The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 937: Conflict of tactical ideas

The Shaosha machine gun itself is not light. It weighs 9.5 kilograms with a magazine. With the bayonet holder and bayonet made by the Japanese, it weighs more than 2 digits. With a bullet and a magazine weighing about 10kg, and a machine gun weighing more than 10kg with a bayonet? what are you thinking? Although the Shaosha machine gun is cheaper and worse, it is not for you to fight with a bayonet. You want to fight with a bayonet to give you a wooden gun!

Another thing that the French did not understand was that in order to improve the Japanese army's ability to clean up trenches, the French planned to equip the Japanese with a group of Mauser C98 automatic pistols imitated by the Spanish. The mp series submachine guns equipped by the Germans shocked the French in close combat, and the submachine guns of the Allies have not yet come out. In other words, there is no large-scale equipment force, so a batch of Mauser automatic pistols were imported in emergency. Originally, the French intended to help the Japanese provide melee combat capabilities, so they also allocated a group of Japanese.

This Mauser pistol is a long-barreled Mauser pistol equipped with 20 rounds of magazines. The biggest difference between this Mauser pistol and ordinary Mauser pistol is the length of the barrel. The length of this one purchased by the French is quite long. The general Mauser pistol has only the barrel and the gunshot length. Coupled with the shoulder rest made of the gun case behind the pistol, relying on the longer barrel, this pistol can be used as a carbine. Although it is the basis of a pistol after all, it can't be compared with the regular German mp series submachine gun, but it is a good melee weapon.

But the Japanese obviously don't buy it.... In the eyes of the Japanese, this weapon is too big as a pistol, and as a rifle, the effective range is too close. After all, the barrel length is incomparable to a rifle, and the bullet is still a pistol. The pistol can be used as a self-defense weapon, and the rifle has better long-distance accuracy. After a gunman carries this Mauser version of the carbine, he must not be able to carry a rifle. Therefore, the Japanese believe that their soldiers are good enough that they can clean up their opponents by using long-range precision shooting. This kind of "half height not low" firearms should be forgotten.

"Very well, we saved a lot of money for purchases. Believe me, brother, those stubby guys from the Far East will sooner or later run into a bloodshed in front of the German defense line! They think that Lao Tzu is number one in the world. In fact, there is no use other than wasting some German ammunition. By the way, they also wasted our rations!" Lieutenant Pierre, who was in charge of liaising with Shouichi Teraichi’s troops, was merciless in the conversation with his colleagues. The irony of the conservative and stubbornness of the Japanese Army!

How do you say it? Artillery is the **** of war. At least in World War I, this sentence was absolutely correct. Therefore, rifles and machine guns actually did not have much weight on the scale of war. The most important thing is artillery. Originally, the French did not plan to assign many artillery to the Japanese troops, but soon, when they were making plans, they found that they did not have enough tanks to provide cover for Japan, and then a certain conscientious judge suddenly said that they would not give Japan. It doesn't matter if people are attached to special tanks, after all, we don't have many. But if even the basic artillery cannot be guaranteed, does the Japanese army have any other role besides killing it?

General Robert Neville explained this issue from another angle: "We spent a lot of money on these mercenaries and equipped them with enough equipment. If we just throw them away, no matter economically or from From a political point of view, we are all at a loss... at least to be worthwhile?"

After contacting the Japanese and learning that there were many "old gunners" in the Japanese army who had served in the Russo-Japanese War, the French finally decided to equip the Japanese army with a larger independent artillery unit. In order to make full use of the "surplus value" of these gunners.

Considering the current situation of the French Army, the number of long-range artillery and heavy artillery on my own side is not too large, so naturally it is impossible to equip the Japanese. The gunner is definitely a technical unit. This thing is not like a machine gun. It is for you. Just a few weeks of practice can make do with it. Instead, they have to undergo systematic training. Now, the French obviously do not have the time and energy to familiarize the Japanese with the complete French artillery system.

"It's better to equip them with a large number of 75mm rapid-fire guns. There are many such guns, and even if the Japanese use these guns as large rifles, they can still play some role." General Petain said.

"As a division-level combat unit, it’s not good to have a 75mm rapid-fire gun alone? Some light howitzers should always be given, so let’s give two artillery companies first. In addition, if the French army is in difficulty, , Then our British Army is willing to provide some tanks for the Japanese Army.” said a British representative who attended the meeting.

The French had two large-scale tears with the armored forces of the Bavarian Army in a row, and more than ten small-scale tears. Even if the opponents are exhausted, the armored forces on my side are about to collapse... After the prince returned to the Eastern Front with his troops, the French hurriedly recovered, but the chariot is almost the most technologically advanced guy at the moment, can it be said that recovery will be restored? Therefore, the number of French tanks is still relatively low. Of course, what is more deadly is the heavy loss of personnel.

In this era, people who have driven cars Fengmao Water chestnut and even fewer people have driven cars and tractors! The gold in the beach is what will protect the tractor after driving the tractor! As for the relationship between driving a tank and driving a tractor? Very simple, the French ft10 gearbox is the tractor gearbox... The pull rod is so scary that it won't work without the strength. Considering the stability of the current tank, if there is a tank driver’s license level 4 exam, how to drive a tank will account for 30% of the score, how to fight a 30% of the score, and how to troubleshoot various faults and maintenance will account for 4 components.. ..... Yes, you read that right, learning how to maintain the tank is equivalent to the written part of the future exam!

Therefore, the French can give the Japanese a lot of Shaosha machine guns, a sufficient amount of Hodgkiss machine guns, an extra 75mm gun, and even for humanitarian and face issues, they can also give a howitzer, no matter how large the system is. Some Japanese troops may also obtain howitzers. But want a tank? Save it! France doesn’t have enough of this stuff. Give you back? How many French divisions attacked without tank cover? As for training Japanese tankers? Maybe I have this plan in the next six months, but now? Forget it, in the eyes of the French, these Japanese may be considered brave in war, but it is unrealistic to fiddle with sophisticated things!

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