The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 738: Black Lightning II

The Bavarian Legion is powerful not only because of its powerful armored forces, nor because of the large caliber of artillery, nor simply because of the good infantry weapons and the air force. The key is to combine these elements into one through a series of cooperation and tactics. Overall, coupled with relatively good radio and wired communications, even in an accident, the Bavarian Army can quickly concentrate its efforts to counterattack.

After receiving the report from the reconnaissance plane, the Cheetah self-propelled artillery that was traveling ten kilometers away was quickly put down and stationed. The 6-meter-long gun barrel was raised high, and the shooting Zhuyuan was quickly transmitted to the artillery through the telegraph, from the marching state to the shooting. The first shell took no more than 15 minutes. The roaring 150MM shell fell on the Russian 107MM cannon and 122MM howitzer positions. Although it is not dense, the existence of long-range artillery is originally a threat. Tell you that the opponent's main force is paying attention to you, and they may appear at any time!

The continuous shelling suppressed the opponent, the plane suppressed the cavalry, and the frontal combination of armored and grenadier with machine guns blocked the Russian attack. And a fast-moving motorized mobile unit stabbed in the weak link of the Russian flank!

When a group of SKD09 half-tracked vehicles appeared in the Russian field of vision, the outcome of this Russian reinforcement force had been determined. With the half-tracked vehicle as the core, thousands of infantrymen scattered to form a wide net, thinking The Russians flanked over, and the already beaten Russians had nothing to do with this seemingly sparse but dense encirclement.

The ultimate solution to the problem is always the infantry. When the mechanized infantry arrives, the skirmish line sweeping the battlefield like a comb completely envelopes the opponent. The helpless soldier squatted on the ground numbly and was driven to the rear by the German soldiers, like a hill. The piled up ammunition and guns were put on a wagon and taken away. The remaining artillery has become the most valuable thing. The Russian 107MM cannon and 122MM artillery have become ideal weapons for various infantry divisions because of their weight and performance.

When the Russians’ most threatening round of counterattack failed, the Bavarian Grim Reapers also brought death outside the battlefield. Although the scale was small and the amount of bombs dropped was also limited, the strategic bombardment had been allowed since its first appearance. People feel deep fear.

Accompanied by thunderous engine sounds, the 3rd Bomber Group appeared above Lodz Station. This is one of the most important material transfer stations of the Russian Central Route Corps. Trains departing from Warsaw need to be reorganized here and then the other front lines are ahead. Subordinate stations. Dozens of locomotives and hundreds of carriages are being re-marshalled at the marshalling station. Trains continue to come from Warsaw, and trains go to other places along the branch line extending in all directions. The white steam sent by many trains even formed a white mist over the station.

The news of the unfavorable situation ahead has spread, but the Russians and Poles working here are not very worried. "The Germans are still far away. Even if they don't fight and march every day, it will take two weeks to get here. By that time we will run away early." A fireman said nonchalantly. Just before he finished speaking, he could feel the locomotive suddenly shake, and then as if being pushed aside by a big hand, the whole locomotive began to tilt to one side quickly.

Accompanied by the violent impact and the sound of metal tearing, the old fireman realized that the train had overturned, but fortunately, he crashed into a certain train car next to him. "God, what's going on?" The old fireman saw the fire blazing into the sky, the smoke filled the sky, and even half of the space was shrouded in smoke and flames. People were confused outside, walking through flames and shrapnel, and people were taken lives from time to time.

The three units of the entire bomber brigade pounced on the crowds on the marshalling station, cargo yard and platform respectively. For different targets, the Bavarian Air Force has made different arrangements. The marshalling station uses high-explosive bombs and the bomb yard uses high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs. While facing the Russian officers and soldiers crowded on the platform and the trains of the transport troops, air-explosive grenade and incendiary bombs were used.

"Keep the formation and ensure coverage of the target! Hold steady!" Raul led his team towards a cargo yard. Although their bombers were not equipped with radios, they still communicated with each other through the signal lights on the tail. Can convey some simple information. The most important thing for low-altitude air strikes is to ensure that the formation covers the target area. In an instant, all bombers throw bombs to ensure that there are no gaps and no omissions.

The squad headed by Raul’s bombers first passed through the air, and dozens of 50kg stolen 100kg bombs were separated from the pylons. The height they entered was very low, even the same height as the water tower next to the station. The violent impact caused by the explosion of the high-explosive bomb even made the plane slightly unstable. But the effect of such bombing is worthy of recognition. The first wave of bombing first targeted personnel, vehicles, cranes and other equipment.

A bomb bloomed with the flower of death on the ground, heavy carriages and cars were torn to pieces by powerful shock waves like toys, and people were swallowed directly by flames in the except for some blood on the ground There is nothing other than the burnt traces. The hoisting crane broke the boom. The building was directly cut off and half pulled, and flames and smoke were distributed throughout the area. Several Russian soldiers who tried to resist with rifles and machine guns were also cleaned up by the machine gunners. Raul's plane drew an elegant circle in the air and began to climb.

The first wave of bombing made the cargo station a mess, while the second wave of incendiary bombing made the cargo station a hell! Napalm bombs are cheap, easy to use, and effective. They are indeed the supreme product for murder and arson on a trip! Made in Bavaria, you deserve it! Gasoline mixed with coagulant has very strong adhesion and permeability. For any organic matter that sticks, whether it is human or pork, it will never give up unless it is burned!

And this kind of anti-human weapon made people feel deeply terrified for the first time. Like a rain of fire bombs spread all over the sky from the air downstairs, a little bit of burning oil droplets flying over the entire cargo station, like an unpredictable fire that swallowed everything they could touch.

The first thing that suffers is the clothing, food, tents and other military supplies stacked in the yard. These flammable and explosive cotton fabrics and organic matter directly turn into volcanoes at the moment of contact with flames. Coupled with the flour that spread into the air after the first wave of bombing, this seemingly safe thing will actually explode after reaching a certain density. The density plus a little bit of Mars can lead to a tragedy, not to mention the present This environment?

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