The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 512

Tang Yu's voice of praying rang out, which was very abrupt in the quiet room.

Su year after year is even more helpless, biting his lips, eager to dig a hole to bury himself.

"Tang Yu, don't do this..." Su Nian is really do not know what to do, feel unprecedented panic.

How did this happen? Why is it that Tang Yu likes

Tang Yu stubbornly blocked the door and refused to let her leave.

"No kidding! I know you're a liar, aren't you? " Su years dry smile, want to force perfunctory in the past, Tang Yu thin lips tightly pursed: "I am not joking."

For seven years, how could it be a joke?

Su Nian's eyes turned red. "Can't you just take it as a joke?"

She didn't want to know about it at all.

Tang Yu devoted herself to the secret love and dedication of her youth. Although she was flustered and hard to accept, she was deeply moved.

But this is what makes her miserable.

It's unfair for Tang Yu to pay hard and pay nothing.

Put aside these, she already has Gu Zichen. What's the point of talking to Tang Yu now?

She was determined to squeeze out of Tang Yu's side, but Tang Yu stopped her all the way and held Su Nian's arm.

Su glanced at him every year. Tang Yu's eyes were slightly wet, and he always stood up to protect her boy. At this moment, it was incredible.

"Every year..." He only cried out two words and his voice choked.

He Crying?

Su took a deep breath every year and looked up at Tang Yu: "I'm sorry, thank you."

I'm sorry, but I've got my own.

Thank you. You've loved it for seven years.

Tang Yu slowly released her arm and made room for Su Niannian.

Every year, Su almost ran away in a hurry. When he turned the corner, a familiar male voice rang out: "have you finished?"

Gu Zichen leaned against the wall, just across a corner. He heard all the conversations just now.

He would never hesitate to beat Tang Yu.

But he didn't. He gave Tang Yu a chance to tell the truth and Su had a choice every year.

Love is not just possession, but fulfillment.

Su year after year rushed to his arms, stuffy voice way: "big Chenchen, let's go."

For a moment, Gu Zichen held out her hand.

Around the corner, Tang Yu stood alone in the same place, looking at the place where Su left year after year. He was distracted for a long time.


GU Zichen sent Su home year after year. All the way, she was depressed and her small face was full of tangles.

"Do you think I've gone too far?" She asked Gu Zichen for the nth time.

Gu Zichen blackened again: "if you ask such a stupid question again, I don't mind throwing you out of the car."

Every year, Su was weak and weak, and she was in a bad mood.

She felt that she and Tang Yu could not even be friends.

Very meow! Why Tang Yu doesn't like a beautiful boy! In this way, she can also wish their friends a long time to go together!

Why do you like her Su year after year vexed to turn back to hit the back of the chair, Gu Zichen brush step on the brake, wrung eyebrow: "you pig, brain pumping also self abuse ah?"

Su did not dare to answer back every year. She sat down and continued to be sad.

Gu Zichen pulled her body and looked serious: "Su classmate, don't you think it's me who should be jealous and sad at this time?"

"Well?" Su fainted every year and felt a sense of crisis in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!