The Scheming Young Master


Lin Ting left for Li City before dawn the next day.

Before he left, he specially went to bid farewell to Luo Yi. Luo Yi turned her body on the bed, lifted up the blanket and covered her head with it. Her voice contained a little confusion that had yet to wake up, as well as displeasure that had been disturbed, "Oh, goodbye."

Lin Ting laughed, and did not call out to her, and turned and closed the door softly.

She wrote: "Don't feel sorry for yourself just to save money. If you fail because of these little things..."

I won't let you go.

Luo Yi muttered under her blanket.

This entire room was filled with traces of Lin Ting. Luo Yi sniffed, and fiercely forced back his tears.

She had actually woken up very early, or it could be said that she hadn't slept at all that night.

She wanted to say her goodbyes to Lin Ting, but she was afraid that if she said it, she would not be able to hold back and cry, causing Lin Ting to be distracted, so she pretended that she was not awake at all. She hid in her blanket and said hoarsely, "Goodbye."

The money she gave Lin Ting was either deceived or stolen from those people yesterday. Lin Ting was stubborn, not to mention that he would not take the money after knowing the source, just persuading him to take his own money was a difficult task. Luo Yi didn't want to waste time talking about these things with him, so when he packed his luggage yesterday, he simply put them inside together. He thought that by the time he found out about the money, he would already be far away.

She sniffed with her nose again, despising herself in her heart, "You're useless. Why are you crying? It's not like he won't come back!"

However, she still felt sad, so she rolled on the bed for a while before getting up and going to the broken temple to pack her things.

He didn't expect there to be someone else in that crappy temple.

When they first met, the night was hazy, adding the black paint on the other party's face, Xu Heng could not see clearly, this person had changed into a clean set of clothes, and then washed his face, and stood in front of him, and realized, this little thief was actually a girl.

He raised his eyebrows unconsciously, a smile flashing across his eyes.

Luo Yi's reaction was extremely fast, the moment she recognized the man, she immediately ran out, and did not want the things inside, what the hell could be more important than her life!

Luo Yi might not be able to explain other things, but she was truly an expert at escaping. However, she had forgotten that the person she had to throw off today was on a completely different level from those who used to pant for breath after taking two steps.

Xu Heng leaned against the wall, his voice and actions both casual. "You run first, I'll let you cover three hundred meters."

In the end, when Luo Yi was panting heavily while being blocked by the unchanging Xu Heng in a certain dead alley, there was no lecherous look on his face at all. "Give me three thousand meters …"

Before she could catch her breath, she stuttered as her cheeks were dyed a shade of red from intense exercise. She looked just like a ripe cherry.

Beautiful and edible.

The phrase that suddenly flashed across Xu Heng's mind made him raise his eyebrows again, and he softly asked: "What are you running for?"

Luo Yi waved her hands, "I'm not running anymore, I've already spent your money, even if you sold me out, it wouldn't be worth your money!"

"If you want to kill me, I want to cut you into pieces …" She raised her head and said with her eyes closed, "Up to you!"

The righteous attitude made Xu Heng speechless for a long time.

The wind blew past his forehead that was drenched in sweat. Luo Yi, who had not heard anything for a long time, quietly opened her right eye a crack to look at the man in front of her.

The approaching arrow even made a slight noise as it tore through the air. Xu Heng saw the arrow that was gradually becoming larger in Luo Yi's eyes. With a cold expression, he grabbed her waist belt with his right hand and flipped backwards in the air to dodge it.

Who would've thought that the second arrow would follow right after?

Xu Heng had learnt martial arts from a young age, so dodging an arrow was not a problem, but they were now in a narrow and dead end, and if he were to dodge the arrow, he would definitely harm Luo Yi accidentally.

He hesitated for a second, and then a thought flashed through his mind, and he stood in front of Luo Yi.

He could roughly guess who sent these people. He also knew that the purpose of this ambush was only to give him a bit of pressure. It wouldn't really harm his life. If that was the case, why bother with a completely unrelated person?

But the pain from the arrow piercing his flesh still made him groan in pain. His body also instinctively moved forward, pressing Luo Yi even tighter under his body.

The man's body emitted a faint pear blossom fragrance, and it was so close that the smell was amplified limitlessly due to psychological factors. Luo Yi panicked for some reason as she used her strength to push the other party away and leaned against the wall, staring at him with a frightened expression.

Was this grandson playing a hooligan?!

You're thinking too much...

He had an arrow on his back, and the passageway was narrow. If he leaned back now, he would definitely push the arrow even deeper. After Xu Heng quickly sorted out the relationships in his heart, he actually slid down along with Luo Yi's strength and sat on the ground with his shoulder leaning against the wall.

Luo Yi was shocked by his movements, she subconsciously thought that the arrow was poisonous, but the person in front of her had already activated her poison, she carefully raised her leg and kicked his leg a few times: "Are you still alive?"

Xu Heng felt that he, who could still laugh in this kind of situation, must be retarded!

Therefore, this retard curled his lips and looked at Luo Yi, his tone intentionally carrying a bit of grievance: "After all, I was also protecting you from that arrow, are you going to curse me like this?"

He said those words skillfully. On one hand, it was true that he was shot because he wanted to save her. On the other hand, this sentence also tactfully hinted at the message that "these people are most likely coming for you" … After all … Judging from her demeanor last night, it was not hard to understand why she was being hunted.

Sure enough, the moment the words left his mouth, Luo Yi fell silent.

