The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 410

Zuo Sihan wants to cry without tears. Mother, he didn't look at the Yellow calendar when he went out today. How could he provoke this evil spirit!

Gu Zichen was worried. He had come to Yu'an hotel to discuss business today. Unexpectedly, he saw Su Nian and Zuo Sihan on the second floor.

He didn't even care about business. He prevaricated on his partners and rushed down.

In the mind also circled Zuo Sihan's appearance of using hands and feet to her just now, and his body exuded even more ferocity.

What would have happened if he hadn't arrived in time?

Su is in a confused state every year and is dragged to the parking lot by Gu Zichen. It is very hard to run all the way with short legs. Finally, he can't help but try to shake off Gu Zichen's hand. "Why are you dragging me to 800 meters to play?"

Gu Zichen gripped her wrist with his backhand, and Su's small face was wrinkled every year. In a cold voice, he said in a cold voice, "where has your brain grown?"

Su turned her eyes every year: "I don't have a brain, I don't have an IQ, I can't understand what you're talking about. You're in a bad mood. Why do you abuse me?"

After listening to her words, Gu Zichen became more angry, and his voice became colder and colder, "who do you think I beat people today to help? Am I free? "

"I didn't ask you to help me!" Su Niannian was also angry, so she quarreled with him, "you did it yourself. Why do you push everything on me?"

"Ha ha." Gu Zichen sneered, "I understand, Su Nian, you are not stupid, you are heartless!"

That's why I don't care about other people's feelings.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt his behavior was ridiculous. He released Su Nian's hand, looked tired, and rubbed his temple.

Su didn't speak for half a day every year. He wanted to go, but he didn't feel suitable. He could only stare at him with his cheek.

Stare for a long time, her eyes are sour, just found Gu Zichen finger knuckle red a large, there are several pieces of broken skin.

Er It should have been hurt when I hit Zuo Sihan? That guy is rough skinned and thick skinned. He must be hard to beat

Su felt guilty every year.

The bottom of my heart is more like a little prick on the wheat.

She pulled the corner of her clothes, did not dare to see Gu Zichen's expression, but whispered: "you wait for me, I will come back soon."

Gu Zichen didn't speak, but he was standing still.

The light in the parking lot on the ground was a little dark. He watched Su trot away year after year. His small figure soon disappeared in the middle of the car. He felt a kind of unspeakable acid in his heart.

From the beginning, every time, he is looking at Su Nian's back.

But in the past, she would smile at his arms, but now, she is far away from him.

Waiting for half an hour, still did not see Su Nian, Gu Zichen frowned, thinking whether he was played, but the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

He picked up and looked at it. It was su Nian's number. On it was her nickname "the most beautiful man in the universe.".

He paused for a moment and pressed to answer. At the end of the phone, Su Niannian's chatting voice rang out: "Gu Zichen I'm lost... "


Gu Zichen spent two minutes to find Su Nian, who was less than 20 cars away from him. Su Niannian was seriously studying the road signs on the wall, "yes, yes, it's area B What's this symbol? I can't understand it. Um... "

"Hello." He patted Su Niannian on the shoulder. Su Niannian's eyes brightened up and she habitually pounced on his arms, "it's finally waiting for you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!