The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 909: Dongying Demon Chapter

To be honest, Churchill is the saddest person, because he is the first to face the responsibilities of the prime minister and parliamentarians to be questioned by Congress! Churchill is still thinking about how to deal with the great men of Parliament. To be honest, he was more wronged than Fisher and Jericho. There was nothing wrong with him when he built the battleship. When he went out to fight, he was also under the command of Jericho. But as the Secretary of the Navy, you are responsible...

"I think it's pretty good. I hope we can refer to it on our future warships." Jericho nodded in agreement. The solution to this problem cannot be discussed in a day or two, fooling the parliament and the prime minister. It was given to Churchill and Fisher, and the countermeasures were slowly worked out. Now the naval forces of both sides are like this. The navy is not like the army to supplement hundreds of thousands of troops a month. The Navy is useless if you are in a hurry.

"Let's do that first. See you tomorrow." Churchill glanced at the silent Sir Fisher again, rubbing his numb temple.

On the second day, both the senior officials of the Admiralty and the generals of the fleet arrived at the meeting room at 8:30 in the morning on time. Here, they met another major of the Royal Navy. Although he did not have a military rank, his presence was No one can ignore that the money won by the Admiralty is spent on him, and the guys in the big fleet are all designed by him! In the history of the British Empire’s navy, in addition to the birth of outstanding admirals such as Drake and Nelson, as well as ministerial positions such as Prince Louis and Fisher, a large number of famous naval designers, such as Edward . Reid, for example William White, such as Watts, and now this Incourt who is somewhat controversial in later generations!

To say that this buddy is also famous in history, although William White and Watts may not be famous in tg, there are actually a lot of works in their hands! For example, the fetish of the multi-turret sacred religion-the seven-turret Aginkot! This is enough to make people remember! Another example is the Vengeance-class battleship, and the battlecruiser Hood, which is known as the largest battlecruiser, and was shot down in the Danish naval battle. Another example is the most crispy super fearless La Torre in history. The Admiral, as well as the Hush battleships Glory-class and Fury-class light cruisers, as well as the Kent-class heavy cruisers known as tin kayaks in the 2nd war.

how about it? Are you scared? Isn’t it a skill for a man who is the chief designer of the Royal Navy to build so many crunchy warships? It is nothing for a designer to make a pit cargo for a lifetime. Everyone is not a god. If a pit cargo is produced, God will forgive it, but obviously, the boats that this buddy has built seem to be more weird... .. This requires skill.

Of course, to be fair, the 12-inch sloping armor of the battlecruiser Hood would be good for the first battle. Of course, the cost is extremely expensive. And this buddy later also came up with a relatively nb battleship, that is, one of the seven largest Nelson-class battleships in the later generations. Although the armor belt is not high enough, the speed is slow, and other problems, it can handle 9 A 406-inch cannon is placed on the ship, and it is guaranteed to have 14-inch inclined armor. The gross tonnage is only 35,000 tons. Just go to this point and the level is very good! As for the Ajinkut and his like, these were originally exported ships, used to make money, who would not cheat foreigners!

"I know that everyone here has a lot of things to ask me. For example, how did the Japanese get German design drawings? The Germans keep their designs very secret. This is true, even if they have been laid down. The commission of the German navy foundation, Count Leo Cuniberti, has gradually faded out of the German naval design world. However, there are accidents in everything, and as Japanese who have owned German warships, they can start to get some from those quasi-fearless Inspired." Incourt began to talk.

"The design and evolution of any warship goes through a process, and I have to say that the Japanese are indeed a people who are good at learning. The Asama-class armored cruiser in their hands and the Rurik 2 later captured from the Russians. There are actually quite a few shining points on the quasi-dreadnought ship."

"German large warships pay attention to defensive firepower. This can be seen from the earliest Asama class. On the surface, German warships actually have thicker armor and higher height. This is true, but in fact, it is more important. It’s a matter of choice."

"Comparing the difference between Rurik 2 and Asama-class, you can see that when Asama-class is in service, everyone uses 6-inch rapid-fire guns. It is a common method to suffocate opponents’ warships with high-explosive shells. Therefore, the armor of the Asama class covers a large area, except for the main armor belt, the front and rear armor belts and the upper armor belt. It suits the situation at the time. So the American fleet was hit in the Philippine Sea."

"In the era of Rurik level 2, the situation has changed. A large number of second level main guns are equipped on battleships. If you want to defend against this level of main guns, it is difficult to use 5 to 6 inch armor belts, even if you cannot attack them. It may also crack, and the Germans chose this way. They protected the main core compartment and abandoned part of the secondary artillery. In fact, the protection of the secondary artillery is weaker than that of Asama. , But the defense of the core compartment is enhanced."

"In the age of fearlessness, it is impossible for the Japanese to directly acquire German but this does not prevent them from obtaining them from other sources. Don’t forget, the Germans built two battleships for Argentina, and The German side must give Argentina some drawings, which may not be detailed, but they can also see some clues in the eyes of the leopard, and the Japanese happened to get some information through this way!" Speaking of this, Incote couldn’t help but spy. The Japanese way is really wild enough....

"Scharnhorst and Gneisenau?! These bastards!" Churchill's face changed slightly next to him, and he cursed in his heart. Letting these two warships run out without destroying them is what Churchill thought was the saddest and most regrettable thing in his life.

"Through the line drawings bought at a high price, the Japanese finally understood the design ideas and essence of some German warships. Of course, the focus is on the defense of the hull." Incourt ignored Churchill and continued.

Generally speaking, the Japanese used the artillery and armor we provided, and then designed such a first-class warship with multiple characteristics according to the German thinking and their own perceptions, but now it seems to be pretty good.

Today's third watch, well, the author's subscription these days has been very tragic--! Seek support and subscribe--!