The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 936: French infantry tactics tutorial 2

"When shooting while on the move, I suggest that you use semi-automatic shooting as much as possible instead of fully automatic. This is not because you are worried about your ammunition consumption, but because this machine gun can fire 300 rounds in a short time even if it is well maintained. After the bullet, shooting must be stopped because the barrel is overheated. This natural cooling process may take several minutes."

"Well, lads, start to feel the firepower of the Shaosha machine gun." Pierre walked to a shooting range, and then steadily held the machine gun in his hand, and fired a long shot very easily. Single shot. After a while, about three or four bullet holes appeared on the target 150 meters away.

The Japanese sergeant next to him was not so good. The first time he used this weapon, except for the first few bullets, it was considered reliable, and the rest did not know where he was flying. Then the Japanese who thought they were losing face decisively lay down on the ground, using a prone position to increase stability. He opened the bipod and aimed at the distant target.

"No, friend, wait, it won't work!" Before Pierre could stop the latter, the Japanese sergeant let out a scream as the machine gun screamed. Because of the long recoil principle, the back of the receiver of the Shaosha machine gun can easily hit the face of the shooter in prone position when shooting continuously! Unfortunately, this sergeant was slapped in the face. Historically, Shaosha was called a slap shot in the French army. This shows that the man-machine function of this gun is really not good.

After staggering for three weeks of training, the Japanese finally got a general understanding of the French weapons in their opponents. Among them, it took only 3 days to learn to shoot, and the rest of the world is to learn how to maintain their hands. Weapons, such as how to clean up dust and mud due to the many large openings on Qiang's body. For example, how to protect the fragile magazines. The Japanese found that the magazines on their bodies are easily crushed when they suddenly fall down. Moreover, when the magazines are full, the z-shaped springs in the magazines are easy to fatigue. And lose flexibility.

However, this is not all Shaosha’s problem. Soon, some Japanese soldiers responded that when the bullet is soiled, it will not be loaded and the gun cannot be locked. If the gun is overheated, contaminated or carbon deposits, it will not be able to shoot automatically. , And what’s more terrible is that this machine gun cannot be disassembled to troubleshoot... In other words, after it was broken, besides the French praying to God, and the Japanese praying to Amaterasu, this gun could not be counted on....

(If the evaluation of the history of the Allies is still to be discussed, then the German evaluation is sufficient to prove the failure of the Shaosha machine gun. The German machine gunner will conduct various training including Lewis machine guns and Madsen machine guns on the battlefield. You can find the machine gun training, but there is no training for the Shaosha machine gun... It can be seen that the Germans dismiss this.)

Soon the Japanese quickly cooled down from their excitement after accepting the new equipment. Especially after seeing the Lewis machine gun during a visit to the British firepower display, they were very dissatisfied with the British and French approach. The Lewis machine gun was 47 rounds. Playing drums can shoot 10 rounds per second, while Shaosha only has three rounds per second. Not to mention bad man and machine. Finally, when the Japanese asked why the French produced such an inferior machine gun, the French explained it simply because it was cheap and convenient to produce!

Historically, the French used a large number of techniques such as stamping, welding, and welding when producing this machine gun, with fewer parts. So the French produced 247,000 during World War I! In the same period, there were only 50,000 Lewis machine guns equipped by China, the United States and Britain in the first battle! From the beginning of World War I to the discontinuation of Lewis machine guns in 1946, a total of 148,000 units were produced!

How about the Lewis machine gun? Very good, Bissosa did not know where the higher was, but unfortunately, the cost was too high. In 1915, a Lewis machine gun cost 165 pounds! What does this cost mean? A British mk tank is only 5000 pounds! So, from this perspective, Shaosha is indeed very successful, at least let the French have a lot of automatic firepower!

Mastering the weapons in their hands is only the first step for the Japanese army to familiarize themselves with the European battlefields. They also need to learn a new set of tactics, how to fight small-scale infantry with machine guns as the core, and how to launch large-scale operations under the cover of artillery and tanks. . And just the small-scale cooperation of a dozen people before made the original Japanese army feel quite uncomfortable.

In history, the German Storm Commando was once prominent. In fact, the French were also very good in infantry tactics in the middle and late stages. Of course, because of the terrible weapons in their hands, the group holding the Shaosha machine guns will certainly not be able to do the Germans with the mg15 light machine guns under normal circumstances...

But you can’t say that the French army’s tactics are not good. On this plane, the French have already pointed out a squad platoon combat mode based on machine guns and grenade players. A standard French infantry platoon consists of three combat teams, which are equipped with squads. The machine gun group of the sand machine gun consists of 4 people, including a shooter and two ammunition shooters. Generally speaking, each ammunition shooter will carry a special backpack containing 12 magazines and a handbag that can hold 4 magazines. Then there is a grenade team equipped with grenade launchers, and the remaining infantry forms a support team, responsible for cover and carrying more ammunition.

The French combat mode is actually almost the same as that of the German gun group suppression, grenade guns fixed-point clearance, infantry is responsible for occupation and clearance. The Germans’ approach was to destroy the machine guns with a flat-fire attack and the grenade hand’s curved attack. The attack power was stronger, but it was not the French tactics that caused this problem, but because the Shaosha machine gun firepower was really a problem. In addition to the poor firing speed, the accuracy It's not too bad, facing small targets or single targets, the recommended range of the Shaosha machine gun is 100 to 200 meters, while the range of the machine gun in the German hands is about 400 meters...

And this squad-style assault tactic is undoubtedly brand new to the Japanese army. It is completely different from the swarms of assaults carried out by the soldiers in the battalion once they charge in the Russo-Japanese War. Although, not long ago, the French played the same way. Rough.

There are not too many technical requirements for a simple pig-style attack, and now, when the French try to hand over their tactical concepts and combat styles to the Japanese army who has no elementary school education level, the problem is too big. Although the Japanese have more powerful weapons, their stubbornness still caused the French to be surprised. Apart from anything else, the French do not understand. Why do the Japanese have to install bayonets on all machine guns?

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