Leaving aside the fact that she had offended many influential people in the past, just the four people from last night didn't seem like people to be trifled with. However, no matter how scared she was, she couldn't show it on the surface. Therefore, she bit her lower lip and retorted, "That was also your own wish. I didn't beg for your help!"

As she said this, she turned around to run away.

"Then I beg of you to help me."

Xu Heng said steadily.

Luo Yi was startled.

Honestly speaking, the other party's tone of voice didn't sound like he was showing weakness. As he said this, his expression was also smiling, as if the two of them were just discussing the weather. Therefore, Luo Yi gritted his teeth and ignored him, holding his fist tightly, he ran out of the alleyway.

The peddler at the mouth of the alley was frightened by the figure who suddenly rushed out, he clutched his chest and jumped a big step back. When he realized that the perpetrator was a clean and clean boy, he shouted at her in anger, "Why are you running! Is the ghost trying to take his life?! "

Luo Yi glared at him, her right hand clenched into a fist and she made a threatening gesture, only until the peddler scolded her and stopped looking at her again did she raise her head and take a deep breath at the sky, before patting her chest to restore her calm.

There was no sound from the alley behind him, it was so quiet that it seemed to be devoid of life.

Luo Yi laughed, thinking of the man's skill, how she could not speak in a more stable manner, and how she could only take a step forward.

Later, Xu Heng laid on Lin Ting's bed. The upper half of his body was still naked, and he smiled as he said to Luo Yi who was busy everywhere: "Ugh, your mouth is pretty tough."

Luo Yi raised her hand and threw the medicine she just bought onto Xu Heng's body.

She wasn't really a very good girl, and she had been doing a lot of things to earn a living all these years. However, the old man often said that if she did too much of these things, she would end up in hell, so many times, she was willing to let herself be a kind-hearted person.

That day, she stood alone on the street for a long time before finally walking in and asking, "Help with what?"

Xu Heng sat sideways against the wall, he did not look surprised at all when he saw her leave, he only slowly faced the back of the arrow towards her and said: "Help me pull the arrow, I can't reach it."

As he said that, his face was covered in cold sweat, his expression did not care at all. Luo Yi was enraged, and scolded: "I'm not a doctor, what are you trying to pull out my ass for!"

No matter how inexperienced she was, she knew that drawing a sword was a skill, even if it was an arrow … However, the arrow was not that far off, especially since the arrow was so deep.

Luo Yi gritted her teeth as she circled Xu Heng's right arm around her shoulder, and dragged him all the way back to Lin Ting's house.

The person living next to Lin Ting's house was a young man. He had studied medicine with the town's pharmacy owner for a few years, so all the villagers in this area would look for if they had a headache. More importantly … This man never asked for money.

Tang Yuan raised his hand and knocked on Luo Yi's head.

He had a good relationship with Lin Ting, and was close to him too. Furthermore, Lin Ting had asked him to take care of Luo Yi for a while before he left, so when he spoke, he unconsciously brought along the sternness of a brother: "Do you know who this is? I just brought them to my house. "

Luo Yi laughed while covering her head: "Don't worry, I'm so smart, I won't do anything harmful to myself!"

She pushed Tang Yuan out the door and said, "Do you still have a relationship with the medicine store owner in town? Then let's go buy some medicine together! Maybe he will give me a discount for your sake? "

Saying that, she curled her lips in a spoiled manner, "Now the medicine stores are all like robbing money!"

Tang Yuan had never been able to deal with her personality, so he didn't have the heart to teach her after hearing her words. He could only secretly give her two bags of protective powder and warn her to protect herself well.

Luo Yi replied with a grin, "Got it."

Soon, however, she couldn't smile anymore.

Even with Tang Yuan's help, the money used to buy medicine was not a small amount to Luo Yi. Tang Yuan actually mentioned that he would pay on her behalf, but she was under his care everyday so how could she take advantage of him? Thus, after returning from the medicine store, Luo Yi held onto her chest in pain for a while.

Xu Heng leaned on the headboard, ridiculing her for being useless.

"Isn't it just money?" He reached behind his back, took out a purse and threw it to her. "I'll give it to you."

After saying that, Xu Heng clearly saw Luo Yi's eyes light up.

She took it in a fluster. Her face was clearly filled with the ambition of a lowly person who had gained a lot of benefits, yet she pretended to be concerned about him. "Didn't I steal the money on you? "Where did it come from …"

His unfinished words were suddenly stuck in his throat.

She was extremely familiar with this money bag since it was embroidered for Lin Ting two years ago.

At that time, her embroidery skills were still lacking. She had said that the mandarin ducks would be turned into wild chickens and even she felt that the final product would be ugly, but Lin Ting didn't mind it at all. She treated it like a treasure and kept it on her body all day.

She opened it to take a look and saw quite a lot of crushed silver inside …

Or did she always say they had the same thing in mind?

Luo Yi carried the money bag in her arms and couldn't help but wonder where Lin Ting should be by now.

This girl held the purse in a daze, just like a small beast that had suddenly pulled back its sharp teeth and claws, turning into an unexpected cute appearance. But it miraculously didn't conflict with her original aura at all.

It was as if she had always had this kind of personality.

Xu Heng frowned.

It was clear that this house was not for girls. The words of the man from before had confirmed his guess. However, what kind of situation was it for a girl who had yet to leave the house to enter a man's house so freely?

"Oh …" Luo Yi replied while sniffing her nose: "I am the adopted daughter-in-law of the owner of this house."