The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 761: Picture poor see

How about saying that the Royal Navy is NB in ​​this era? Apart from other things, at least the sense of responsibility and courage of the people is still the end of those younger generations after the end of the Cold War. Seeing that their transport ships were killed one by one, the Sydney and Melbourne finally couldn't help it. They wanted to launch a counterattack!

The Sydney first exposed a head from the smoke screen, ready to close to launch a torpedo, and then the 150mm shells like raindrops hit the head and head. Although the Sydney has a 4-inch armor belt, the height and length are relatively urgent, even if it is 150mm. The secondary artillery shells can also force these light cruisers back.

After a 6-inch gun was knocked out, the Sydney was hiding in the smoke, and the Melbourne was even more unlucky. After breaking out of the smoke at a distance of 8 kilometers, it happened to be caught by the Gneisenau. The main artillery of the Gneisenau was not fired, but the rear main artillery group of the Gneisenau still left a deep scar on the Melbourne body when it was almost flat fired!

A 350MM high-explosive projectile penetrated directly from the upper edge of the Melbourne’s armor. After smashing the next door, it exploded in the engine room of the Melbourne’s side. The meteor-like shell collided with the roaring steam turbine. After a loud noise, this poor warship was laid out on the sea like a hyena with its spine shattered, and could only use the other half of the power to evade it!

"Destroyer! Destroyer come up! Our time is running out!" The captain of the Sydney USS looked anxiously at the sea behind him. Should the destroyers come up too?

At this time, the answer to him was a burst of cannons like popping beans! When the destroyer that the British had high hopes passed by the four merchant ships in front, the 150MM and 75MM artillery that suddenly protruded from the ship's side of the latter caught the British by surprise again! And these four auxiliary cruisers are the four ships that stood between the British and German fleets! That is, Su Xiong's four assault ships named after marine fish! They endured it till now and finally extinguished the last hope of the British!

"If it weren't for our ship, how could it have been so appropriately blocked between the British and our warship, and created a perfect opportunity for us to meet the enemy?" After the incident, Raidel boasted of his arrangement in public more than once! That’s right, the mission of these 4 auxiliary cruisers is to provide cover for the two super fearless, and then when the two big ships are fighting together, the 4 auxiliary cruisers choose the opportunity to clean up the destroyers, and then kill the transport ships that are completely defenseless. !

At this moment, "Brother" Riddle's plan has been fully presented to the world. The Nautilus attack ship, which entered the strait first, was tasked with blocking the exit of the strait with mines. 500 mines were arranged in a field of no more than 10 kilometers in width. Where the passageway is narrower, the density is already quite high. According to Caron, if there is no Braytou, from a probabilistic point of view, the British transport ship can always encounter a mine. And what if you pass? The unarmed transport ship faces an auxiliary cruiser that can wrestle with the light cruiser? Do you think too much? By the way, as for the other destroyer Drosophila? This annoying fly didn't hit the Nautilus, and was dealt with by the mines laid by the latter!

The other four "fishes" set their way in front of the battleship, playing the role of innocent people by the way. As long as they don’t fire first, once the British fight with the two Super Fearless, how can they care about them? So they can avoid the defense number that is absolutely impossible to defeat, avoid the two 5,000-ton light cruisers that are almost impossible to defeat, and then find the destroyer to start. After cleaning up, go to deal with the transport ships crowded together! Why isn't Riddle in a hurry? It is because his auxiliary cruiser has penetrated the enemy's interior!

The British chose to forcibly cross the strait, waiting for them who are Thunder Array and Nautilus, if they choose to disperse, then naturally there will be 4 fish and 2 ships to solve the super fearless handling of the British fleet. This is not in the ocean. Once the formation is disbanded, you can't chase after everyone screaming. The area of ​​the Gulf of Aden is not that big. The sea area at the entrance of the Mande Strait is even smaller. Where are you going? Didn’t see, is there a seaplane in the sky staring? Even if you can run, how many can you run?

So, the battleship, auxiliary cruiser, and mines were in a suitable sea area, and a careful plan finally resulted in a classic maritime ambush. Of course, it can also be called a sea massacre! It's like a group of wolves feel the prey at a cliff, and then let the prey jump down by itself... And because Ryder made this plan, he won the title of an Indian Ocean Wolf King from the British!

It’s not that the British didn’t receive the news, but it was of no use, because at this time the British Mediterranean fleet was blocking the Ordovician fleet with the French. This inaccurate news is not possible to let the British’s Mediterranean fleet. Entering the Red Sea, and the perpetrators were two warships that had been "sold" to Argentina, so even if the British broke their heads, they couldn't think of this situation! In other words, if I think about it, I can't solve it.

Auxiliary cruisers may be sent to light cruisers, but destroyers with only a few small cannons and no defense, almost 0 armor are caught by hand. Like the Musketeer, the British were all stupid when the dense shells came from thousands of meters away! Accompanied by several violent explosions, except for one destroyer who escaped by dragging its disabled hull by chance, the remaining three destroyers were all shattered into pieces in the fire from the auxiliary cruiser. So far, the destruction of the British fleet is only a matter of time.

Melbourne, who had been injured, immediately played GG. After running out of its own smoking cans, Gneisenau gave the opponent a happy ending, with a full volley of 8 artillery fires, directly hitting 4 shells! The tsunami-like flames and shrapnel directly smashed the side hull of the Melbourne, and one of the shells successfully penetrated the ammunition depot located at the waterline.

"The Melbourne is like being pushed out of the sea by a big hand. The entire warship broke into two pieces under its own gravity, and then fell back into the sea. The second half was very open and sank, and the first half was still struggling on the water. The raised bow was full of unwillingness. The huge vortex generated when the warship sank pulled a large number of people into the sea, so that in this naval battle, the number of people who survived this warship was the smallest among the three British cruisers." The captured British officer described the situation when the Melbourne sank.

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