The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 409

He snorted and bumped into the table and the chair, and there was a chain reaction, and all the dishes and cups fell to the ground.

"I'll go, Gu Zichen. What do you mean?" Zuo Sihan cursed twice, covering his beaten face and calling out pain.

Su Niannian still kept the posture of pouring wine, frozen in place, staring at Gu Zichen, who was like a supernatural soldier, shaking his hand and spilling his red wine all over his body.

Gu Zichen ignored him, picked up Zuo Sihan's collar, and gave him a punch without any politeness!

This time it was in the stomach.

Zuo Sihan collapsed on the ground like a ball of mud, and his body was curled up in pain.

The waiter is so timid that he calls attention to the whole restaurant

Gu Zichen is a platinum VIP in their restaurant. They dare not call the security guard to come here without authorization. They can only think about the big things and small things. I hope the Lord will stop making trouble.

Gu Zichen took a wet towel to dry his hands, and glanced at him indifferently, "do you need any reason to see him unhappy?"

Waiter:.... "

He looked back at Su years, and his brows were wrinkled.

"How clumsy to sprinkle myself all over." He took out a paper towel to wipe Sue's wine stains every year.

Su every year the body is stiff for a while, a little unaccustomed to Gu Zichen's concern, snatched a paper towel, "I'll come by myself."

Casually wiped a few times, she looked at Zuo Sihan on the ground, hesitated whether to go up to mend a foot.

Pit her home company not to say, also want to let her devote oneself to seek honor, ah bah, he regards her as what person!

Zuo Sihan cried out bitterly: "Su Nian Nian, I knew that you two are still involved! He is engaged to the youngest daughter of Yin's family, and he's still fighting for you. What are you two? When everyone is a fool. "

Gu Zichen quietly got up and kicked him. His strength was a little bit big. Zuo Sihan kept silent for a moment and did not dare to speak again.

"What are you?"

Su's heart is dark and cool every year. He always thinks that Gu Zichen is actually quite handsome

But after finding out that everyone was looking at his side, Su Niannian quickly started acting mode, pointing to Gu Zichen and saying, "how can you do this? It's wrong to hit people. Even if he's making such a cheap act, he will be accepted by God. Violence can't solve the problem."

Gu Zichen puffed the corners of his mouth.

After listening to her words, Zuo Sihan felt more pain and gnawed his teeth: "Su Nian Nian, you'd better ask for more happiness. I'll never help you with your family's affairs."

Every year, Su's face broke down. If it went on like this, the Su family would not go bankrupt, but it would be very turbulent

She gnawed at her fingernails, thinking whether to help Zuo Sihan up, and then do good deeds to give him a 120, so Zuo Sihan will appreciate that she is a good person and help her?

"Even if you apologize to me, I won't help you!" He growled again, a head of curly hair was hanging disorderly in front of his eyes, almost painful to cry.

In fact, he wanted to say, "Su, help me quickly every year. As long as you treat me well, I will help you sob on the ground. It's cool and my body hurts

"Why should she apologize to you? Do you go out without a brain? " Make complaints about the Tucao of Gu Zi Chen, and directly pull up the Soviet year to go outside the restaurant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!