The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 932: Munich Agreement in the Far East

“Japan’s victory over the western part of the New Guinea Islands is already at the limit. The area here is no larger than that of the Philippines as a whole. This is already the limit of your country’s national power. If you have more, it will probably consume your country’s limited national power. "In a meeting room of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the British special envoy, former Prime Minister Henry Campbell Banner, is having the final round of substantive consultations with the Japanese Prime Minister on the issue of the Far East. The meeting has been going on for 3 hours. But the differences between the two sides are still huge.

"The Netherlands, a country with only the tip of a needle, a country that has already fallen, can actually control such a vast piece of land thousands of miles away. This is out of fashion. It is also unfair. The strong should have enough living space. Since the Dutch This land can be turned into a fertile ground filled with gold, so why can’t the Japanese Empire work? We have defeated Russia. I don’t think that our national strength is enough to support our actions. Your Excellency cannot justify this."

"We have been discussing this issue for several days. I originally thought that your country should be interested in when our fleet will leave for the Indian Ocean to pay the Suxiong fleet. But why bother with an unrelated country? The Netherlands? Not our ally, your country does not need to stand up for them, right?" Kataro said, seemingly annoyed. The words are also sharper.

"We are just admonishing your country from the perspective of an ally, and if the entire East Indies, it may irritate the United States even more, they might also start. After all, the Dutch East Indies are also undefended for the Americans. By then, is your country planning to repeat the Bismarck Sea incident?" Campbell said.

"The Americans are not ready, and their main fleet is shrinking on the mainland. Even in Hawaii, there is no reliable force all the time." After turning the conversation, Kataro continued: "In fact, your country is most worried about the future relationship between the two countries, right? After being bewitched by a certain article, I began to be wary of us. I am worried that one day, when we are no longer friends, the overly powerful Japan will be a threat to your country, is that right?"

"No, we don't mean it. We want to see your country strong." Campbell denied.

"That's good. Let's back down. Sumatra can maintain the status quo, and your fleet in the Far East and Singapore's fortresses can still fully control the Strait of Malacca-the key passage in and out of the Far East. This is enough to ensure the safety of India. How?" Said Kataro.

"This..." Campbell thought that Japan would eventually choose to make concessions, but the initial concession was not very large. What the Japanese throw away is things they absolutely cannot get. As a maritime country, the United Kingdom is very Actually, the obsession with controlling the arteries of sea traffic everywhere is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. If the Japanese had to take Sumatra by force, there might not be a war between Britain and Japan, but the British would surely seduce them in secret, even if Japan refused to send troops as a threat, it would not work!

"Sulawesi can also be considered." Finally, Campbell thought for a while and said.

"So good, our opinion is very close, the Japanese Empire can take a step back! There will be a buffer zone between us and your country in Australia. We are not in the islands of Timor Island, Tanimbar Islands, etc. Will move. Can this already show our sincerity?" said Kataro.

"Then your country just wants to get Sulawesi, half of New Guinea and the islands in between? I think we have already negotiated." Campbell said.

"No, no, no. You misunderstood what I meant. The most interesting place for the empire is Kalimantan! Here is the oil that the empire needs most. It is also the foundation for the rise of the empire. This place, whether your country supports it or not, we We have to win! And in order to show our sincerity, I can let the Dutch continue to occupy Java Island and its nearby islands! Katsutaro finally played the last card of the Japanese government!"

"The island of Kalimantan is so big that you can't eat it. Isn't your country afraid of indigestion?" Campbell did not say one more thing, that is, there are not only the Dutch colonies on Kalimantan, but also the British Empire. Colony! For such a country as greedy as hyenas, the British must also beware of three points!

The British have absolutely reason to say that. Kalimantan is indeed very large. As the third largest island in the world, Kalimantan has an area of ​​734,000 square kilometers, which is about the same as Guinea, the second largest island in the world. That is 785,000 square kilometers. Although part of it is controlled by the United Kingdom, the Netherlands owns most of the area, accounting for 73% of the entire island area. There is currently the largest oil field in the entire Far East and rich in mineral resources such as gold, copper, bauxite, and magnesium.

This is undoubtedly a cornucopia for any country. The Dutch have developed here for hundreds of years, but what about the Japanese? As long as we occupy here and directly take over the industries here, it will definitely greatly promote the future development of Japan. Moreover, there are not many people here, so it is easy to control. Unlike Java Island, a small island has more than half of the population of the entire Dutch East Indies! It can be said that the value here is much greater than the value of all the remaining islands that Japan wants to obtain!

"There is actually no need to discuss this Regardless of whether your country agrees or is willing to assist us, this is a must. Of course, if the British Empire is willing to help us, then the Japanese Empire absolutely It will be rewarded that the Suxiong fleet running across the Indian Ocean will no longer be difficult. It is even possible to assist the British and French coalition forces in capturing the Dardanelles and to open up contact with Russia. For this reason, we are willing to provide at least 60,000 combat troops!"

"On the second day after we signed the treaty, we can use manual personnel. After we have won all the territory we deserve, the troops can go to Europe immediately!" Kataro played another trump card! How about the level of Japanese politicians in the Taisho period was much better than those of the madmen during World War II, and the Japanese captured the vital points of the British very well!

Generally speaking, from the perspective of the battlefield, the Allied Powers are very disadvantaged. Britain and France have strong industries and equipment production capacity is higher than that of Germany, but their number of personnel is limited. Moreover, the front line of the Western Front is very short, which is good for defense but not good for offense.

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