The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 974: Mediterranean Sea

And because the Eastern Mediterranean is near the home of the two Allied submarine forces, the frequency of attacks is more frequent, so that the ships that supplied the French fleet deployed by the Allied countries in Alexandria are all sunk, and once again in the night siege of the wolves. Even though there were two French cruisers and four destroyers escorting, the transport fleet numbered KSP-11 was still killed by nine transport ships, and incidentally, one French cruiser was also sunk. No way, because the Eastern Mediterranean is too small, this transport fleet directly ran into 3 groups in one night, a total of 11 various submarines!

Therefore, in order to ensure the suppression and blockade of the Allied fleet, the French Navy adopted a two-side blocking strategy. For the Austria-Hungarian fleet in the Adriatic Sea, the Allies deployed a blockade of the Otranto Strait, mainly using a small number of mines, trawlers and fishing trawlers. Small warships conduct an alert blockade. The main force of the French fleet was deployed between Port Matrouh and Port Alexandria, concentrating its efforts to blockade the Aegean Sea.

And the result of this arrangement is that the Allied Mediterranean Fleet under the command of Earl Spey wants to rush out of the Aegean Sea during the day, so it will inevitably have to have a fight with the French because the place is too small to avoid it. The Austro-Hungarian fleet has gained greater freedom. Capital ships can sometimes enter the Mediterranean Sea. However, before the service of the St. Esteban, the Austro-Hungarian fleet did not dare to leave the Adriatic Sea too far. , What should I do if I am blocked by the opponent?

Moreover, as far as the division of the Chinese people is concerned, Austria-Hungary is not cheap to take advantage of. For example, let 6 Dandong and 1 Brestany class battleships carry half a dozen cruisers, and 1 dozen destroyers block the Otranto Strait, and let others If the 7 fearless and super fearless and the remaining pre-fearless, armored cruisers block the Aegean Sea, neither the Austro-Hungarian fleet nor the Spey fleet can deal with their own enemies!

However, with the service of the San Esteban, some changes have taken place in the direction of the Adriatic Sea, and the French fleet seems to be in poor condition after months of operations. After all, the French fleet There are dozens of warships and auxiliary ships together.

Although Alexandria is a relatively large port, it is not a military port prepared to accommodate most of the warships of the fourth naval power! So, from this point of view, the French have only two options. The first option is to go back for supply and maintenance in batches and stages, and the other option is to go back together... And the opportunity the prince is waiting for is this time! Only at this time, this big net that controls the entire Eastern Mediterranean may have loopholes! And this is an important reason why the prince intends to take action!

"Well, everyone, talk about the latest developments in the French fleet!" After Admiral House arrived, the three of Prince Ruprecht, Tirpitz and House began to plan the fleet transfer.

"His Majesty the Emperor has agreed to my plan. Most of the remaining main battleships of the Austro-Hungarian fleet, including 2 Joint Force-class fast battleships and 2 Radez-class battleships, will go to the Aegean Sea and command the Earl of Spey. The Mediterranean Fleet of the Allied Powers converged.” Facing Admiral House, the prince explained his intentions.

"In that case, we respect the emperor's orders, but can Istanbul provide supplies for the entire fleet? Also, how can we break through the opponent's blockade? If we want to enter the Aegean Sea, we will definitely encounter the French main fleet. ." Admiral House said.

"I admit that it is very difficult, but if we do not act, then we will only be defeated by the Allies, thinking that the Japanese, they have reached some kind of deal with the British, the Japanese fleet will come soon, if our fleet If it is still so scattered, then it will only be blocked by the opponent in the port. Of course, this is not the most terrible. If the Allied Powers launch landing operations in the Dardanelles, then if we fail, the battle will be disruptive. Yes! Russia will receive foreign aid, so even from this point of view, we must strengthen our forces in the Dardanelles!" said the prince.

The current situation is like this, and it has reached the point where it must be changed. Although the Austro-Hungarian fleet and the Spey fleet are still inferior to their opponents after the confluence, the 6 fast battleships gathered together can at least play a speed advantage and deal with the opponent's fleet. The bigger threat is that 4 Helgeland will not be able to fight 4 Brestanis and 4 Guptas, but if there are 6 ships, it will be worthwhile! Although the overall strength is still inferior to the opponent, just like in the North Sea, at least in a key comparison, the Allied fleet has an advantage!

And to take a step back, even if you can't go to sea to fight, when the Allied powers launch the Dardanelles battle, the battleships of the Allied powers can also give huge support to the ground forces. In the historical battle of the Dardanelles, the British and French allied forces could invest 500,000. This time, with the Japanese providing cannon fodder, it is possible to increase by 200,000! In order to ensure that the Dardanelles is foolproof, the prince believes that this alone is worthy of the support of the Austro-Hungarian fleet!

"If that's the case, what about our coastal areas?" Admiral House asked.

"Are you still worried about the Allied Powers launching large-scale landing operations in coastal areas? We can set up minefields on the Adriatic coast and arrange submarines. Even if the Allies launch large-scale landing operations, it does not matter. I have the final say on the above question." The prince said confidently.

The prince is not worried about the Allied power launching a landing operation in the Adriatic Sea. Why? Because it's useless! Launching a landing operation in the Dardanelles can open up the Black Sea channel and transport supplies to Russia, and can destroy the most essential part of the Turkish Empire. You can cut off the ties between Germany, Austria and Turkey. It can be said that there are many benefits. But what are the benefits of launching a large-scale landing operation in the Adriatic Sea?

There is no need to open up a new battlefield, because Serbia, Macedonia and other countries are already competing with the Allies. And now it's playing pretty well, it has entered the Austro-Hungarian Empire... The situation is very good, and Britain and France can't afford to spend a lot of manpower and material resources on another move. Moreover, the Balkan battlefield itself is a secondary aspect. Good and bad will not have a great impact on the overall situation, even if Serbia is finished? For Britain and France, it is nothing. The Balkan theater has collapsed in history. Didn't Britain and France still win the first battle? Therefore, it is not necessary to launch a landing operation in the Adriatic Sea, and it is an extremely cost-effective operation!

The battle in the Mediterranean will be officially launched tomorrow, with two changes today. Please subscribe for a reward~~~!