The Scheming Young Master


If I move fast enough, you won't be able to catch me

In the thirty-two years since the start of the competition, the Northern Army had invaded the borders of the Li Kingdom, and after half a year of war, they kidnapped the Li Kingdom Emperor who was leading the army on the battlefield.

The Li Kingdom was in chaos, the Thirteenth Prince acted as the government's representative in the face of danger, thus separating the political parties in the imperial court into two factions. One of them was led by the Prime Minister, and advocated for the old emperor to be brought back, while the other stood on the side of the new emperor, advocating for peace and keeping the old emperor as a hostage in the Northern Army.

He did not know what kind of Buddha it was, but he heard that Buddha was someone who could save a life, something that not even he could save, Luo Yi did not believe him.

The wind blew at the door, causing it to creak. Luo Yi paused just before she reached the run-down temple.

The location of this run-down temple was extremely remote. Other than and himself, almost no one else had come here, yet who knew which wind blew erroneously today?

More than one.

Luo Yi hid outside the door and peeked inside the house.

There were four people in the room, all dressed in martial arts attire, with a jade long sword at their waists – he could not tell what the quality of the jade was, but he guessed it could be sold for a good price.

Luo Yi pinched her chin and thought.

Only after a long while did they realise that Luo Yi, who had already been squatting at the door for a long time, had a cold look in her eyes. One of them directly unsheathed his sword and with a slight push on her wrist, his sword pierced through the gap of the door and landed right on the front half of Luo Yi's neck.

Luo Yi was shocked, she covered her neck and fell into the run-down temple, unable to regain her senses for a long time.

The four people in the room had already stopped arguing. At this moment, they were all pointing their swords at him as they said with a deep voice, "Who are you?"

F * ck you!

Luo Yi fumbled the ground with her right hand, pretending to be afraid. As she retreated, he stuttered and said, "I am just a beggar … "I live here …"

While speaking, his fingers came in contact with a slight protrusion, causing Luo Yi's lips to curl up, and the expression on his face to turn into one of arrogance.

The four men were shocked. Before they could react, they saw the person in front of them push down the mechanism. They all jumped up and laughed. "How dare you act so arrogantly in my territory …"

He squatted to the side and looked at the four people who fell into the trap because of the sudden pull of the floor. His delicate eyebrows slightly raised as he said in amusement, "I think it's because they've lived too long."

This trap was made by Lin Ting to guard against wild beasts, so he had put quite a few traps at the bottom of the cave. No matter how good their martial arts were, suddenly falling down from the sky couldn't be avoided, as all of them had been caught in a trap.

Luo Yi looked at them condescendingly. "Do you want to come out?"

"Throw me your money bags."

Although the trap was sharp, it was still used to deal with animals after all. It was not a big threat to those who practiced martial arts, but what made them truly helpless was that the four walls of the trap were incomparably smooth, without any place they could borrow strength from.

After thinking for a while, one of the leaders gritted his teeth and took out a money pouch from his bosom. He then extended his hand to grab the other three and threw it at Luo Yi's feet.

Luo Yi picked it up and weighed it in her palm, then satisfied, she stood up.

"Thank you!"

He waved his right hand at the men and started to walk away.

"Ai!" The people below panicked. "Release us!"

"Release him?" Luo Yi laughed, "Do you think I'm stupid? I can't beat you guys, what if you come out and kill me? Rest assured! After half an incense's time, a rope will fall from the position above your heads and you will be able to climb out by following it. "

"Oh yeah," Luo Yi took something out from her chest pocket and threw it down. "This is medicine, although it is not as good as the ones from the doctors outside, it is more or less useful for the wounds caused by the beast trap."

"This is a small border town with a chaotic situation. Its body is more valuable than anything else."

They had never expected a beggar to say something like that. The four of them were stunned, and the moment they looked down, they realized that a purse had rolled down together with the ointment to their feet.

How could he go out without some money on him!

As if he had completed an incredible feat, Luo Yi hummed a song and walked out.

He took two steps back.

The sword that was previously stuck in the door was shining under the last bit of sunset. Luo Yi bent over to stare for a while, then raised her hand to remove the jade on the sword hilt.

"Hmm …" This thing should sell for a lot of money.

He took a look at the jade pendant and the silver taels before putting them away with satisfaction. Unfortunately, the smile on his face had not fully bloomed, but it had already disappeared in the next second.

The person in the shadows had been standing there for who knows how long, and the gaze that looked at him was somewhat confused.

Luo Yi subconsciously thought that this person was together with the four people in the room, as she instinctively wrapped her arms around her chest in a defensive posture: "You want to take revenge for them?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstand." Xu Heng retorted: "I don't know them."

I really don't know him.

