The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 466

Doudou's heart is in a mess and hasn't responded for a long time.

When she wakes up, Yan Mosheng has left.

Her little face was stained with pink and hated her inaction.

Mom, she is a hooligan in the flowers! The strategy is just a little expert at teasing fresh meat! How can they be so casually taken advantage of?

I even forced to kiss her It's a shame.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to question Yan Mosheng. When she got to her mouth, she didn't know how to open her mouth. She had to bite her teeth and put the phone back into her pocket.

She angrily returned to the gym. Su Niannian, taking advantage of Gu Zichen's inattention, jumped off the treadmill and sneaked to the bathroom.

They just hit each other. Su Niannian is scared and steps back. He looks like he is afraid of being caught if he does something wrong.

"Er Doudou, I'm just going to the toilet. I'm in a hurry, ha ha... " Su year after year dry smile, Doudou "um" a, eyes drift to the distance.

Su Niannian suddenly cried out like discovering the new world: "Doudou, how did your lips swell?"

Doudou's face turned red, and her strong inner quality made her calm and said: "on fire, recently, I have eaten too much chili."

"But I didn't feel swollen when I came here..." Su year after year biting his finger, Su was slapped on the forehead by Doudou. "If you want to be lazy, go quickly, or I'll tell Gu Nan Shen!"

Gu Zichen is Su Niannian's weakness. Sure enough, after hearing this threat, Su Nian slips faster than rabbit.

Doudou sits lonely in the corner, looking at the people's gym, feeling unprecedented loneliness.

She is a happy fruit in the crowd. She can enjoy herself by herself. She never thought that she would have troubles.

But now, it is really vexed, or for a man.

Qi Yue sits down beside her and smiles: "is the aerobic training still done today?"

Doudou frustrated said: "do not want to do, can I steal a lazy?"

Qi more good-natured nod, he has been working here for a long time, also know that Doudou is for him to do the card, but has not been broken.

Glancing at the redness and swelling on Doudou's lips, and the attitude of being a stranger at the right moment, Qi Yue saw through everything in his heart and said faintly, "Doudou, that boy likes you very much. Although he doesn't say it on his mouth, his eyes can see it."

Doudou was startled, "lie trough, how do you know? Do you like Ben Bao, that's why you pay so much attention to me! "

Qi Yue is familiar with Doudou and knows that she is such a funny character, so she just smiles and doesn't care about her. Instead, she tells a secret that he thinks he will never say --

"if you two have a conflict because of me, it's really inappropriate. Doudou, in fact, I don't like girls. Can you understand that Qi Yue euphemistically expressed his meaning, Doudou nodded at will, and then suddenly widened his eyes, "really?"

Qi Yue nodded a little shyly.

"That's more terrible! My God, you don't have a fancy to yamosheng, do you! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

After a long time, he would not like to be choked

Doudou Leng in situ, because she found that she could not refute this sentence completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!