The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 973: Mediterranean F1

If you want to make a battle plan, you must first figure out the fleet situation of both sides! Now, after synthesizing the basic conditions of the Allied Mediterranean Fleet, Austria-Hungary Fleet, and Allied Fleet sent by Tirpitz and others, a general framework has appeared in the Prince's mind.

The first is the 4 super-dreadnought battleships of the Allied Fleet. Almost all of these 4 battleships are based on the German Helgeland-class fast battleships. They are the Tegerhof and Prince Eugen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Sultan Osman I and Reshadia ordered by the Ottoman Turkish Empire from Germany. At the same time, there are two Mainz-class armored cruisers donated from Germany. Of course, these two cruisers are named by the Turks as Redbeard Hayredding and Amidiya. And a number of light cruisers and destroyers. Among them, the total number of warships over 1,000 tons does not exceed 20.

And Austria-Hungary, trapped in the Adriatic Sea, also has two super-dreadnought battleships, namely the Joint Force and the St. Esteban. And 3 quasi-dreadnought ships, or fearless, this is the Radtz-class battleship. The Austro-Hungarian Empire finally chose a larger artillery plan instead of the Mainz-class armored cruiser recommended by the prince. The difference between the former dreadnoughts of the Radtz class is that the four twin 240mm guns at the four corners have become four single-loaded 12-inch guns. In addition, there is an Austro-Hungarian version of "Mainz" using steam turbines, as well as some light cruisers and a large number of destroyers.

Of course, in order to break the diplomatic relationship, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also has a large-scale submarine force, with a total of 2 brigades, each with 3 squadrons, and a squadron with 4 to 6 submarines. There are currently about 32 training submarines connected.

The French fleet they need to face is much stronger. In terms of battleships, the French fleet now has 4 Brestani-class super-dreadnought battleships (including 2 provided by Italy) and 4 Gudau-class dreadnought battleships. There is also a Brestani class battleship under construction. Simply judging from the combat effectiveness of the Dreadnought-class battleships, the French fleet is stronger than either of the two Allied fleets. But it is better to join forces.

However, not all battlefields are as high as in the North Sea battlefield, and warships below the fearless have no human rights. The two sides of the Mediterranean still have to pull the front dreadnought to fight! The French have a huge advantage in being fearless!

Are you afraid of the 6 Dandong-class battleships? Similar to the Radtz-class battleships of this plane, 3 of the 6 Dandong-class battleships have also undergone similar improvements. The 6-seat twin-mounted 240mm heavy guns on the side strings have been replaced with 6 single-mounted 12-inch guns. This turned their sidestring firepower into seven 12-inch guns. These six quasi-dreadnoughts (dreadnoughts) formed the third battleship detachment in the French Mediterranean.

In addition, the remaining 6 former dreadnoughts that can be used as one form the fourth battleship detachment. In this way, the French Mediterranean Fleet has gathered up to 12 former dreadnoughts! Judging from this number alone, it has stabilized the Allied fleet at this level. When the French dreadnoughts and the Allied dreadnoughts fired at each other, and the latter had no time to take care of, these former dreadnoughts went up, and it was quite terrifying!

In addition to the former dreadnoughts that are several times more powerful, the French fleet also has nearly 200,000-ton armored cruisers! And 12 of the best were deployed in the Mediterranean Fleet! On the Allied side, there are only three armored cruisers. Although the performance of the latter is better, it is impossible for you to fight 4 in one, right? !

And next to these battleships and cruisers are at least 6 destroyer squadrons, each with 6 destroyers, and a total of 36 destroyers throw away the Allied fleet two streets! And they can get reinforcements. On the Confederate side, the destroyers built by Austria-Hungary could not go out, and the destroyers built by Turkey needed to purchase German power systems. And the construction speed is too slow.

Originally in the situation of very weak troops, the Allied fleet was dispersed to two places, and everyone was crowded in the very crowded Eastern Mediterranean! The French fleet also acquired the island of Malta and Alexandria as pillars, and several other ports as the network's maritime bases. Both military strength and geographical advantages have taken up considerable advantages.

Had it not been for the last joint force-class super-dreadnought ship San Esteban, the situation at sea would be even worse! It is very difficult to rely on guerrilla tactics similar to the prince's implementation in the North Sea to gain an advantage, because the Eastern Mediterranean is too small, too calm, and the weather is too good. So during the day the attack will almost be discovered, and if you go far, once the French navy blocks the west entrance of the Dardanelles, the Spey fleet will not be able to go back, and then 4 super fearless will beat others 4 super fearless Adding 4 dreadnoughts is simply too much.

The Austrian-Hungarian side is even more difficult to find out. If you want to enter the Mediterranean, you must first pass through the Otranto Strait in the southern Adriatic Sea. The narrowest point of this strait is only 75km. It is very easy to monitor, and because Italy is inclined to the Allied powers, the French navy has eyeliners on the Italian side of the Adriatic Sea ~ which makes the operations of the Austro-Hungarian fleet more difficult. On the whole, the situation of Earl Spey’s fleet is severe. This is why the North Sea and the Indian Ocean have made big news, and the battlefield of the Mediterranean is still stagnant!

However, compared with the situation where the surface fleet is unable to do anything, the Allied underwater fleet has managed to kill the four sides. If it is analyzed, the French Navy is far worse than the British Empire! The British were caught off guard by the attack of the German wolves, so the French could only perform worse in the face of Austro-Hungarian and the Allied submarine forces based in the Dardanelles!

In this plane, although German submarines have not traveled far to the Mediterranean to fight in many oceans, relying on the Austro-Hungarian Navy and more than three dozen submarines deployed in Turkey, the Allied Mediterranean submarine formation was launched in the first month after the war began. The record of sinking 38 various ships with a total tonnage of 120,000 tons! Then, in the following months, it climbed again and again. Last month, under the torpedoes, artillery, and mines of dozens of submarines, there were 102 ships of various kinds, each with a total tonnage of 250,000 tons. Kind of ship was sunk! Under the continuous submarine warfare, the French fleet did not have much trouble, but the transport fleet was frightened!

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