The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 914: Nagasaki Port Waiyi

At Berth No. 1 in Nagasaki Port, a huge warship is docking at the dock. Just today, Japan’s Fuso-class battleship No. 3 Hyuga officially joined the Japanese Navy’s combat sequence, and the ship’s status is Nagasaki Port. It stands to reason that this is the Fuso class, the third ship after the Japanese government called "the world's largest and strongest battleship". The flagship Fuso class attracted the attention of the world when it was in service. Its huge tonnage and 10 15-inch cannons aroused the world's naval world's wonder. When this warship was first put into service, some people combined it with the German Bavarian-class battleship and the British Queen Elizabeth-class battleship into the world's three heroes.

But when this class of battleships have been in service one after another, the world doesn’t pay much attention to this. After all, everything is fresh. Think about it. There are now 6 Bavarian-class battleships, which are under construction, outfitting and waiting. There are also 6 ships in service... The British Queen has served 5 ships, and there are 3 more under construction, not to mention the R-class battleships. Although the battleships with 15-inch guns are top-notch, they are just like that.... Everyone has seen too much, and has little interest. Of course, it must be certain that the Fuso-class battleship is still the world's first in tonnage.

Not to mention that observers in the world's navy sector are already a little tired of aesthetics, the Japanese navy is a little tired, after all, there is a fourth ship that is about to enter service. The normal battleship service ceremony is actually nothing special, but this time, because of the arrival of a special person, the whole service ceremony has undergone some subtle changes. After the British special envoy David Lloyd George arrived here with the Japanese Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Katsutaro, the service of the warship was full of political implications.

In the eyes of outsiders, this matter is full of weirdness. It is not a big deal to have foreigners participating in the service ceremony of the warship, but it is different if the person who comes is the plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom! The Prime Minister of Japan even came here, and the implications are even more extraordinary. Of course, the most interesting thing is that Katsutaro was born in the army and accompanied the British to participate in the naval service ceremonies... This thing is a bit chatty in Japan, where the land and the sea are opposed....

Well, this last point is actually not important. Katsutaro is not just a soldier. As a politician, he can use the power of the navy as long as he needs it. Now, Katsutaro is wandering on the front deck of the battleship Fuso with the British envoy. The naval personnel on the side avoided it far, providing enough room for the two big men to talk.

"How do you feel about this battleship, your excellency?" Standing next to the second turret of the battleship Hyuga, Keitaro pointed his finger at the huge turret.

"A very good battleship, as good as the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships of the British Empire, but there are a few in number." Lloyd George frowned, thinking about it for a while.

In the eyes of this arrogant British envoy, Katsura's statement was very unfriendly. In his opinion, this is no longer a matter of showing off, but a threat! The Japanese are not stupid. They already know about Thomas’ defeat in the Indian Ocean siege and suppression operations, and they also learned about the heavy damage to the British Royal Navy’s fast fleet in the North Sea. Although the specific situation is not clear, the approximate losses are also known. There is no way, after all, the Germans are eager to publicize this matter all over the world. Even photos of the sinking of the British battleship are posted on the front page of each issue!

"The war in the North Sea is the ultimate confrontation between great powers. The Japanese Empire does not yet have the ability to participate, but if it only deals with the two fast battleships raging in the Indian Ocean, it will also be easy for the empire. The so-called ruler is shortened, There are times when the British Empire is beyond reach. This is also the reason why there are vertical and horizontal alliances, and the fundamental reason why there are allied nations!" Katsura did not care about the other party's attitude, but continued to talk.

"General Thomas is hunting down the Suxiong fleet. Our maritime transportation in the Indian Ocean has basically resumed. I believe that the victory report will reach Tokyo soon. I will notify you as soon as possible." Lloyd George said calmly.

"Can we put aside the political differences and discuss the current situation? From a purely military perspective, although I am not a navy and you have no experience in the military, from the current situation, the situation in your country is very different. Good. Our Admiralty personnel have deduced the situation of the two sides in the future. If nothing else, General Thomas’s fleet will soon return to the North Sea, right? After all, the Germans called the Battle of the Dorger Sandbar that just ended In the battle for the Thunder-Surbrus battle, the Royal Navy sank 6 capital ships. There must be battleships to make up for this lack of combat power, right?"

"Of course, I know that the British Empire's berth is working overtime to build new warships. But again, the Germans are not idle, at the Blom-Forth Shipyard, at the Royal William Shipyard, at the Kiel Navy At the shipyard, the Germans are also building 6 other Bavarian-class battleships. Think about the appearance of 12 Bavarian-class battleships on the North Sea. This is really a trembling sight!" Kataro said with some yearning ~www.novelhall. com~ I am not saying these things here for the purpose of angering you. I am just explaining a fact, a fact that your country has to face up to. Maybe you are dissatisfied or even a little angry, but I have to say that it is because With this opportunity, you can come here and discuss certain things with me on this battleship. "

"As long as your country puts the Empire of Japan in a suitable position, then we can at least guarantee the safety of the Indian Ocean route. This is already very good for your country? The raw materials of India and Southeast Asia, the soldiers of Australia and New Zealand can Shipped continuously to Europe through the Indian Ocean.” Kataro said sincerely.

"Your country has always overlooked a problem, that is, Japan is also a member of the Allies. If we fail, will your country be spared? If the war goes unsuccessfully, we can at least negotiate with the Germans. After all, Britain, France and Russia are all The first-class country, Germany is under tremendous pressure, and their material imports are completely blocked by us, but what about Japan? Without our support, how is Japan prepared to face the revenge and anger of the United States and Germany?" Finally, the British Started to fight back!

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