The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 943: Open two

The attack of the 3rd Division was also exposed because of booby mines and flares. Like the 2nd Division, it launched a pig attack. However, the artillery suppression of the 3rd Division and the coordination of the infantry were really bad. The artillery’s cover shooting was about to end. However, the assaulting Japanese troops are still entangled between the minefield and the barbed wire. Either the Shaosha machine gun in his hand and the German MG machine gun are shooting at each other. Although the Germans have no defense, it is impossible to break through in a short time. This is a physical gap, and it cannot be changed simply by will.

On the other hand, Juichi Terauchi’s attacking speed was quite satisfactory. Although not as fast as Takao Suzuki, it also attacked more smoothly than the third. He was the first Japanese officer to incorporate British tanks into the attacking force. Although the tank’s assault capability at night is very bad, it is still quite powerful as a forward direct fire. After all, the combat effectiveness of the 57mm cannon is much stronger than that of the infantry gun. Although it is not fast, it is more stable and in use. After removing several support points from the flat-fire artillery, the attack surface of the division within the temple is the broadest!

"Okay, don’t worry. Judging from the current opponent’s offensive characteristics, this should be the Japanese army that has just arrived on the battlefield, not the British and French forces. So, let’s not worry at all. Let’s summarize the intelligence and analyze these. The Japanese combat method." Major General Hans von Seckert, the commander-in-chief of the German defense forces, raised his eyes and said calmly. He didn't put the firefight outside in his eyes.

"The idea of ​​the Japanese is really unexpected. They chose to launch a sneak attack at night, which caught us by surprise. This is certain. They can smoothly cross our cordon and first line of defense in the middle of the night. , But it’s okay. Our defense system is originally characterized by greater depth, and the gains and losses of surface positions are not important."

"The Japanese army was very sharp in the mid-range attack (Second Division). To be honest, I was a little surprised by their artillery preparations. Many of the artillery fired at very close distances, and they aimed directly at the artillery. If possible, I would love to Know how they did it. But the lightest artillery is still artillery, and ammunition is also a big burden, and the Japanese should not have too many long-range artillery, so for us, the other side’s The offensive will not last."

"As for, is this the slowest unit? Well, they don't have to worry about it, because I don't see any advantages of this unit. One unit has insufficient firepower, and it started sneak attacks but failed to achieve a breakthrough, entangled with the opponent's cordon. , The troops that have been unable to open up the situation for a long time have no future. We can ignore it for the time being." Major General Seckett didn't even care about Utsunomiya Taro's third division. In his opinion, this level is also the level of the Russians. There is no need to worry about what flowers can be turned out.

"What really needs to be concerned about is this unit. It seems that they are acting together with the British armored units?" Seckett asked the staff nearby.

"That's it. Although the British tanks did not try to pass through our trenches and defense lines at night, their direct firepower caused us a lot of trouble. If nothing else, after daybreak, the Japanese occupied the surface positions. , And then these British tanks will come over."

"Compared with the Japanese army in the middle, I feel the threat of this unit is greater!" General Seckett clicked heavily on the map.

Although Seckett’s troops were not elite troops, otherwise they would have been drawn to the vicinity of Paris and confronted the British and French forces. His 19th Army was a half-new force, and the equipment was not very good. But no matter how bad it is, there is an armored battalion. Moreover, Hans von Seckert used to serve as the chief of staff of the First Army. The theoretical and practical tactical qualities are definitely sufficient. At least he has experienced all the battles Kruger fought before he was decentralized. In terms of actual combat level, it is much higher than the Japanese who fought in the Russo-Japanese War. Sometimes the actual combat experience is not based on how long you have fought, but on whom you have fought!

In fact, in Seckett's view, this was a complete containment operation. Except for the Japanese, neither the Anglo-French coalition nor the Germans believed that Japan was capable of smoothing out this breach. Originally, Seckert’s boss, Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, had not prepared a reserve division as a reserve team, but now, in Seckert’s view, if it is a pure defense, it seems that it is not necessary. Up.

Because in the eyes of Hans von Seckert, the Japanese attack so far, although there are tactics, but from the overall environment, it is already half lost! In his view, Japan has emphasized the importance of sneak attacks in transition, thus ignoring other important battlefield factors.

Hans von Seckert once communicated with the Bavarian Legion. He praised the prince's words very much. The war is won by the right fit! This strange word originally thought Seckett was relying on tactics, but later, the prince’s explanation was surplus, or he could become an ambush or reserve. The correct understanding of this sentence is that in addition to conventional means on the battlefield, a reserve team must be left to overcome the overall situation at a critical moment. Judging from these six words, there is no such thing as too many crooked ways. For a battle that cannot be done at once, if you want to rely on some cleverness to win ~ that can only be said to be too much!

After all, the current war is very mature. It is almost impossible to directly smash the opponent to death by virtue of one aspect of the advantage! Especially, the cleverness of the Japanese is not smart in his opinion. Isn't it just a night attack? Don’t Europeans really know that visibility is poor at dark?

Small-scale sneak attacks have been carried out by Britain and France. They have used the darkness before dawn to launch attacks. They have also been carried out by Britain and France, but why don't they engage in the midnight pig attack? The reason is simple. Both Britain and France believe that the probability of success is not high! Sneak attack at night, if you fight an encounter, the probability of success is indeed high, but if you attack a modern army's long-run defense line? That's too much!

Why did the offensive at the Battle of Verdun in history choose 8 o'clock in the morning? Why did the Battle of the Somme in Britain and France choose early morning? The reason is simple. The offensive team is generally fully prepared. At least it must have a local advantage in terms of technical arms and strength to launch an offense. In the dark or bad weather, the defending team’s firepower is naturally weakened, and the offensive team is also affected. Weaken, don't forget, you were originally the advantage.

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