The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 901: Mediterranean Shadow II

"I suggest adjourning the meeting today, and tomorrow we will discuss the situation in the Mediterranean." Looking at the time, it is already 7:30 in the evening. If you stay for a while, dinner can be eaten with supper. And the prince did take some time to collect and digest information about the Mediterranean.

Pleasant time is always short. For example, the time to enjoy a big meal may be because the Mediterranean conditions brought by Tirpitz and others feel a little depressing. The entire dinner process was rather boring, but the prince’s food was still very good. After all, it is much better than in history. Although the Italian government kept making small moves, it did not follow the guidance of "noble egoism" with the Allies. together.

After dinner, the prince returned to the place where he stayed, and Tirpitz also ordered his men to send a large number of documents about the Mediterranean. It is naturally impossible for the prince to control what the Spey fleet does in the next stage. There is no time or no time. This is necessary. He only needs to give a rough guideline.

The strategic layout is the same as playing cards. First, we must estimate the power of both sides and the power of potential opponents. Although France requires Italy to build warships to pay off debts may be a way of recovering costs. After all, Italy fought a battle in Libya. The loss was huge and the cost was even greater. It was basically impossible for them to pay back the money, so they could only come up with this. An idea. But let's not say, this is really a good move!

The French are very rich. If there is no money, it is impossible to give the Russian government a loan of more than 2 billion francs. It is not excessive to say that the French is the wallet of the Russians and the largest creditor. By lending to the Italians, then Through the warship repayment plan, France not only gained the favor of Italy, but also avoided the parliamentary restrictions on naval armaments. Therefore, the French can now have such naval power to suppress Austria-Hungary and Turkey without Italy. , Is entirely thanks to this plan.

Of course, with Italy’s efficiency and funding situation, with limited industrial levels and funding, while building battleships for the French Navy, the update speed of its own battleships has been much slower. In history, the Italian Navy had 3 ships at the time of war. Dreadnoughts were in service, and there were 6 Dreadnoughts during World War I. But now, only one dreadnought is in service, and the other two are under construction, so overall, even if Italy takes refuge in France, the overall situation will not deteriorate much.

In the north, however, from the current situation, it is not easy for Earl Spey to do something, but it is not a problem to defend the Aegean Sea, and submarine can also put great pressure on the transportation of the Allied countries in the Mediterranean. Of course The main impact on France, because of the existence of the Suxiong fleet, the Indian Ocean-Red Sea-Mediterranean route has been abolished by more than half, and overall it is better than history.

If the situation continues like this, the prince thinks it is acceptable. The Mediterranean Sea is small and the Allied fleet is divided into two parts. If the main fleet can be encountered when it goes out, it is not a good thing for the weaker party, so the fleet is decisive. Try to avoid it.

But the problem is that the prince has a hunch that this situation may not last too long, because the Mediterranean is too important. In the next stage, the prince has to do something with Russia. Russia will definitely require Britain and France to open up the road to Russia as in history. Roads, the Dardanelles battle will be inevitable! Sooner or later there will be a fight. Now the French navy is more than defending the city, but not aggressive enough. So if the Allies want to try to lay down the Dardanelles, then there must be additional forces involved.

"Then who would it be?" The prince's gaze swept across the map. It was impossible for the British. Historically, the British had this ability, but now, hehe, the royal ship of 6 battleships It is good for the navy to maintain the basics of the North Sea. If the Royal Navy dares to disperse the main fleet, the prince will definitely seize this opportunity and make another wave! Churchill and Fisher are not so stupid. It is estimated that they will immediately order the Thomas fleet to come back, and even Su Xiong will ignore it. How can there be leisure to increase the strength of the Mediterranean?

It is impossible for the French to launch a Dardanelles battle alone, and the weak chicken of Italy is also for nothing. Leave aside, as for the Russians? Let alone, it would be nice if the two dreadnoughts were not blocked by Earl Spey in Sevastopol, so if the Allies really want to have a Dardanelles battle, then there is only one possibility!

"What will Japan do this time?" The prince finally set his sights on the island country in the Far East! Now, the only one who has spare capacity and can play a huge role, and has plans to participate in the war, is only Japan. It is different from Japan in history when it used soy sauce in World War 1 to develop itself, and then pick up some advantages by the way. Japan on this plane is already Being tightly connected with the Allied Powers, it will either make a lot of money, or make nothing!

Relying on undeclared war, Japan seized large tracts of islands in the Far East from Germany before the official outbreak of the First World War. These sites were originally sold by Germany to the United States. If Germany loses, then Japan can at least maintain the status quo~www.novelhall. com~ And if Germany wins, huh, Japan faces pressure from both the United States and Germany at the same time? What do you think? There is no need to go to the Far East at all, and political and economic pressure can make the Japanese yield. And it is precisely because of Germany's guarantee to the United States regarding the colonies in the Far East that allowed the United States to stand on the side of the Allied Powers, and it would never die with Japan!

From a strategic point of view, it is impossible for Japan to give up here and let its enemies directly build bases and defense lines on their doorsteps? That is simply a tragedy! Especially the Emperor William’s territory (on the island of Guinea), if the United States operates the place for 20 years and then moves the Pacific Fleet base here, it would be equivalent to putting a knife on the neck of the most important Japanese colony-the Philippines. . This is something Japan absolutely does not want to see.

In order to ensure that the benefits it has gained can eventually stay, Japan will definitely support Britain and France. Su Xiong's fleet intercepting Japanese troop carriers is an example. Perhaps in the near future, a large number of Japanese soldiers will set foot on European territory, and Japan The navy might also participate in battles in the Mediterranean or even the North Sea! In history, the Japanese fleet has participated in mine-clearing operations in the Mediterranean, and has received high praise. On this plane, the prince felt that it would be nothing unusual for a Japanese main battleship to appear in the Mediterranean any day.

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