The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 982: Before the war

"Then let me know, but the time is too late. I mean, no matter what the situation on the Austro-Hungarian Empire is. We have to go out and have a look. We have been here for too long. The deck of the warship is long. On the moss!" said the count.

In fact, he still had an idea. The Hipper fleet, which is comparable to his own fleet, made a big news, and the Scheer fleet, which was stronger than his own, made even bigger news. Su Xiong, who is weaker than himself, actually made two big news in the Indian Ocean! He won the title of Lieutenant General of Blood soon after the war, and then tied the Queen in 2v2. The earl thinks that his level is not bad. At that time, the commander of the main fleet of the High Seas Fleet was on a par with Scheer and Hipper. Wasn't Su Xiong still a prince? Pulled into the fleet, at best, is the fleet deputy. And now? Ashamed! The earl hides his face.

"Everyone, I can guarantee that after the French suffered a loss this time, it will be difficult for our submarines to find such an opportunity. The Japanese will return soon. At that time, we will not be able to face the full 10 fearless and super The fearless Confederate navy, instead of sitting alone and defending by that time. Why don't we fight? This is the closest we can get to victory!" The earl supported the table with both hands and leaned forward slightly. Like a lion ready to hunt. Comes with a shocking aura!

"Would you take the cruiser, then?" Colonel Milenkovic asked.

"Don't take it for now. Their speed is too slow and it will drag the fleet. We just need to bring the destroyer." The count pondered for a while and asked, "Any other questions?"

"Nothing," everyone replied.

"Well, let's act now!" the earl said confidently. "In addition, if I remember correctly, it seems that Crown Prince Ruprecht is in Vienna now? Please help me in the telegram to say hello." The entire meeting did not last long, and it was only necessary to allocate tasks, prepare, and set sail. More than half an hour. At the beginning of the day, the Earl’s fleet had passed through the Marmara Sea and the Dardanelles and entered the Aegean Sea! (The Earl’s fleet was not deployed in Constantinople at this time, but in the Marmara Sea near the strait)

When a red sun rose from the sea, the four capital ships of the Earl were sailing towards Crete in a single formation. Beside them were 12 destroyers. When the sun finally popped out of the sea, it was suddenly golden light, covering the entire fleet of warships with a layer of golden light. Accompanied by the refraction of the sea water, a halo of real and magic shrouded the sea!

"Today's weather is really good, it's very suitable for a good fight." The earl stood on the bridge and looked at his fleet in the distance, saying ambitiously.

Although the action has been hurried, the Earl has a general plan for the upcoming battle. Castelli is not a suitable target. Even if one battleship is damaged, the French still have 3 super fearless and 2 fearless there. , The combat strength is strong, and there is an armored cruiser detachment on the nearby island of Antikythera, and another French fleet is deployed in the Gulf of Honia to the east, and rushes over by itself, then in the Gulf of Honia. The French fleet can completely copy its own way. So this kind of action is very risky, after all, no matter how fast the speed is, it will not work if you are surrounded!

Therefore, the Earl’s goal is to choose the 2 Gupa-class battleships and 6 Dandong-class battleships in the Niah Bay. The area of ​​this bay is relatively large. The French fleet is also dispersed and deployed in it. As long as you move fast enough, you can Before the other party reacted, he got some benefits.

That's right, the earl did not intend to completely repulse the French fleet in one move, because this is unrealistic, just as the prince did not think that a major decisive battle could break the situation in the North Sea. If the earl focused his attack on the super fearlessness and solitude of the French, then there would be no need to fight, because he couldn't fight! 4v8, the number of other warships in the family is several times that of yours. Just like the prince would not put the target of the attack on the large fleet first, both sides chose to take the opponent's weaker warship to start. As for the strongest part, don't see each other if you can! Can't afford it.

Count Spey was not sure whether the French were indifferent, or whether they were shrinking the fleet or taking other actions. He could not be sure. If all the pureblood dreadnoughts and super dreadnoughts were concentrated, 7 dreadnoughts, plus The previous armored cruiser squadron and a large number of destroyers were still not something the earl could afford. But that’s okay, as long as the French don’t bring all the fleet together, they can always take advantage of coming out today!

"Teacher, if you plan to get a handful and leave, then this operation is not difficult, but if you want to achieve our strategic goals, I am afraid that one time is not enough. And Austria-Hungary will cooperate with us. Is it?" Lieutenant Colonel Lukner, who is the staff officer of the fleet and a student of Earl Spey, said from the side.

"Naturally, an action cannot be effective. This is just a prelude. Now that it has reached a critical moment, what can I do without a fight? This time I just hope to build our confidence through a victory!" Earl Spey said.

Just as the Spey fleet killed off, the French were also busy in a mess. And a transport ship trying to rush out of the port was accompanied by a loud noise and was directly blown to both ends by a mine, the French was completely calm!

"All the large ships stayed in minesweeper immediately cleared the channel! Cleared the minefield where we originally deployed a channel. The Germans laid mines when they left again!" Commanded Admiral of the Great Victory.

"Our situation seems to be terrible. How's the situation in the channel? Can we still go out?" the lieutenant general asked Major General Gaprat, the commander of the First Battleship Unit next to him.

"The boat is okay. The big boat may be a little difficult, and even if we can go out now, we can't use the hull to clear mines." The major general said helplessly.

"Then how long will we be able to clear a passage? Also, what is the status of the Normandy now?" the lieutenant admiral asked.

"If it is to clean the original passage, I am afraid it will take two days, because we have to deal with the shipwreck. If we sweep a passage from our own minefield, it may take 15 hours, because in addition to In addition to the mines, we also need to remove obstacles and underwater anti-submarine nets." An officer next to it said.

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