The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 902: Mediterranean Shadow Three

Prince Ruprecht didn’t know when the Japanese fleet would come to the Mediterranean, nor at what price the British would exchange for Japan’s large-scale participation in the war, but the prince knew that if the Japanese fleet came to the Mediterranean, then If you take certain actions, it will be too late!

what? What do you say if the Japanese fleet comes to the North Sea? Although the prince does not know the performance of the new Japanese battleships, although the Japanese navy is indeed relatively nb now, even if they do come to the North Sea, the prince does not think it will have much impact on the situation.

First of all, the scale of the Japanese fleet will not be very large. The four battleships will be the sky? Secondly, if it is a battleship, then it is natural to act with the large fleet, and the prince does not intend to let the high seas fleet meet with the large fleet. Regardless of whether the Japanese fleet will come or not, the German fleet now does not have the ability to compete with the large fleet. And if it’s a battle patrol, the lion princess and the like will come here, but there are just a few cannon fodder. The prince doesn’t mind letting the orangutan brothers hang in the North Sea.

Of course, this is only the current prince’s estimation, what is the actual situation, let's talk about it then...

Therefore, relatively speaking, the prince is more worried about the Japanese fleet dealing with Su Xiong in the Indian Ocean, or entering the Mediterranean to deal with the Earl of Spey together with the French. And now, in order to make the Mediterranean a better situation before the Japanese fleet moves, the prince thinks he should do something.

"I think it is meaningless to keep the main force of the Austro-Hungarian fleet in the Adriatic Sea, which has an area of ​​only 130,000 square kilometers, and the land on three sides. The core of the fleet is to concentrate! So I hope that His Majesty the Kaiser and the German General Staff You can ask the Austrian emperor to ask the other two Joint Force-class battleships to leave the Aria Sea at the right time, join the Count Spey’s fleet, and then use Istanbul as a base for activities in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.” At the meeting on the second day At the beginning, the prince put forward his own opinions.

"Owning 6 super-fearless Spey fleets can take more proactive actions. It is also possible to fight the French at the right time. And I have a hunch that the negotiations between the British and the Japanese may have reached the end. At this point, they will reach an agreement soon, and then the Japanese fleet will come to the Mediterranean." The prince is really unclear about the negotiations between Britain and Japan, but what is there to say? Kind lie, in order for the Kaiser to make a decision as soon as possible, the prince does not mind telling a lie.

"This, you told us that it is not very useful. If you have the opportunity, you can talk to His Majesty Fritz about this matter. After all, this is the Austro-Hungarian navy, and what you say will probably be more effective. Better." Xiao Maoqi said embarrassedly.

"The German government always has to make a statement. In short, it's best to do this as soon as possible." The prince no longer paid attention to Xiao Maoqi. What about this matter? To do everything by his destiny, for Earl Spey, the prince can only help here. As for what to do later, it can only be tricked.

"But the Japanese navy is currently confronting the U.S. Navy in the territory of Emperor William. The two sides have sent battleship formations. The Japanese should not be able to take care of the Indian Ocean or the Mediterranean?" Tirpitz said. For the German Pacific colonies, the U.S. government is also inevitable. Although the U.S. won a number after the outbreak of the war, most of the key islands were occupied by Japan, while the German colony on the island of Guinea was what the U.S. and Japan wanted. Fighting, but the two sides are like two cats who have grabbed a fish, one is dragging the head of the fish, and the other is dragging the tail, neither of them wants to give up.

However, the current situation is that the two sides do not want to give up, nor do they really want to fight. The two countries, which both think that they cannot lose in momentum, decided to confront each other like this. Under the guidance of this politically correct ideology, the two sides have refused to give in. , It has been in a confrontation for three months, visually, if nothing happens, the confrontation may continue....

I want to ask if the US government has any plans to fight Japan? If the current president is Theodore Roosevelt, then it is still possible, but the current president is William Howard Taft. This is a man of compliance with limited ability and limited responsibilities. Therefore, the prince thought that there would be no fight between the United States and Japan. And according to American habits, they will not fight a war with a vague future. After all, if a war is waged with Japan, there may be a direct conflict between the United States and Britain, France and Russia. This cost is a bit high and full of uncertainty.

"The possibility of a direct war between the United States and Japan is unlikely. This confrontation is a potential for Japan, but it is not a sufficient condition for it not to interfere in the European battlefield. It is better for us to do something early." The prince shook his head. Said.

"In addition, if the main fleet cannot open the situation in the Mediterranean, I hope Count Spey can be more proactive in the Black Sea. For example, sweeping the ports along the Black Sea, or attacking the Sevastopol Fortress for offensive mines."

"The submarine force in the Mediterranean also needs to be strengthened. In addition to small offshore submarines, we can also deploy large ocean-going submarines." The prince said.

"Is the ocean-going submarine deployed to go to the Atlantic Ocean? But how can I put it, the Strait of Gibraltar is too narrow, and we have some difficulty passing this blockade." Admiral von Boll said.

"No, it’s not as difficult as we The Strait of Gibraltar connects the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and the salt content and temperature in the two waters are different. The catastrophic layer is rather chaotic, whether it is underwater listening. The role of weapons or other reconnaissance equipment here will be very low. Moreover, the depth of the Strait of Gibraltar is relatively large, and the advantages of ocean-going submarines can be brought into play. In short, we can't shrink back because of some difficulties." The prince said with some displeasure.

In fact, relative to the North Sea and Indian Ocean operations, the Allied fleet's response in the Mediterranean was somewhat negative. But this is also no way. Although the North Sea has a large fleet, it is generally backed by the base, and the logistics and maintenance can still keep up. Moreover, the combat sea area is wider than in the Mediterranean. The two fleets are almost facing away across the Aegean Sea. Much better. In the Indian Ocean, because there was no particular threat, after the Thomas Fleet left, the Su Xiong Fleet could go sideways again, so it didn't matter if the action was aggressive.

But the Mediterranean fleet can’t do it. Who will make sense when encountering the environment on the opponent’s muzzle? The French fleet is based in Port Said and Alexandria, cruising around Crete all day, which makes Count Spey dare not move. Therefore, the prince did not expect much news from Earl Spey before the situation became clear.

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