The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 509

Gu Zichen hesitated, and then said without expression: "OK, I'll sing for you."

Su was confused every year and thought he was hallucinating: "ah? What do you say

Gu Zichen Ao Jiao's hum, no longer answer.

He sent Su Niannian back to his bedroom and left.

Until the evening, Su Niannian still doubted whether she had heard that sentence wrongly. But before she went to bed, the penguin received an audio file from Gu Zichen.

She plugged in her headphones and pressed play.

A accompaniment sound of "get up" sounded, followed by Gu Zichen coughing. Accompanied by the happy melody, he sang in a deep and enchanting voice: "please don't sleep late

please don't sleep late

please don't sleep late

go to bed early and get up early. Good health

eat enough

to grow tall quickly

don't sleep late..."


After just listening to a prelude, Su almost laughed at it every year.

She didn't expect Gu Zichen to really sing! It's still such a song!

Especially listen to Gu Zichen's serious voice, with this lyrics, full of joy.

Every year, Su did not hesitate to set the song into a variety of ringtones.

The next morning, the whole bedroom reverberated with Gu Zichen's "please don't sleep late, not late for school every day". In a flash, the whole dormitory was boiling!

"I wipe, am I hallucinating? Why do you feel that Gu Nan Shen's voice is heard?" Doudou sat up from the bed.

Murong Shan rubbed his eyes sleepily: "don't tell me It's a shame song sung by Gu Nan Shen... "

Nuo Nuo exclaimed excitedly, "Wow, this is my idol's song!"

Only Su sleeps so hard every year that he has a small head arched out of the quilt, turns off the alarm of his mobile phone, and shrinks back to sleep again.

Wake up three people look at each other, heart qi for Gu Zichen silent.

The imagination is beautiful, the reality is bony.

I hope Su won't sleep in every year. My wife is so naive!

Every year pigs don't sleep in, can it be pigs every year?


time flowed like water, and soon on December 31, the school was closed and a new year's Day party was held.

The event is said to be the most luxurious lineup in the history of the University. It not only has the active participation of students, but also invited many celebrities from the former art department to come back.

However, there is only one person of great attention: Tang Yu.

As an idol of the new generation of entertainment industry, Tang Yu has gained a lot of popularity in the past two years. At the same time, he has also released two albums with good sales. Recently, he participated in a reality show, and his popularity has increased.

What's more, in addition to the recent news about the change of brokerage companies, he has almost no scandals. He is low-key and modest, and is one of the stars that many journalists like to cover.

After the performance of one program after another, the schools on the field applauded warmly. Many celebrities also felt that they were deeply liked by the students. However, some staff members gave them a sharp blow: it was because the students hoped to finish the previous program early and watch Tang Yu's performance.

All the celebrities are in tears. They are the leaders in various industries. But compared with Tang Yu, they are not enough to see!

At the end of the penultimate program, the audience's applause resounded through the audience. It was as warm as if the roof could be overturned.

In the cheers, Tang Yu came out of the backstage with a smile.

Su sat down quietly in front of the piano on the right side of the stage, her fingers on the strings.

The audience immediately quieted down and looked forward to their performance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!