The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 915: Nagasaki Port Wai 2

"The Far East is actually not important to the empire. After the Russo-Japanese War ended, the British Empire actually recognized your country’s dominant position in the Far East. We are cooperative rather than competitive. But some countries are not like this. Americans think If you want to come in, it's just taking pictures of the Anglo-Japanese alliance and dare not act. If one day, because of your country, the alliance agreement becomes invalid, then how can Japan face the powerful US-German coalition?"

"Think about it, a total of 12 Bavarian-class battleships and American New Mexico-class battleships, Nevada-class battleships and New York-class battleships. The grandeur of these more than 20 ultra-dreadnought battleships gathered in the Western Pacific? Of course, if Germany and the United States are two countries. If you are in a better mood, you may return to Tokyo Bay for a stroll. This is also possible. At that time, will your country have a choice? Or in other words, will your country have a choice?" Lloyd George said There was a hint of sarcasm in it.

"After the war, the Germans will send all the fleet to help the Americans? Are you kidding me?" Kataro sneered.

"I admit that what I said was a bit wrong, too. It is not guilty of sending the entire high seas fleet to deal with the Japanese navy. In the North Sea, we lost 6 capital ships, which was not a big trauma to the British Empire fleet. If it is changed to the Japanese Navy, I am afraid that the combined fleet will become a thing of the past, right?" Lloyd George said with a serious smile on his face.

“It’s really uncomfortable to lose the newly occupied territory, but it’s not unacceptable. After all, we still have the Philippines, and the American naval base is still on the other side of the ocean. But what about the British Empire? If this fails, the German high seas The fleet is nailed to the throat of your country like a dagger. I am afraid that from now on, the empire will become a thing of the past, right?” Kataro felt the difficulty of each other. At this time, Britain and Japan need each other. , Who is missing, the other side is uncomfortable. Japan has no immediate worries, but far-reaching disasters. Britain is now facing a life and death battle. Mutual cooperation and cooperation are the way for both parties to survive.

After another round of mutual harm, the two sides rationally chose to avoid the topic of who needs whom, and the topic of how you played so hard recently. Both Keitaro and Lloyd George are aware of this degree. Harm can't scare each other, after all, people who can represent two empires are not scared!

"We are facing common threats, and some countries have malicious intent on the world order we have built. For our common interests, we sincerely cooperate. The French have lost hundreds of thousands of troops on the battlefield, and the Russians have lost troops. The number is almost 1 million. Every day, millions of pounds of funds are turned into shells and supplies, and then consumed on the terrifying battlefield. The lives of countless people and the wealth of the great powers accumulated for hundreds of years are rapidly consumed in this war. And the Japanese Empire, as the fourth important member of the Allied Powers, counts allies like a miser all day, this should not be." Lloyd George said a little excitedly.

"We do not deny the efforts made by Britain, France and Russia in this war to save the world order. You did this because you have enough rewards. After the war is won, Britain will remain on this planet. The most powerful country, and the French also avenged the revenge of the year, taking back Alsace and Lorraine, and even the Ruhr area of ​​Germany must be allocated to France. France has become the number one in Western Europe again Powerful country!"

"And Russia? They can include parts of East Prussia and Galicia of the Austro-Hungarian Empire into their territory, and it is even possible to obtain the coveted Black Sea estuary. There is also the Transcaucasus region, and then what As Russia’s agent in the Balkans, Serbia can also take a share of the collapsed Austro-Hungarian Empire."

"These are only partial changes. Think about the German colonies in other places, Angola, German West Africa (Namibia), German East Africa, and German Mozambique. These places will eventually be divided into the British and French colonial systems. Well, what a big place is this, more than 4 million square kilometers of land! By the way, there is the Middle East after the collapse of the Turkish Empire. I think if the Allied Powers win, I am afraid that you may not need to go through the border procedures if you want to visit Jerusalem. . And the Mesopotamia, where there is a lot of oil."

"That's good, now the situation is very clear. Both your country and France and Russia have gained tremendous benefits. You haven't gained so many benefits from any previous wars! And what about us? It’s just a few islands! We can’t even control the German colonies in the Pacific, because some places are now occupied by the Americans, and I don’t think your government will use practical actions to help after the war. Japan drives away the Americans!"

"Perhaps after the fall of Germany and Austria, your country suddenly regretted it and felt that the sea in the Far East is still very valuable and should be shared by many parties. There is a possibility of improvement in the relationship between Britain and the United States, while the United States and Japan are mortal enemies. , I would like to ask, if the UK decides to abandon Japan, what should we do? You can sit back and relax after solving Germany and Austria, and what about us?! Answer me, Mr. Special Envoy!" Said Kataro Very powerful, so why did Britain, France and Russia have to fight a war? ! Because the interests are also great, whether it is for the revenge of France, or to maintain the world's number one Britain, or to turn their eyes to Russia in Western Europe, they all have reasons to fight this war. If they win, then at least for the next few decades, they will live well.

What about Japan? There is no such urgency now, but in the future, facing the United States step by step toward the Far East, Japan will face increasing pressure in the future, and the recovered Britain may also have plans to regain control of the Far East. Therefore, in Katsura’s view, The three countries of Britain, France and Russia should work hard like this, because their interests are very large, but Japan, from the current point of view, does not have enough interests to let Japan go to war!

"Compared with what we have done, the risk we have taken is too great. I am different from those arrogant guys. Having participated in three wars, I know the weight of the Japanese Empire, not to mention the first-rate countries like Britain, Germany and France In contrast, if it were not for Russia to be too far away from the Far East, we would not even be able to beat Russia." Before Lloyd George could speak, Katy Taro continued.

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