The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 739: Black Lightning Three

The inexplicable explosion over the flour pile made the situation of the entire cargo terminal even worse. The entire fire was completely out of control. The flying fire dragon swallowed piles of materials and spread it around under the effect of hot air. It spreads out from the nearby platform and train track, even if it is a few hundred meters apart, you can feel the heat of the air and the various pungent smells mixed in it.

The Russians were still planning to save it. Hundreds of people rushed in with water hoses and pushing fire trucks. However, the flames they faced were not treatable with water at all. The thick oil droplets spread further with the help of water. Then, a spark fell on a firefighter's clothes, and at first he didn't care about it, but subconsciously swooped with gloved hands. But just this time, the burn area that was originally the size of a walnut quickly expanded to the size of a palm, and it continued to spread along the clothes on the body!

The colleagues next to    quickly rushed over to help him take off his clothes, but who knew this, the devil-like flame ignited several other people! High-permeability gasoline enters the human body through the skin and respiratory tract, and minor burns are fatal. Painful howls were directed towards him on the edge of the fire field, and that kind of heart-piercing screams like ghosts made everyone feel terrified. The expanding flame spreads around like an army of the devil. And the Reaper in the sky swung down the slender flame sickle decisively after discovering that someone was obstructing Daye's harvest of life!

"Machine gun!" When the huge gray death figure leaked a corner from the skyrocketing smoke, an officer who had just returned from the front issued a warning to his colleagues, but unfortunately, it all came too late, the K-4 bomber The barrage of five machine guns intertwined to form an oval death area on the ground. As the aircraft moves, the death area is like a broom, wiping a platoon of firefighters from the ground!

The military train next to the cargo yard and the Russian officers and soldiers waiting to board the train were also not spared. Anti-infantry bombs no bigger than a fist continued to explode in the air, and tens of thousands of shrapnel spread to the ground from a height of 3 meters above the ground. Open, this is exactly the height of the human head, almost no one is spared! The crowded crowd greatly increases the killing efficiency of this bomb. Hundreds of Russian soldiers were slaughtered in a very short period of time. More people lay half-dead on the ground.

Some people thought they were smart and ran towards the inside of the station, hoping that the building would help them block the life-death shrapnel, but two 250KG semi-armor-piercing rounds dropped from the sky turned the entire waiting hall into a concrete grave! The sharp warhead directly smashed the dome of the waiting hall, and then explosives of up to 70KG exploded in a confined space. The violent shock wave not only tore everyone in it to pieces, but also blasted the exit. And the second bomb blew up half of the waiting hall!

The bomber formation that had thrown all the bombs did not leave in a hurry. They dispersed, looking for delicious targets like safari lions, firefighters coming to the station, soldiers escaping from hell, and barracks in the distance. Both became targets of the Bavarian bomber forces. All military-related places in the entire Lodz region have become hunting grounds for the Bavarian Air Force.

The third wave of bombing aircraft even solved the city’s radio transmission towers, power stations, and water towers. I left gently, just as I came gently, I waved my sleeves, leaving a piece of debris... The emergence of new weapons has completely rewritten human warfare. After the advent of the air force, the so-called front and rear are gradually losing their boundaries.

"The middle road is over. Send a report to the headquarters. Let him directly call the Sixth Army to withdraw. As much as you can walk." After passing away, under the **** of a small group of cavalry, Kuropatkin stepped out of the car. He watched Not far away, there was gunpowder, and the Bavarian bomber captain who had just left sighed.

"Maybe it won't be long, Warsaw may not be safe anymore, right?" Kuropatkin said leisurely. He didn't understand why the Bavarian Air Force was so terrible, what kind of cooperation between the tank and the air, but he knew that if you can't fight, you can't fight. Now Bavaria can send hundreds of bombers a day to clean up. Such a deep goal means that there is no pressure on the front battlefield. The defeat of the Sixth Army has become a foregone conclusion, and the remaining question is to count as much as possible.

The actual situation is indeed the case. At this time, the Sixth Army was already defeated, and the Russian army in the shallow position was directly besieged and annihilated, dying happily. The artillery positions that were slightly ahead also failed to escape, and only those reserve teams and logistics personnel who had not advanced up, as well as the remaining troops in the base area. That's right, the garrison area that Lien prepared before the war had to be given up too, and it really couldn't be held.

But the Russian officers and soldiers who have been on the run at this moment are also in trouble. Sparrowhawks and K-4 bombers flying in the air, cavalry and motorized infantry appearing on the ground from time to time, are like a lasso that continue to kill Russia. The remaining strength of the army.

On the vast Bode Plain, groups of Russian soldiers evacuated numbly to the rear. Enemies appeared on the road from time to time. The Russians dared not fight with their rifles and machine guns. Railway lines and important transportation hubs have also fallen into the hands of their opponents. They can only walk endlessly in the wilderness like ghosts, and some evacuated towards Warsaw. They firmly believe that this is a safe place. Some people evacuated to the north because they were allowed to think that there were still two army groups, the latter would take them in, and more people chose to throw away their guns and hide them. They thought the war was over. , Even if it is not over, they are not willing to go to the battlefield to fight against such an enemy!

A soldier finally couldn't support it. The wound on his back and the long journey of several days and the lack of enough food finally emptied all his physical strength and fell to the ground, while no one of the comrades next to him looked at him, continue He walked away numbly with a branch or a rifle.

When thinking about the roar of the engine or the sound of the gun in the distance, these numb people seemed to have been touched by the machine that was about to shut down, and quickly avoided the bushes, woods or other places nearby. These people have been able to live up to now. This skill has been very proficient. A few days ago, the Germans used armored troops to break up the regiment and division level, then the battalion, then the company, and finally the big Some people became platoons or squads, or even small groups of several people. They quickly ran out of food, and for a piece of bread or butter, they did not hesitate to raise their rifles and shoot the local Poles.

The so-called chaos is greater than the bandit. These soldiers, armed with guns, skills and even organization, were forced to the Jedi to burst out with much more destructive power than the bandits. As the insurgents continued to evacuate to the rear, many Polish towns were looted. All sorts of vicious incidents are happening constantly, and the officers will no longer consider that this is in their own territory, because they are equally hungry!

Three shifts today~~~ Seeking subscription for reward~~~!