The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 908: Only with "sincerity" can there be combat effectiveness!

For example, the cost of the battlecruiser Lion is 2.08 million pounds. Queen Mary, the eldest princess and the tiger are also of this level. The Tiger is the most expensive at 2.1 million pounds. What was the cost of the German battlecruisers during the same period? Historically, the cost of the Defringer was 56 million marks, Lützoff was 58 million, and Hindenburg was 60 million marks. Excluding the Hindenburg that was later in service, it is temporarily not counted, the cost of a Defringer About 2.7 million to 2.8 million pounds! It is nearly 40% more expensive than the British battlecruiser.

It is true that the British have many captains and competition is fierce. This is all right. The cost will also be lower because of the competition between shipyards. Compared with the more complicated relations within Germany, the British are indeed more efficient, but no matter how efficient, there is no such efficient method, right?

Everyone is a top-ranking power. In the same period, when a battleship of the same level was built, why is a German battlecruiser so much more expensive than the British? This is not scientific! Do you really think that the so-called "system" advantage can reach the point where physics and objective laws are ignored? What do you want? ! God can't do this!

Let's compare the similar tonnage of De Fringer and Lion, because the German battlecruiser uses a small boiler, and when the output is low, the power weight is much smaller. In the case of artillery, everyone has 4 turrets. The cost of artillery is not a high proportion of the entire weapon. The key is various servos (after all, the Queen’s 15-inch gun seems to be only 15,000 pounds per one.)

Where is the real cost difference? The poor armor is on. The weight of the lion's armor is about a quarter of that of the entire battleship, which is about 6000 tons. What about DeFlinger? The weight of their armor is about 9,000 tons! Almost 4 finished! Nearly 3,000 tons heavier than you! And the cost model of armor is around 100 to 150 pounds! It is almost the highest if sold by the catty. The armor weight of the German battleship is nearly 50% higher than that of the British! Can others not be strong? British battlecruisers save money and save their armor. Who will die if you don’t die?

The Germans would do the same article, but they thought it was a fool, so they stopped playing like this. Looking at the cost of battlecruisers on both sides in the early history of history, New Zealand and Australia were about 1.78 million pounds. Mochi and Goben cost about 41 million to 42 million marks, which is about 2 million pounds. It's also quite cheap. And the cost of Moqi to DeFlinger increased by 40%! What is the reason? Are 8 12-inch guns really more expensive than 10 11-inch l50 guns?

power system? Come on, in terms of the number of boilers, De Fringer is not as good as Mao Qi. Although Mao Qi's theoretical output is not high, the actual output is higher than that of De Fringer. Mo Qi's power cost is more expensive to meet reality. In fact, the cost of the armor is worse. What is the difference between Moqi’s 1.8-meter armor belt and De Flinger’s 3 meters conscience armor belt?

Perhaps it is impossible for the officers of the Royal Navy who are sitting to come up with such similar data, nor will they have the perspective of the traverser, but everyone understands this truth, but it is secret. Regarding what Fisher said, everyone just hummed and waited for the following expression.

Regarding this poisonous chicken soup, Fisher, as the main "cook", naturally understood. After a little embarrassment, he added: "The Japanese Fuso-class battleship cost about 3 million pounds in total, plus They referenced the German design, so I think the Fuso-class battleship should have a high combat effectiveness. "Well, that's it.

"3 million pounds, this is a bit too much." Jericho said, touching his chin. The so-called doing one line, love one line and know one line, Jericho, who can be commander of the large fleet, naturally understands the navy not only in his large fleet, and the warehouses and officers and soldiers of the large fleet. I still know a little bit about the construction and economic reasons of warships. What is the concept of £3 million before the war? Basically, if you can spend so much money on building a normal warship, then the performance is definitely not bad, after all, it's all real materials!

Why is it a normal warship? Because there are still abnormal warships in this world, such as Russia, the cost of a Russian Gangut or Queen Mary is about the same as that of a queen, or even higher! With a cost of 2.5 million pounds or more, only one battleship with only 12 12-inch guns, average firepower and garbage defense, can only be built at a slow speed. It is impossible to say that it is not too tricky!

It is said that the construction cost of a Russian battleship actually includes the cost of the palace built by the Russian tsar. Another purpose of co-authoring the battleship is to reimburse the tsar and the nobles. That's it, the Tsar Russia eats date pills! Even so, the cost of the Russian battleship has not reached 3 million pounds!

Export warships will also be more expensive. For example, the King Kong-class battleships sold by the UK to Japan are on the same level as the lions and tigers in terms of performance, and may be slightly better. But the cost is 2.5 million pounds. Considering the tiger's cost of only 2.1 million pounds, the British slaughtered it with a knife.

Of course, if Japan builds a warship of this level, it will definitely not reach this price. Although the British have an advantage in the shipbuilding industry as a whole, the labor cost in Japan is low... Shipbuilding is also considered a labor-intensive industry, and labor costs account for a large part! If this Fuso-class battleship really cost £3 and it is a self-use battleship, to be honest, Jericho thinks that even the crappy designers of the Royal Navy can definitely make it. A good battleship.

With a not-so-bad design and enough real money, you tell me the battleship that I made is not good enough? Stop joking, okay? This is against objective laws! Thinking of this, Jericho first agreed with Fisher's words, but to be honest, he really did not pay attention to the details of the construction of Japanese naval battleships, so he also wanted to know how the Japanese got this class of battleships.

"Since everyone is interested in Japanese warships, and also interested in the characteristics of German warships, I hope to invite the chief designer of the Royal Navy, Mr. Incourt, to introduce this class to us at the meeting tomorrow. The battleship and the German blood on it!" Churchill said.

To be honest, today's meeting has been very stiff up to now, and the two sides are not going to give in. This is not to solve the problem, but to provoke the problem. Therefore, as the Secretary of the Navy in the middle, Churchill must coordinate the relationship between the two parties. Find a topic that everyone is interested in.

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