The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 983: You are a lunatic one

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"The bow of the Normandy is completely finished, but the rest of the hull is not damaged. After emergency repairs, it can be towed back to Toulon for repairs, and it will be repaired in about 4 to 5 months." The First Battleship Squadron Major General Gepratt replied.

"15 hours, this is quite tolerable." Admiral Laperel thought for a while and said. He is at a loss now, really at a loss, because he doesn't know what he can do now. Logically speaking, a battleship must be pulled back for repairs after being severely damaged, but in this environment, the damaged battleship is towed at a speed of less than 10 knots, without the **** of a battleship detachment, do you dare to go out? ? Don't forget, the Austro-Hungarian fleet is still watching in the Adriatic Sea. But if you send a battleship to cover, it will undoubtedly distract your strength and give your opponent a chance.

Therefore, the current situation is that it is difficult for the lieutenant general to make a decision. Moreover, the current port has proven to be unsafe. The Allied submarine deployed mines nearby. Last night, the Allied submarine came in a circle, and I was unlucky. Now, will there be more and more submarines coming? What should I do? This is troublesome. "We can't stay here anymore, we need to change to a temporary anchorage." Admiral Laperel said in his heart.

"In addition, contact the British and ask them to urge the Japanese fleet to be faster. My fleet has been deployed outside for too long and needs to be rotated and rested. At this time, the Germans are likely to come out and make trouble." Rapperel confirmed two things. The first thing was that he needed to change the anchorage, and the second thing was to ask the Japanese fleet to come over. He had vaguely felt that Earl Spey would cause trouble for himself. , But what is unexpected is that this trouble has come so quickly!

"Your Excellency Commander, I suddenly found a problem. Our current speed is about 20 knots, which is about 38 kilometers when converted into kilometers. The distance of our route is about 700 kilometers. Wait until we reach Crete. When it’s nearby, it should already be night, and then we hide somewhere for the night, and then choose to fight the opponent the next day?" The Fleet Chief of Staff Schultz inferred on the chart with others. After this time, he said with some confusion.

As soon as he spoke, the crowd suddenly realized that it was already night when they passed by! Get a haircut at this time! Of course, the fleet can try to increase the speed to 25 knots or more, in which case the approach time will be earlier, but the earl rejected this suggestion. And now it seems that if this speed has been maintained, then in the best case, they can only reach the Crimea Islands after dark!

"If we increase the speed to 26-27 knots, then we still have about three hours of daylight." Schultz looked at the silent earl and said. This is not Schultz bragging, but because the speed of the fast battleship under the Earl can really reach 27 knots!

Although both the Austro-Hungarian Joint Force-class battleships and the two battleships ordered by Turkey are based on the Helgeland-class battleships, there are differences. In order to meet their respective combat environments, each class of battleships actually has Slightly different. The German High Seas Fleet uses the original version, which is quite satisfactory. Because the Su Xiong fleet is an ocean-going operation, considering the maintainability and endurance, it uses ordinary water tube boilers to reduce maintenance pressure and increase the amount of fuel carried. Su Xiong's warship is about 1,700 tons heavier than the original Helgeland class.

The Helgeland in the Mediterranean does not have such a long voyage, so the fuel carrying capacity is relatively low, and because Turkish oil is not as valuable as coal. Therefore, three-quarters of all boilers are pure oil-fired boilers, and the other quarter are kerosene mixed-fired boilers. Because of this measure, the weight of the power system is somewhat less under similar power. However, heavy oil-based battleships can travel farther than coal-fired battleships under the same fuel load. Therefore, if the unified standard is used, the displacement of the Mediterranean version of the Helgeland-class battleship in combat is much smaller. When the weight is small and is basically the same in other circumstances, the speed will naturally be faster. And because the oil-fired boiler can be fully automatically filled with fuel, the manpower requirement is lower when it continues to sail.

According to the ideas of Schultz and others, Earl Spey is now going out happily, and then going in a circle at the highest speed, although it is a bit rough, at least it is feasible. As Count Luknar said, if his teacher just walked around in a circle, it would be easy, and most of the fleet officers and soldiers might have no objection. However, the situation is wrong now! Pass at this speed? It's dark! The day lilies are cold, it is impossible to open slices during the Do you wait in the Aegean Sea overnight? That being the case, why not leave later? Are you more prepared? Does it start the next day anyway?

"You, you are not going to plan." Rear Admiral Schultz thought of another possibility, a situation of engagement that so far the major naval powers in the world are trying to avoid. And since entering the steam battleship era, nothing has happened! "You are not planning to fight at night?" Schultz shook involuntarily when he said this. This idea is a bit crazy!

Thinking of this, almost everyone seems to have recollected it. This speed has passed, and just from the perspective of time, if it is not done tomorrow, then it is safe to start work tonight? Night fight? ! This has always been known for its high risk and uncertainty. For the Army, it is understandable that there is nothing to fight a night battle. Whether it is for a sneak attack to gain advantage, or to save the battle when the situation is not good, it can all be tried. But in terms of naval battles, especially now that naval battles are not a last resort, no one wants to try night battles! Because the army is gone, it can be supplemented quickly. If the navy is finished at once, it will be troublesome to supplement.

Moreover, naval engagement is too risky for capital ships. A torpedo or mine can cause severe damage or even loss to a battleship. The scarcity of naval capital ships determines that most people avoid night battles. For most people, the current situation is far from the time when it is impossible not to fight. What happened to Lieutenant General Spey? Why must there be a large-scale night battle?

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