The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 75: How to fight?

In fact, as the prince of the traverser, it is easy to understand that Yang Yonglin can serve as the tube belt of the new ship. First of all, Yang Yonglin is the first officer of the Zhenyuan ship, whose status and ability are already outstanding. Secondly, all warships are now a person and a pit, and there are no redundant captains, so it is inevitable for Yang Yonglin to take the opportunity to take the lead.

It is precisely because Beiyang has appointed Yang Yonglin as the captain of the new ship, it was specially arranged to accompany Ruprecht around. After all, Prince Ruprecht is also considered "experienced in actual combat"! And because Ruprecht guessed that Yang Yonglin would become the new captain of this warship, he told him the following!

"Japan will definitely buy a new ship. To be honest, I am not optimistic about the Beiyang Navy. The Qing country is ruined from the root, and war has never been a purely military confrontation." Ruprecht said.

"Do everything to do to the destiny!" Yang Yonglin said calmly. "I will fight to the last minute!"

"Very well, do what you should do. What are you going to do? How do you use this powerful warship? Your tactical system is not suitable for this warship, so I hope you can say something new." Ruprech Te's question is a bit of an examination for school, but with the help of Ruprecht, he was ordered to beat the Japanese fleet every minute. It was said that Yang Yonglin had been replaced by an officer of the Royal Navy. This is not a question of status. The one who can win the battle is the Lord!

what? Some people say that the use of mounted cruisers to protect cruisers is completely technical suppression. Well, let alone the critical moment, Ruprecht tried to turn the tide and stabilize the situation. Simply judging from the so-called famous players in history, most of them were won with an advantage. Betty is famous, right? The British have the absolute advantage in the Battle of Sandbanks, right? It is an absolute advantage when BC is used for light patrols off the coast of Germany! During the Battle of Jutland, it is also true that the wrong signal pitted his teammates? But everyone thinks Betty is a star...

Just comparing with Betty, Ruprecht is quite interesting. Betty made the same mistake twice in the two wars. (Wrong signal) Two deputies are affected. Ruprecht not only failed to pit his teammates, but also saved his teammates! On this point, and in the current environment, is it not too much to be called a famous general?

"Actually, the Zhiyuan-class cruisers can still be used. Zhiyuan and Jingyuan are relatively fast, and they can barely form a formation with the Mainz-class armored cruisers. Moreover, the Zhiyuan-class is also considered a new type of cruiser with sidestring artillery. If they cooperate, they will have speed. Advantages. These three warships will act as a guerrilla fleet for mobile operations!"

"And Dingyuan Zhenyuan and several other warships will follow the original plan. The two warships will form a formation to directly attack each other. The battle will be led into chaos. Most of the Japanese warships are new cruisers with side-string firepower, but the speed is higher. The difference will cause them to be divided into two fleets, fast and slow. The key to victory lies in who can eat the opponent's slow fleet faster!" Yang Yonglin thought for a while and said.

"Fuck! Amazing!" Ruprecht even wondered if there was a traverser here in Beiyang! They are so familiar with Japanese tactics! And it did grasp the key points!

"Actually, when you battled with the Japanese fleet, the Japanese had already exposed their tactics. The fast fleet and the slow fleet were divided. Although there were only three warships, Yoshino, who had obvious speed advantages, acted alone, while the other two warships Formation operations. The tactics of the Japanese main fleet are just an enlarged version. But I now like to know that once war starts, Japan will use those warships to make up for the loss of the fast fleet!" Yang Yonglin said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about this. It must be a more powerful battleship than Akitsu and Naniwa! The Japanese have seen the power of Mainz, so they will definitely supplement the powerful battleship! It may even be purchased directly from the British Far East Fleet! War will come soon," the prince said.

"The main forces of the two fleets are slow warships. Once they are dragged, they can't run. The fast fleet headed by Mainz should block each other, and cooperate with the main fleet to eat Japanese slow warships. Four German-built warships will serve as The main force of the assault, and the remaining wooden cruisers are responsible for the cover. In the real fight, I think it will be good if the super brave can persist under the opponent's firepower for half an hour!" Yang Yonglin's words revealed a strong worry! In addition to the three 7000-ton warships of the Beiyang Fleet, the gap between the other warships and their opponents is too great!

"I am not optimistic about the decisive battle capability of the Beiyang fleet. This is where your navy's combat power is. Japan also has 6 protective cruisers (Sanjing, Yoshino, Takachiho, and Kaohsiung) and 1 armored cruiser (Chiyoda). There are 3 old cruisers (Fuso) (Chikushi, Kongo, Hiei) and 13 gunships! Many of these warships are no less powerful than super brave!" Ruprecht said bluntly.

Historically, the Dadonggou naval battle with the Northern Fleet was all-out, while the Japanese fleet was all elites. The gap between them was The large number of unprotected cruisers of the Japanese did not participate in the war! Nine of the 13 unprotected cruisers have a displacement of more than 1,000 tons. Although they cannot be compared with the new ships, they are enough. If the Japanese learned that the Beiyang Fleet had acquired the USS Mainz armored cruiser, they would probably have them all. Take it! After all, Mainz's performance was too terrifying!

If both sides are the main players, Ruprecht is still not optimistic about the outcome of this war! Yang Yonglin's prediction of the battle between the main forces of the two fleets has been considered in place. What can be done in the end can only be seen on the spot. What Ruprecht is concerned about is what the Beiyang Fleet should do after the battle? Or what would happen to the armored cruiser Mainz!

Ruprecht can guess part of the result of this battle with his knees. Beiyang’s performance is definitely better than history, but after the battle, apart from Mainz, is the remaining combat power of the Beiyang Fleet really better than It's hard to tell in history!

Zhiyuan and Jingyuan are covered by Mainz, and their speed is relatively fast, they may be spared. The two battleships in the town are relatively resistant to attack, and it is estimated that they will survive. As for the remaining battleships? Then it can only be described as life and death depends on the success or failure in the sky! The super brave warship He Guangzi is a warship that can be topped for half an hour. Unless they are lucky, Jingyuanzhiliu is dead! If Dingzhen is a little bit unlucky, I might not be able to come back. Dingzhen may not be afraid of artillery, but he is afraid of torpedoes!

Thanks to book friends zhouyu1976, sk wolves, yr81113, male **** fat man for their rewards~~~. The collection is still very slow--! Later, ask for collection, recommendation, and click again!

According to Ruprecht's estimation, after this battle was over, the Beiyang Fleet was destroyed!