The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 465

Walking to Su Niannian's side, he naturally filled a bottle of water to Su Niannian's hand. His tone was intimate: "tired or not?"

Of course, Su is not tired every year, but she is lazy playing games all the time, but her eyes turned and said, "I'm so tired. Can I go back to have a rest first?"

As soon as she was coquettish and looked at Zichen, she hesitated and said, "life lies in sports. Exercise well."

Seeing that coquetry was ineffective, Su Niannian suddenly let out her anger and continued to nest on the ground.

I wish the city to see two people as good as ever, happy for them from the heart.

"Good to see you all together again."

Su smiles every year. "Thank you, pig. You'll find your own true love."

Zhu City eyes some dazed, stood up, "year after year, seriously, I did not hate Xiaoxi at all. Clearly like a person is such a painful thing, but I feel so happy. Is it too cheap? "

"No Su interrupts him subconsciously every year, but he doesn't know how to comfort him.

Song Yuxi did too much. After using Zhucheng, he found someone else and said that he hurt people. If Zhu Cheng didn't suffer, it would be abnormal.

Gu Zichen squints: "there is nothing wrong with liking a person, but liking the wrong person means that you have a bad eye."

He put his arm around Su Niannian's shoulder and dragged Su Niannian to continue running, leaving Zhu Cheng in the same place.

Wish the city a bitter smile, Gu Zichen said it is not?

On the other side, Yan Mo Sheng pinched the beverage bottle in his hand, but he still couldn't help rushing up, "ah, hey, how can you adjust as a coach. As for the theater guests, if you don't behave like this, I will complain to you! "

Qi Yue's face was slightly red, Doudou turned back. It seemed that the man was Yan Mo Sheng, and he returned with no politeness: "I want you to manage it! Chicken woman

Yan Mo Sheng Qi does not hit a place, how can there be such a hateful woman, with a new love to forget the old love? Isn't it just a little fresh meat? What's wrong with him!

He didn't know that he avoided Doudou in the past, but now he acquiesced in his heart that he was the "old love" of Doudou.

"Soybean, do you know you are a sister? What is it like to talk with men in public! Follow me He can't help but pull Doudou's arm back. Doudou exclaimed, feeling baffled.

What kind of nerve does this second goods make!

"Yan Mo Sheng! You little bitch, you hurt me Doudou complained in a low voice. After listening to the voice, he relaxed a little, but his face was black and terrible.

He pulled Doudou to the no one's corridor. He pushed Doudou against the wall and looked down at Doudou from a commanding position. "How hungry are you. Thirsty! You like that kind of man, too? "

"Ah, bah, I just like him! Mind your business! You even doubt my taste Doudou continued to challenge, "what's the relationship between you and me? What's the matter with me?"

Yan Mo Sheng eyes light dark down, long eyelashes gathered up a dark shadow.

"Qi Yue is very good-looking. Everyone loves beauty. I like him. What's wrong with him?" Doudou rolled his eyes and tried to get out of his arms.

Pa -

yanmosheng put his palm on the wall, blocking her last way. Then, a kiss fell on Doudou's lips, and Doudou's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

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