Thinking of Tang Yu, Su sighs every year.

She fiddled with her mobile phone and opened the calendar inadvertently, only to find a date marked in red: 0207.

Gu Zichen's birthday.

Su nianian suddenly bounced up from the bed, which reminded him that he had not prepared a birthday present for Gu Zichen.

What's good for you? Every year, Su fell into a new round of entanglement.

The mobile phone Ding Dong rang twice. Su picked it up every year. It was Chen Yuan who sent her a message on the Penguin: come downstairs, your snacks are here.

Su Nian swept away the haze just now and ran downstairs.

The owner of the snack shop is very kind. He sent the express in the morning, and now it has been delivered.

Express brother put down a few big boxes of snacks, let Chen Yuan sign the express bill on behalf of him. When Su came down every year, he had already signed it.

In addition, there is an unexpected guest in the living room - Gu Zichen. He was watching the economy channel with his legs up, and saw Sue raising his apple every year.

Su years of heart alarm, Gu Zichen certainly not good!

Thinking of the blushing and heart beating kiss in the fitting room and his teasing about having a baby, the more I think about it, the worse it is

Is there a conspiracy?

Seeing those snacks, Sue felt a sense of crisis every year!

But Su Niannian now also can not care so much, rushed to a snack box, indignant cry: "snacks in, I am! Dachen Chen, if you take away the snacks, I will fight with you , the fastest update of the webnovel!