The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 981: Critical

"If the other party can't deliberately lie, then I think the accuracy of this information will be very high, the submarine's attack range is very close, and the water surface lighting at the time is good, and the confirmation of the results is not difficult. I think, Admiral House Wouldn't you think that your subordinates deliberately lied about the military situation?" After speaking, the prince looked at the Austro-Hungarian fleet commander.

"Of course not. Captain Lersch is a submarine commander in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. His experience and morals cannot be questioned." Admiral House said.

"That means, do you think this is an opportunity?"

"Uh. If Earl Spey decides to act, then I am willing to cooperate with the Allied Mediterranean Fleet. Lieutenant Admiral Negovan personally directs the fleet and strives to rendezvous with the Earl." Admiral House felt like he was being circumvented by the prince. If you don’t agree with this telegram, you’ll hit yourself in the face, and if you agree, you must command the fleet to the Aegean Sea and meet the Earl of Spey, and then hand over half of the Austrian-Hungarian fleet to the Germans.

"Well, that's it. Anyway, this is an order from His Majesty the Emperor. I just have to follow it. Prince Ruprecht is also very knowledgeable in naval warfare. He won't pit us?" One point, Admiral House was a bit resigned. The other party is well-founded and well-founded. I can't seem to say negative words.

"I think we should seek the advice of frontline generals. For example, Earl Spey, is his fleet ready to attack? If his fleet is not suitable for attack, then we should not force him, you say Is that right?" Tirpitz thought for a while and said.

"No problem, we can send a telegram to inquire now." After speaking, the prince turned to Admiral House: "Your Excellency, tell your subordinates to prepare immediately before the attack. I'm sure, Earl Spey can't wait. He drew the sword in his hand!"

"How did you guess?" Tirpitz asked. "You won't have passed us and contacted the earl directly?"

"Of course I didn't contact in advance. Count Spey is a courageous and responsible person. He is not as conservative as you think." The prince said without any doubt. "Never put the mindset of an office worker on a real general."

And at this moment, an officer came in and sent a telegram to the prince and others. When Tirpitz saw the telegram, his face changed suddenly, with mixed expressions of surprise and confusion. They appeared together on the wrinkled face. In the end, there was a trace of flushing and a trace of shame on her face.

"His Royal Highness, there is no need to send a message. Count Spey has sent a telegram. His fleet is about to take action and hopes that the Austro-Hungarian Navy can provide cooperation." Tirpitz handed the telegram to a nearby person. The prince said with shame.

"The count is still a bit reckless. Didn't he consider the situation of the Austro-Hungarian fleet? If Admiral House's fleet is not ready..." Tirpitz is still a little puzzled Said.

"First, the count believes that the Austro-Hungarian fleet does not want to break through the blockade and fight with German allies all the time. Second, if this happens, the count will act as before, because this opportunity is really rare!"

Count Spey received the news about two hours before the prince. When his subordinate, the captain of the fast battleship Prinz Eugen, Major General Velennik of Austria-Hungary, woke up in his sleep with a telegram from the submarine ub-12. It was only 5 o'clock in the morning when Earl Spey.

"Call all the fast battleship captains for a meeting now! Now, now, now!" The earl glanced at the telegram quickly, like a lion waking up.

"Now?" Major General Velennick said unexpectedly.

"Of course! I have waited for this day for too long. I have been thinking of a way to break the deadlock. Unexpectedly, your country's submarine has become the key to breaking the French blockade chain!" The earl patted the other side friendly on the shoulder. ! "Now you have done a good job, it's time for us to act, and order the fleet to prepare for life and set sail! Auxiliary warships clean the waters outside the strait!"

"And we haven't verified the accuracy of this message!" The major general couldn't help raising his voice.

"We'll know if we go out? Anyway, they won't be able to catch us." Earl Spey said indifferently. As he said, if the intelligence is wrong, he should just go out for a cruise. It is difficult for the Germans to break through. Aegean blockade, but that low-speed battleship of the French wanted to capture the fast battleship of the Earl? Then wash and sleep.

Count Spey had this understanding of fighters. When it is difficult for the other party to keep It's always right to go out and run, what if you run into it? We are the navy, we are going to gallop across the sea, not fishing in the harbor!

Ten minutes later, Earl Spey, his deputy, the captain of the Turkish Navy Sultan Osman I, Colonel Melkel, the captain of the Resadiye, and the captain of the Prinz Eugen, Pachner The Brigadier General and Colonel Milenkovitch, captain of the Tegerhof, all came to the meeting room of Sultan Osman I.

"I think everyone has seen the information. Our comrades in the Adriatic Sea helped us kill a French battleship and carried out mine-laying on the port. We are in very good condition now. Some French battleships will be temporarily trapped in the port. In the face of the two dreadnoughts and a group of Dandong at another berth, I think we have an overwhelming advantage. Considering some French warships performing **** missions, the fleet they can use in Crete is very Limited, I think this is an opportunity! An opportunity to break the deadlock, what's your opinion?" The count said concisely.

"I agree, this is an opportunity." Colonel Melkel is the earl's old partner. When the earl was the captain, he was the earl's gunner. When the earl was the commander of the squadron, he was the captain of the light cruiser squadron. Now, when the earl becomes the lieutenant general, this buddy has finally become the captain of the capital ship. He has a clear attitude towards the earl’s orders, as long as If it makes sense, then firmly support it.

"Are we going to contact Vienna? We better need their cooperation." Major General Vilener asked. He is the commander of the Austro-Hungarian fleet, so he thinks he should be notified first.