The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 931: Plainly

"The United States enters the war? Haha, stop kidding, how can the Americans enter the war for this? They wish the war would last longer and be more violent, and then the European countries would die together. Americans. Not a friend of the Allies, but definitely not a friend of the Allies." The prince smiled and said, but believe me, the Americans will regret giving up pressure on the South Pacific.

"The Americans choose to ease, and it may be us who are most affected, but the loss of the United States is probably not big, right?" Calipute said.

"Haha." The prince sneered. "For the two countries in confrontation, the strength of their opponents is equal to the weakening of themselves. After the Japanese vacate their hands, they will help the British with peace of mind? Are the Japanese so kind? You guys, you underestimate the Japanese ambitions. Up."

"Japan will never be satisfied with invading some islands from the Pacific Ocean. To be honest, the value of these islands is more embodied in military strategy, which determines the strategic depth between the United States and Japan. But the economic value is very small, so, In order to make their wallet more full, they will definitely take other actions." The prince said.

"So what do you think the Japanese would do?" Calypte asked.

"After two days, you can read the newspaper. Although it has been a long time since you have published an article in the newspaper, this time, if you operate it well, there will be unexpected results!" The prince sold it off.

A few days later, such a commentary appeared in newspapers in Germany and some neutral countries. In the article, the author described what Japan did in extremely spicy writing. And use very profound language to analyze the possible strategic actions of Japan in the next step.

"Japan, this demon from the East once again showed a hideous face in front of the world. They did not stop after seizing part of the colonies originally transferred to the United States from our country, and even planned to swallow them all, and they did not hesitate to resort to force. The entire East Asia and Southeast Asia have gradually fallen under the control of this demon. Although the Japanese chose to retreat temporarily under international pressure, they will never let it go!"

"When the Japanese marching eastward is temporarily frustrated, these greedy hyenas will definitely choose a new direction as a breakthrough. In the north, they already have the Philippines, and in the west, they are the Japanese ally. So now, the Japanese Where do you want to develop? The answer is naturally the colony of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Far East!"

"Dutch East India, what a vast land is, there are nearly 2 million square kilometers of land area, as well as a broader sea area, there are rich oil, rubber, copper and other non-ferrous metal resources, There are tropical crops such as rice and cane sugar, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands lacks the ability to protect all of them. Faced with Japan, a country with no bottom line, it is simply undefended here!"

"In peacetime, Japan's pressure from a great power may be able to barely suppress the restlessness in its own heart, but now? Japan has changed from a small country in the Far East to the most powerful country in the region! It controls most of Southeast Asia. Great Britain and France have also become accomplices of the Japanese. There is no power to stop the Japanese in the entire Far East!"

"More than 20 years ago, Japan launched a war against the Qing Dynasty. Most people in the world chose to be silent, allowing this country to obtain hundreds of millions of taels of silver in compensation and huge commercial convenience. In 1898, the Japanese did not declare a war. They attacked the American fleet and took the Philippines into their hands, achieving a qualitative overflight! In the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, the Japanese repeated their old tricks. They even defeated a European power and completely established themselves as the number one in the Far East. The status of a powerful country. And now, they are ready to make a leap from a regional power to a world-class power!"

"We don't know how far the Japanese ambitions will eventually swell! When the vast East and Southeast Asia cannot satisfy Japan's appetite, they may even go west and cross the Strait of Malacca into the Indian Ocean, and may continue east and enter Oceania. Who knows? But one thing is certain is that Japan will never stop its footsteps unless this arrogant and evil country finally collapses!"

Such an article falls in the eyes of ordinary people, and it is just a matter of looking at it. But in the eyes of genuine people or leaders of countries related to the situation, the information contained in it is quite huge! The first to bear the brunt is naturally the Dutch who may lose their colony. The Dutch government asked the British government on the second day whether Britain had any binding force on certain countries within the Allied Powers.

The British have a noncommittal attitude towards this. They just said to try to maintain regional stability. However, with the outbreak of the European War, the British have no ability to stop certain countries. In the eyes of the Dutch, such a reply is already quite dangerous.

The Dutchman's actions were expected by the prince. But it is not the focus of Ruprecht's attention. The ambition of the Japanese is definitely not small. What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when the First World War broke out. When the Japanese knew that the German Pacific colony in their hands was not secure, they would naturally choose to find a "guaranteed income." Unlike the related agreements between the United States and Germany, Germany has no obligation and no need to uphold justice for the Dutch. It is even more unlikely that Britain and France will fall out with the Japanese for the sake of the Therefore, in the eyes of the prince, it is certain that Japan will act on the Dutch East Indies on this plane. It is only a matter of time and to eat How many questions.

As for this behavior of the Japanese, Ruprecht does not matter. First, the Netherlands and Germany do not have much direct relationship. Secondly, if Japan really eats the Dutch East Indies, then for the United States It's definitely the last big stimulus.

In line with the principle of strengthening its opponents and weakening itself, the United States will definitely go further and further away from the Allied Powers even if it will not do it itself! And strengthen the support for the allies. Even after the First World War, the United States will seek cooperation with Germany on the Far East issue in order to contain Japan. And this result is what the prince absolutely wants to see. But the only regret now is that the President of the United States is not Theodore Roosevelt, nor Wilson. It was William Taft who lacked courage.

What the prince did not expect was that his own article made the Japanese feel a crisis. After all, the impact of such a large-scale swallowing operation was a little big. In line with the principle that the things that fall into one's pocket are one's own, Britain and Japan have launched a series of negotiations on these matters!

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