The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 508

Of course, Su Niannian can't guess Tang Yu's mind, and she has never tried to guess.

But how to hide from Gu Zichen?

It's not meaningless for him to stay by Su Niannian's side.

Although he knew that Su Niannian didn't like Tang Yu, he still had no confidence.

As he said, things are hard to predict.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

He couldn't figure it out, so he had to choose the most stupid but also the most effective way, that is to accompany Su Niannian.

Looking up at Su Nian, who is dedicated to playing the piano on the stage, Gu Zichen takes it seriously.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Su Niannian.

Gu Zichen, who pursues perfection, is very satisfied with this photo. The angle, light and composition are very good, but Why is Tang Yu's goods so eye-catching?

In the two people's rest time, Gu Zichen is very proud of pointing to Tang Yu, a gesture to move to the side.

Tang Yu black line, this is Gu Zichen's recent frequent action, meaning: far away from Su Nian ten steps.

Hold back! It's so oppressive! Tang Yu took a few steps to the side, but he was not happy to change the director. He exclaimed, "Hey, Tang Yu, what's the matter with you? Are you two in a good position. If this is on the party, you go to the corner one stop, let your schoolsister learn younger sister to see what ah

Tang Yu is silent and stands in the center of the platform. Gu Zichen immediately makes a gesture.

Tang Yu tangled and moved again.

The director can see that it's not right, follow Tang Yu's line of sight, get! How can it be Gu Zichen again!

"This classmate, I know you have a problem with classmate Tang, but you can't find fault like this!" The director said bitterly.

Gu finds fault to say particularly calmly: "Oh, I think he stands next to more handsome, typhoon is better."

He is always serious when he deceives people. After listening to him, the director not only has no doubt, but also studies whether there is a certain truth.

Su on the stage can't see through every year. He calls several staff members and moves the piano to the edge of the stage. He glares at Gu Zichen angrily.

Even if Tang Yu stood in the middle, there was a certain distance between Tang Yu and Su Niannian.

Director satisfied, Gu Zichen satisfied, Tang Yu sighed, also recognized.

They rehearsed two pieces, one of which was written by Luo Jiayi for Tang Yu in high school, and the other was his new album's main song "seven year itch".

Even in rehearsal, Tang Yu sang very seriously. His deep and pleasant voice echoed in the room, and everyone was fascinated.

Gu Zichen curled his mouth, saying that it was totally hard to appreciate, and his fingers were flying on the keyboard, and he continued to reply to the mail.

After listening to the recording of Ou Ziyang, I can rehearse with ouzi Yang every year

Tang Yu sings a song to the standard male god sound, listen to more than want to be pregnant that kind, the most suitable when hypnosis to listen to.

Gu Zichen scornfully hummed: "decadent music, you will like this little flower maniac."

"Bah! Tang Yu ouba is my idol now. If you say that he is not good, I will break up with you Su Niannian became a brain powder in one second.

Think of and her cold war, Gu Zichen or soft, perfunctory way: "good to hear good to hear."

"You must be perfunctory! I still feel that he can't sing well, right? If you have the ability to sing one, I will use it as the mobile phone ring Every year, Su was defiant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!