The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 513

She peeked at the car navigator. The map above clearly shows: 1200 meters ahead, Yucheng cemetery

Sue shivered every year.

Gu Zichen is not going to leave her here, is she?

She was aggrieved: "you are jealous or sad, but don't abandon me."

Gu Zichen didn't respond for a moment. Looking at Su's pathetic appearance, his heart softened for a second.

However, following Su Nian's sight, he understood everything.

Is this pig afraid of being left here? He remembers the cemetery not far away.

"Well, look at your performance." Gu Zichen laughs.

Su's face is full of tears every year. How can he live this life?

She also has dignity, OK! Gu Zichen, believe it or not, I'll beat you! Hum, I'll shut you up in the graveyard at night

"Are you imagining beating me up and leaving me in the graveyard in the middle of the night?" Gu Zichen picked up the corner of his lips, but his voice did not fall, so he changed his face every year.

"Er, big Chen Chen, this is you are wrong, you this clearly has the persecution delusion!" Su Nian refused to admit that he was stabbed with midbrain tonic.

Gu Zichen calmly opened a section of the cemetery to ensure that he could see the sign of the cemetery in his sight. Then he said leisurely, "do you want to have a one-day tour of the cemetery? Why don't you go down and have a look yourself? "

"I'm not going!" Su reacted fiercely every year. In addition to sweeping Su Yi'an's tomb during the Qingming Festival, she was afraid of death.

Gu Zichen nodded, "since you don't want to go there, how can I not let you take full exercise ~"

he turned the steering wheel and made a gesture to continue to drive forward.

"Wait a minute!" Su shouts year after year, Gu Zichen stops action, "huh? What's up? Changed your mind? "

Every year Su carefully pulled Gu Zichen's sleeve. "I don't want to go. Gu Zichen, um..."

Her innocent coquettish eyes almost let Gu Zichen surrender. She couldn't bear to play a trick on her. Unexpectedly, Su took the initiative to come up with her teeth and feet every year.


Every year, Su quickly printed a kiss on Gu Zichen's lips. Her face was slightly red and nervously asked, "don't leave me, OK?"

Gu Zichen's eyes darkened, as dark as the dark abyss of invisible bottom.

He reached out and rubbed Su Nian's hair and made a mess of her slightly longer mushroom head.

Su year after year did not dare to resist, let him ravage a, just heard Gu Zichen said: "well, just now is to scare you, let's go home."

Su Nian, relieved, leaned back in his chair and patted his chest.

Great. Don't worry about visiting the cemetery Right? That wasn't a threat. Was it intentional?

"Gu Zichen, your soul is pale!" Su Nian roared, this goods is too shameless!

Gu Zichen is not moved by it, but the smile on the corner of his lips has betrayed him.

Su Niannian was so depressed that he stopped talking when he was cheated. He also took the initiative to kiss others. He was really ashamed She turned her head and decided not to talk to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen is in a good mood. This pig is still planted in her hands

Go to hell with Tang Yu. His daughter-in-law will always be his. No one can rob him!


the car stopped at the gate of Chen's house, but Gu Zichen still didn't mean to leave.

Regardless of the flag standing on the car, Su asked suspiciously, "don't you go home?"

Gu Zichen pointed to the villa next to him, and then he said with a smile: "is that my home?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!