The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 447

It was not something else that fell on the ground, but Su Niannian.

She lay flat on the ground, breathing long and evenly, sleeping soundly.

What's more strange is that the quilt on her body is still completely wrapped in her body, and the whole person is like a cocoon, which is well wrapped.

Gu Zichen twitches at the corners of his mouth. He can fall into this position and sleep so soundly. In addition to Zhaocai pig, there is no one else.

He took Sue back to bed every year and looked at her for a while. Seeing that there was no abnormality, he returned to the living room.

Pull up the thin blanket cover on the sofa, Gu Zichen is sleepless.

Thinking about Su Niannian, he didn't know how many times he got up to cover Su Niannian's quilt one night, and only slightly narrowed when it was about to dawn.


early in the morning, Gu Zichen was rushed. Wake up with the ringing of the door.

He rubbed his temple and went to open the door. His assistant stood outside the door and said timidly, "young master, there is a document you need to sign in person. I dare to disturb you. I have brought you breakfast."

Gu Zichen glared at him and saw that the breakfast in his hand was in a better mood. After a while, he could eat it every year.

"Come in." He called, and the assistant crept in, looking very nervous.

Boss, didn't you sleep well? Dark circles are too obvious! And what's more, what a mess at home! Whining should not be in a bad mood to fall something, it is terrible!

Gu Zichen has already signed the document. He quickly reported the itinerary and some business news to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen listens attentively and answers twice from time to time.

In the room suddenly came Su Niannian's voice with resentment: "so noisy, what news do you watch in the morning?" Then, Su nianian came out of the room barefoot.

The assistant heard a girl's voice coming from Gu Zichen's room. Her eyes were wide open. When she saw Su Nian's untidy clothes and dishevelled hair, ten thousand grass mud horses roared past.

Oh, MAIGA! Boss adults originally like girls! She also hides her sister at home! Yo yo! Big news!

Su year after year was also shocked, she thought Gu Zichen was watching the morning news, but she didn't expect that she was a big living person outside!

Two people big eyes stare small eyes for a long time, or Gu Zichen broke the silence: "hungry or not? Come and eat. "

"Oh..." Su year after year dizzy back, Gu Zichen frowned and went over, took her to the bed, and then picked up the slippers scattered on the floor to Su Niannian, "put on your shoes, don't freeze."

Through a door, the assistant can't see the picture inside, but from Gu Zichen's intermittent words, he smelled the terrible JQ!

Who can tell him why the man who is so tough in the company has such a gentle side! What's the matter with the world!

Gu Zichen and Su Nian came out one after the other. Su sat quietly at the dining table after washing every year. The assistant couldn't help but ask quietly, "boss, you and Miss Su are the same. Did you live? "

His voice was very low, but Su Niannian heard it and jumped up from his chair in panic: "no, no! We are not the relationship you think we are! "

Her action range is too big, pajama collar spreads down, the clavicle still has the trace that Gu Zichen bit a few days ago.

Assistant sharp eye, after seeing, of course, it is the kiss left by boss adults last night, and the eyeballs are staring round. , the fastest update of the webnovel!