The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 944: But so

And like the Japanese offense, the firepower can be considered equal. Although the long-range artillery is inferior, the number of rapid-fire guns is large, and the force has a huge advantage. It is understandable if you choose to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses and launch an attack at night. I won't talk about this for the time being, but after the subsequent breakthroughs by the Japanese, the entire Japanese army was completely dismissed.

The Japanese are playing too loose! And it's too "to bully the soft and fear the hard." In Germany’s military textbooks in 1906, it was mentioned that the distance between infantry should be about 2.5 meters, and it can be expanded if necessary, but the maximum cannot exceed 8 meters. Otherwise, the offensive commander cannot gather the troops and fight. Just hitting it will become a herding sheep!

What about the Japanese now? Although their commandos are very tight internally, there is no connection between the various commandos. After the troops penetrated the surface defenses, they did not consolidate and expand the breakthrough, but chose to continue deepening! Well, you can go deeper. After all, Japanese are also humans. You are not a superman wearing underwear. How many weapons you can carry and how long you can fight are all limited by manpower. Materially decides you can't fight far!

Why did the German Storm Commando break through in history? Do you really think it depends solely on the firepower in the hands of soldiers and simple combined forces? That's just prying through a gap. Artillery support from the rear and follow-up of a large number of troops are indispensable. A steady stream of reinforcements tore open the opponent's defense line, expand the breach, and even shake this defense line is the right way to solve the opponent's defense. And what do the Japanese do?

Maybe they have fought too much with the Russians. The Japanese also think that the military of other countries, like the Russians, are slow to react, lack subjective initiative, and have weak firepower. Once a breakthrough is made, they can be shaken across the board, right? In fact, this is half right. The armies of more than 90% of the countries in the world are like this. At that time, Germany, France and Britain were definitely not included! Otherwise, the war is over!

The Japanese have a transitional pursuit of offensive speed. Facing most of the support points, they choose to bypass rather than destroy. According to common sense, it is possible to bypass a few support points that cannot be broken through. That is called agility, but you Want to bypass most support points and then crush the opponent's defense? Then there are only two possibilities. One possibility is that the opponent is a fool, and the support points will not be arranged, so that most of them will not work. Another possibility is that the attacker is daydreaming. Obviously Germans will not be the first type of people, so it can only be the Japanese who are the second type!

The war has been going on for several months. If at this time the Germans still come up with the kind of defense line that can be penetrated by just one wave on the opposite side, then the German team has been defeated early. Although it is a non-key area, it is in the armored force and the air force. In the context of playing an increasingly important role, the Germans' defenses are also rising. It doesn't matter if a hole is opened in the defense, but it is also okay for the Japanese to make several channels. But these are not fatal!

Hakoo Akiyama has already discovered some of these problems. For example, the bunker groups with very good card locations greatly restricted the deployment of troops. But why did Qiu Shan Hao Gu still choose to detour? Because they discovered that after penetrating several lines of defense, the German line of defense is an open area. The Japanese have a simple idea. If they can penetrate the line of defense as soon as possible and then gather in the open area, then no matter whether they continue to tear the line of defense or develop in depth, can. And the German defense line seems to have a chance to be penetrated by night attack, so Akiyama Kogu, who doesn't trust his firepower so much, wants to be smart.

However, when Akiyama did this, he fell directly into the trap of Major General von Seckert. The German defense force had two divisions, followed by a reserve division, while the Japanese army had four divisions. A standard Japanese division is larger than a German division. About 3,000 more people. If the German army is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, if it is a step-by-step defense, if it is dead on the defense line, the defense line may be able to hold it, but the result will never be good. After all, the support firepower of both sides is similar, and the number of people is more than you. This is also a cost It's bigger.

Hans von Seckert can become the father of the "One Hundred Thousand Wehrmacht" in history, and that is definitely something. Therefore, combined with the battlefield, he came up with a plan similar to flexible defense. In fact, no matter which line of defense, the number of German troops is not large, and the weapons deployed are not too powerful. If someone looks at the setting of Seckett's line of defense at this time, he will find that his line of defense is more like a set of closer points, rather than a continuous line of defense.

Seckett did not intend to keep the enemy out of the position at all. He concentrated most of the heavy weapons, mobile forces, and armored battalions assigned to him behind the front. The purpose is to wait for the Japanese army to cross the line of defense and give a heavy blow when the Japanese army regroups. If the Japanese fight steadily and step by step to strip the support points on the defense line, then Seckett’s method will fail. After the overall defensive line is shaken, the three Japanese troops will advance together. The Germans have no chance, then Seckett can only be honest. Die with the opponent, but now it seems?

It seems that the Japanese wanted to take tricks and only removed a few blockades, the openings were not big enough, the troops were too scattered, and besides the troops in the temple had sufficient fire support, the other troops lacked accompanying artillery. In this case, it is in Seckett's arms! If the Japanese attack step by step Although slow, the artillery and subsequent reinforcements can keep up in time, but now? The Japanese army who pursued speed will naturally have problems elsewhere!

"Well, we have won half of it, let's watch the rest!" Seckett said vigorously. "Don't worry about the slowest army, let them move slowly in the trenches. The fastest one can be blocked by the last line of defense. We need to gather most of the elite to meet the British tanks. And the other Japanese army behind." Seckett ordered.

"Do we need to contact the reserve team?" an adjutant next to him asked.

"The reserve team still needs it. Let them prepare, but we don't have to use them yet." Seckett thought for a while and said. The current situation is that the Germans have certain advantages at the operational level, but how are they playing at the tactical level? But it's hard to say. He now needs to leave enough reserve teams to deal with emergencies. After all, if the troops used to contain Takao Suzuki can't stop them, they still need this reserve team to close the gap.

The third one is here~! Please subscribe for a reward~! (To be continued...)