The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 762: Sea of ​​Blood One

The Melbourne was over, and the Sydney did not last long. After the increasingly thin smoke screen of the smoke cans dissipated, a 350MM shell fired from the Gneisenau easily smashed the Sydney's steering gear. The Sydney, which had lost most of its artillery and power, simply chose to sink the warship and transfer its crew. Originally, at this point in the battle, the two sides fought courteously. If you surrender, I won't hit you. If your ship sinks, I will help you move people.

We are the navy. Most of the captains are nobles. Naturally, they are different from the land turtles of the army. They pay attention to the spirit of chivalry. Since the opponent is no longer able to fight, they can help. When the gunfire gradually diminished and the smoke gradually dissipated, the Swordfish assault ship took the initiative to move forward and prepared to help the Sydney to transfer the injured. Struggling in such a disadvantaged situation to now express my sincere admiration, how tall and harmonious you look!

If things are only like this, then this battle will not be called the sea of ​​blood! It is true that although there were a lot of casualties among the navies of both sides, they were definitely not tragic. But the Australian and New Zealand army turtles are different! When the **** warship was killed by the super fearless and the auxiliary cruiser was hunted down on the side, these dozens of troop carriers were completely chaotic, and once they were chaotic, accidents were easy!

What is even more unexpected is that it was the telegram from Colonel Harris that directly caused the chaos that followed! Pass the strait quickly! Why did this telegram allow these ships to escape? It was simply to send them to death! After all, the British did not know the exit ahead, and the Germans dropped 500 mines in a frenzy!

"The British transport ship is coming!" Listening to the dim sound of cannons coming from a distance, and then looking at the British transport fleet that gradually became clear before him, Caron leisurely took out a cigar from the humidor. This was from Havana. After cutting the top grade cigar, Caron skillfully lit it for himself. The task of the Nautilus is to block the other side of the port, catch possible fish that slip through the net, and be alert to the British fleet that may come from the direction of the Red Sea.

Boom! A British transport ship walking in front was suddenly cut in half by a water column. The explosive power of the mine was astonishing, and it directly cut off the 6,000-ton merchant ship. Before the people above could react, the flames and vortex from the explosion brought 2,000 Australian soldiers into the seabed!

And when the sound of the explosion was still reverberating on the sea, and the fragments were gradually falling, the next action of the British fleet made Caron stunned! The remaining British ships began to pass faster! It seems to ignore the minefield ahead!

"I'm going! The transport ship rushes into the minefield?! These lunatics!" Karon looked straight! And the next situation was called the bloodiest scene in the history of naval battles. Within one minute, three huge fireballs were released from the entire British transport fleet! Like the end of the day, the smoke and gunpowder from the explosion spread quickly across the narrow strait. There were flames and struggling people falling into the water everywhere. They struggled hard in the blood-stained sea, trying to grasp a piece of wood.

Broken corpses and dark red blood were everywhere on the sea. In just one minute, at least 4,000 people were killed by thunder. The direct cause of this tragedy was all because of Harris' telegram requesting the fleet to pass through the strait quickly. Someone thought of mines when the first ship exploded, but it was also possible that the shells were destroyed. At that time, it was normal that the situation was chaotic and wrong judgment was made. So the sinking of the first ship did not arouse people's vigilance. The guard collapsed, and Harris' telegram that ordered the fleet to pass through the strait quickly pushed the entire fleet into the abyss!

Some boats rushed forward in a panic, and then struck a thunder again. With every sparkle of fire and water rising to the sky, it heralded the disappearance of hundreds of lives from the world. Such a tragedy made Caron a little bit Unbearable, after all, soldiers are not butchers. After hesitating for a while, Caron ordered the Nautilus flag officer to signal that there was a mine ahead and warn the British with a clear telegram.

"There is a minefield ahead, do not pass, stop the ship, surrender, we guarantee your safety!" This telegram was sent several times, and even the neutral merchant ships in the nearby waters received it. But in the chaotic narrow strait, the situation of the fleet has not improved much because of this telegram.

Ships are not like cars that can be stopped with a single brake. After the chaos and fear caused by the merchant ship that struck in front, the entire fleet has been completely chaotic. Order and reason have become a thing of the past. Every ship tries to escape. This Shura Field, and in the process, many ships once again struck a thunder, or sorrowfully collided with other ships trying to avoid...

The sound of explosions from the sea from time to time made Karon's hand holding the cigar tremble. He wanted to help the Australian and New Zealand crew members who were already in trouble, but there is a prerequisite that you don't get yourself in! Of course, Caron has Braytou and can find a safe route to pass, but if the Nautilus enters at this time, can it be guaranteed that it will not be hit by a crazy Australia and New Zealand transport ship? So he can only inform Su Xiong of this situation, let him deal with it, and then continue to watch the show by himself!

With the passage of time, the entire strait has become a purgatory of blood and fire. Pieces of sea water are stained red with blood. The smoke, death, and blood make not most people lose their minds. The recruits who have never experienced a fight finally Crazy, they jumped from the ship into the sea regardless of the officer's dissuasion. The strait is not wide, and they think they can always run to the other shore by virtue of their water.

However, it turns out that their patterns are broken! Under the action of ocean currents, ship debris floating on the sea and explosions from time to time are absolutely disasters for those who fall into the water! A piece of wood may be a savior, or it may be a heavy hammer. Many people just jumped into the water and were shattered by the rushing wood. Even the hurried transport ship has become a harvester of life, passing through the crowd of people falling into the water, and then plowing a **** trail!

At least 17 transport ships struck mines, collided, or ran aground in less than 40 minutes. Nearly 15,000 Anzac soldiers on these 17 transport ships were killed in this sea before they could board the European continent. In addition to the merchant ships that were killed by 2 dreadnoughts and 4 auxiliary cruisers, the number of sunk and damaged ships in the entire 38 transport fleet is as high as 28! The total number of deaths and injuries is as high as more than 20,000! And the time only passed less than 2 hours!

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!