The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 76: How should the battle be fought?

"I personally think that after the first main battle between the two fleets, both sides will suffer heavy losses. After the Beiyang battle, I am afraid that they will lose the ability to fight the large fleet. At that time, how should you and Mainz act? Have you ever had this question?" Prince Ruprecht asked.

This shouldn’t have been said by Ruprecht, at least in the eyes of ordinary people, but the German Navy’s follow-up series of plans require the cooperation of this tube, and all things must be said hello in advance!

"In fact, Lushun and Weihai have very limited significance for the Mainz armored cruiser. Apart from the necessary repairs to the hull, the Mainz can be supplied through other means, such as artillery shells, high-quality coal, food and water. And as a fast cruiser, his footprints can't just be in a corner of the Yellow Sea. If Mainz can break out of the Yellow Sea and operate in the Korean Strait, the Sea of ​​Japan, or even offshore Japan, I think the threat to Japan will be even greater. At least, it's better than staying at the port."

Since the German government decided to play a big one, it naturally did not intend to let the Mainz fight a round, and then hold it still in the port as a floating turret in Ruprecht, the situation where the German high-levels agreed under. His Royal Highness Prince Ruprecht worked out a big plan with the help of a staff member and even diplomats!

The Beiyang Fleet was destroyed after World War I. That’s for sure. The survival of those old ships depends not on their strength and the quality of officers and soldiers, but more on luck! In the entire Japanese fleet, it seemed that the Mainz could not be managed by artillery. In the face of the heavy hardened armor, the large number of medium-caliber rapid-fire guns equipped by the Japanese were almost fire sticks. Large-caliber guns may cause the backplane to crack, and may penetrate the front and rear armor belts. 6-inch guns will not work!

Therefore, according to the speculation of senior German navy officials, as long as Mainz is not particularly unlucky after the war, the loss of battleships is not a big problem. The key is supplies and ammunition! After the war, the Germans naturally couldn't deliver the ammunition to the port of Beiyang. This was a bit difficult, and it was not well-known to spread it out! But if the Mainz receives ammunition and fuel supplies at sea, then the problem is not big. After all, the sea is vast and the probability of being discovered is much lower, and the ship that transports ammunition can also be a ship with other flags.

If ammunition is a necessity, then coal is a necessity. Although the coal produced in the Kailuan Coal Mine in Tangshan has a good reputation, German officers and soldiers after using it said that this thing is still too ash! The combustion efficiency is still inferior to the Welsh white coal that is often used. Only the latter's efficiency is about 80%. And there is too much soot, and the flue needs to be cleaned frequently. Normal cruise is OK, but it is obviously not very good to use in wartime.

It is one aspect that German-Russian merchant ships provide high-quality supplies to Mainz to ensure continued combat effectiveness. At the same time, the Russian camouflage reconnaissance ships distributed in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea will also provide information for Mainz. This time, Russia is responsible for contacting the reconnaissance ships. The officer is also a fierce man! He seems to be called Essen, and he seems to be the same person who brought the Vladivostok squadron into the Sea of ​​Japan.

When the Mainz arrives in the East China Sea, the dragon enters the sea. How many ships are there in the Japanese fleet? How many ships can catch up to Mainz? It is estimated that none of them can catch up and win singles! It is difficult enough to catch such a guy in the boundless East China Sea, the coast of Japan or the Sea of ​​Japan, which is enough to make the Japanese crazy! If it can sink a few Japanese troop carriers, then the record is estimated to be greater than that of the entire Northern Army.

Of course, no matter how good the supply is, a battleship has its limits. The artillery will be scrapped with too much use. The boilers and engines of the battleship cannot be supported for a long time. Then the battleship needs a port to maintain. There are currently two places to choose from, one is Vladivostok, Germany, and the other is a French lease in Shanghai.

Someone asked if the neutrality treaty only allowed warships to stay in neutral ports for 3 days at most? However, with sufficient preparation in these three days, it is enough to replace a few secondary guns and clean the boiler. And with regard to the attitude of Russia and Britain, it is almost a cold war. The Russian government patted its chest and said that as long as Beiyang is willing, it will be fine to stay in Vladivostok for a week!

Anyway, Mainz will fly a German flag when necessary. The seven Munich-class armored ships are almost the same in appearance. Do you know if the ship is a German or a Japanese ship? As long as Russia and Germany agree that it is a German ship staying in the port, what else can Japan do but protest?

So far, the whole plan is pretty tight! Someone may have asked, what if the Japanese navy gets news to attack sentry ships and supply ships. After all, in accordance with international law, ships transporting supplies for an enemy country can be detained. But this thing of international law is gross to big countries? Did the British consider this when they beat the Boers? no. Russia and Germany are now afraid that they can't find a way to clean up Japan.

The senior German navy decided that the Tirpitz fleet was divided into three, the Mainz was sold to Beiyang, and the Munich continued to sail around the The other two cruisers remained in the Far East! If you dare to try a German ship in Japan! The Germans can say that these cargo ships are supplying the German Far East Fleet! Of course, it is more likely that the Japanese will admit it. If Ito Hirobumi still doesn't know how to avoid it at this level, then it's really dead!

In order to prevent the British from using ports and supplies as threats again, the powers of the entire European continent united. In order to ensure their own interests, the French decided to join forces with their enemies this time under the cooperation of the Russians. You, the United Kingdom, did not allow countries to use it. Port? It doesn't matter, French ports are also all over the world! Let alone the African vote, there is at least one Indochina in the Far East.

With the help of France, the Russian-German fleet from Europe can reach the Far East smoothly even if it bypasses Africa. Reserve supplies and materials first, and then make trouble, and the Russian tsar has already revealed an opinion, that is, after Japan won the war, it must not take a piece of land from the Qing country!

After learning about this, Ruprecht had to sigh with emotion that this is how the Three Kingdoms Intervention came back to Liao! What can the British do when the Russian, German and French fleets are flaunting their forces outside Tokyo Bay, Japan? Can't do anything! It is absolutely impossible to offend three world powers at the same time! This TM is Yangmou! You have to pick it up!

Of course, Germany will also gain a lot from this operation, such as enjoying the same rights as the Russians within the Russian sphere of influence, such as the huge military orders of the Russians, such as the military orders of the Manchus during the war, etc. Wait.

In short, Ruprecht suggested that Yang Yonglin decisively break the relationship after the end of the war. There are Russian and German ships at sea to provide assistance and supplies. What a good condition! What can you hesitate about?

The second is more~~~~~.