The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 448

"Yes, Miss Su, I see. I won't tell anyone else!" Assistant a face sense of justice finish, pick up the package, light speed slip away, leaving only two people embarrassed to meet.

"Gu Zichen, you must think of a way, he He must have misunderstood something! "

Gu Zichen pondered for a long time and sat on the opposite side of Su Nian: "no harm."

Su was half killed by his two words every year. After careful consideration, this guy even mistook Yucheng for his girlfriend and didn't explain it. What's more, such a trivial matter?

Su nianian ate his meal sullenly and went to change his clothes.

Gu Zichen took a glance at her, turned and silently took a scarf out.

"Why, it's not cold." Su murmurmured year after year, Gu Zichen coughed awkwardly. Su Niannian seemed to realize something, rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and soon came a miserable cry: "Gu Zichen, let's fight like a man!"

My God, she finally knows why the assistant's expression is so exaggerated! Anyone who sees the mark on her neck will fantasize!

Oh, my God! Boy!

Gu Zichen's face is innocent. No one would have thought that such an upright and ascetic person would have done such indulgence.

Su rubbed every year and ran to the sofa, pointing to Gu Zichen from a commanding position: "you are an animal! You make me clean! I will fight you She took a pillow to prepare for a battle, but Gu Zichen just looked at her carefully. After hearing Su Niannian's words, she pursed her lips and grinned with embarrassment.

"Are you angry?" He asked in a low voice.

"Of course! How can you do this! Besides, why don't you take me home? God, didn't you do anything last night Su said nervously every year, protecting the pillow in front of her chest, from attack to defense.

Gu Zichen's face was black: "you pig, do I look like that kind of hungry people?"

"Like it!" Su years does not hesitate to answer, Gu Zichen's expression is more delicate.

Two people confrontation for a long time, Gu Zichen instead laughed, walked forward a few steps, "every year, I want you to say the truth, do you like me or hate me?"

"I hate it! Of course, I hate you, you psychopath Su retreated every year. The more Gu Zichen laughed, the more scared she was. She always felt that there was something else in the smile.

Without noticing, she tripped over another pillow on the sofa and leaned back uncontrollably. Gu Zichen saw this, one hand around her waist, but did not directly support her, but leisurely asked: "tell the truth."

Every year, Su was worried that he would fall down. But Gu Zichen, like a prank, deliberately said, "I'll let go if I don't tell you. Imagine if Duang fell head on the ground, would he fall more stupid?"

"Light soul! Believe it or not, I bite you Su year after year threatened, Gu Zichen immediately relaxed his strength a little. Su Nian was aggrieved: "well I'm wrong. Can you help me up first? "

"Not good." Gu Zichen laughs and looks at Su every year. He changes his way and seduces him. Confused way: "said to invite you to eat Manji dessert."

Su grinds her teeth every year. "Like it! I like you! Do you hear me? Can you help me up now

Gu Zichen suddenly did not feel, stiff for a long time, then excitedly said: "what do you say?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!