Three days ago, he had departed from the Li Kingdom's capital and had only just arrived at the border. However, when he passed by and saw the four burly men bullying the beggar, he could not bear to see them. He wanted to help, but he witnessed a reversal.

"Really?" Luo Yi still didn't believe him.

Of course!

Xu Heng nodded and guaranteed with a smile on his face.

Luo Yi sized him up suspiciously.

He still felt that that person was not a good person. It was just that according to the rules of the martial arts world, if someone didn't offend him, then he wouldn't. Since the other party did not do anything out of line, he could not take the initiative to start a fight.

However, he still felt a bit uncomfortable. As he passed the man, he held his shoulder and gave him a vicious slam.

The instant their shoulders met, Luo Yi's hand quickly slashed across Xu Heng's waist.

How fast was he?

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Xu Heng finally realized what had happened. He had struck me with the intent of stealing my money pouch.

And at this time, Luo Yi had long since escaped without a trace.

On the way to Lin Ting's house, they would pass by a small river. Luo Yi first washed his face, then hid in the grass to the side to change his clothes before continuing onward as if he had changed his appearance.

Lin Ting grew up with him, they were truly childhood friends, and at the same time, were bookworms. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that they liked him, but only he wouldn't be able to.

Luo Yi helped him pack her things, and when she turned around, her eyebrows wrinkled deeply, "I heard that Li City has been in a mess recently, do you have to go?"

"Don't worry!" Lin Ting scratched Luo Yi's head: "The nation is at the top of the list, it is when us scholars are serving the nation, I will protect myself well."

"Oh …"

knew that there was no point in speaking any further, so he nodded his head.

As if he was amused by his childish actions, Lin Ting rubbed his head again and comforted him: "After I take the examinations, I'll bring you to the Li City and set up an inn for you. I'll hire a few servants so that you can sit in the front hall and count the money."

"I don't care!"

Luo Yi twitched her mouth and turned her head to the side, but she could not hold back her laughter. Her eyes slowly curved into a slit, revealing a girl's smile for the first time today.

She slightly tilted her head, revealing a snow-white neck.

Lin Ting also laughed, and said: "After I leave tomorrow, you should come live at my house. You're a girl, it's not safe to stay in the wilderness all day long."


Perhaps it was because he thought of the farewell the next day, but it was rare for Luo Yi to not talk back, he only obediently nodded, and his expression looked especially obedient.

Both of them were orphans. The only difference was that Luo Yi was born to be abandoned by her parents, while Lin Ting met with misfortune when he was young, and both father and mother died.

And Lin Ting met Luo Yi who was secretly following behind the funeral procession and stealing money on the day her parents were buried.

His age was about the same, but his stature was nearly a full circle smaller than his. Two eyes the size of grapes hung on his dirty face, making him seem a lot more agile.

Lin Ting suddenly thought of himself.

He landed on the ground and grabbed the delicate hand.

When Xiao Yu arrived, both of their hands were ice-cold. When Luo Yi was grabbed by the wrist, he panicked and subconsciously wanted to beg for forgiveness, but when he looked up, he met a pair of incredibly clean eyes.

The owner of the eye was smiling at her until the skin they had come into contact with was warmed by each other's warmth.

So they became brothers and sisters who depended on each other for their lives.

At that time, they were still young, so living together wasn't inappropriate. However, they were not related by blood, so as they grew older, more and more people started to gossip. In the end, almost everyone who met Lin Ting would cheerfully ask: "Hey, isn't that child's wife of yours with you?"

This was still considered good, especially after Luo Yi's words had sounded out once more. Some people's words were even more unbearable to hear. Lin Ting was afraid that she would be wronged, so she took the initiative to move out.

But at that time, he was preparing for the Imperial examinations, and Luo Yi was worried that it would affect him, so she didn't agree to it. The two of them shivered for less than half a month, and in the end, Lin Ting still took a step back.

They didn't have much money and couldn't afford to stay in the tavern, so Luo Yi randomly found a run-down temple to stay in.

Lin Ting wandered around the broken temple, and the more he went, the more he felt uncomfortable in his heart. However, Luo Yi did not care, and casually sat down on the ground, and started to console him.

For convenience, Luo Yi went out dressed like a man. After a while, she truly treated herself as a rough guy. However, no matter how much she didn't care, there would always be someone who truly treated her as a treasured pet.

"It's a girl, what are you talking about!"

Lin Ting glared at her. Luo Yi straightened his sitting posture, and made a pained sound: "Oh …"

Don't act like I'm bullying you...

Lin Ting was helpless, he looked at her coldly for a while, but he was still defeated by her act of being wronged, he raised his hand and touched the top of her head, and his eyes gradually lit up.

"I'm afraid of you."

He smiled, and the faint smile in his eyes almost lit up the night sky.