The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 720: Heavy crown

"You know? Mary, when I saw Albrecht, I remembered his father. I have to say that his father is the most outstanding in the European royal family." After attending the funeral of the Crown Prince Ferdinand and his wife, Emperor Fritz returned to the Ganquan Palace with a melancholy face, but he did not take a rest, but chose to chat with his daughter who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Only the Austrian Emperor and Princess Mary were in the entire hall, and everyone else was rejected.

"I am sad now, but at the same time a bit nervous and excited. I am sad for Ferdinand's accident, but at the same time I am happy that the Empire has a chance to choose! You know? Since the Prussian-Austrian War ended, This empire has been half-dead for decades! I tried my best to hope that he could restore his former glory, but all failed. But now there is an opportunity, or a challenge, can you say I’m not excited and excited?” Old Emperor He said something that seemed to be overwhelming.

"However, I suddenly discovered that even if we succeed, there is no qualified person to inherit this country. Ludendorff left first, and now it is Fritz. There is no second generation in the entire Habsburg royal family. A suitable candidate. Someone suggested that I choose Carl. But he is still too young to control the whole situation. If one day I leave and there are problems in the country, what should I do?" The Austrian Emperor seems to be here Talking to himself, it seems to be asking Princess Mary.

"If one day, the new crown prince encounters difficulties, will you help him?" Ao Huang asked after looking at his surprisingly calm daughter.

"Father, I am now a prince and concubine of Bavaria and Ruprecht's wife. My Austro-Hungarian princess status has very limited political significance." Princess Mary said.

"But you are still the Grand Duke of Moravia in Bohemia. You theoretically have administrative and military powers in these two regions," said the Austrian Emperor.

"But I have no rights in domestic politics. I am not very interested in who can inherit the crown of the Austria-Hungary Empire." Princess Mary said.

"Really not interested? You are not afraid that the new emperor will decide to take back everything I gave you one day?" The Austrian Emperor suddenly became interested.

"However, I don't see anyone who has this ability, father. If anyone really has this idea, my daughter and Ruprecht will face this challenge." Princess Mary smiled slightly.

"Ruprecht is so confident, you are like him now. I just don't know how long you can maintain this confidence. Maybe one month, maybe forever, who's right." Ao Huang sighed.

"Mary, don't think I don't know what you are doing. I have lived more than 80 years old. I have experienced too many things and seen too many things. You have ambitions. But lack of ability, perhaps because of this. , You finally chose Ruprecht. Your pedigree and his ability are really a good choice. But the difficulties you face are very big. Maybe one day, you will all be included. I really hope You can live a lifetime safely." Aohuang said earnestly.

"Father, there are some things that cannot be avoided. We either climb to a new peak or fall into the mortal world." Princess Mary replied.

"Well, let me see if your abilities are compatible with your ambitions. Although Ferdinand is not a talent, decades of accumulation and experience can also guarantee a balance with you. I'm really not sure about changing someone."

"People always have to go through something to grow, don't they? War is always the most honed, so good, I will let Carl participate in the military, but I will think about the crown prince. "The Austrian Emperor signaled that Princess Mary can leave after speaking, and he needs to rest.

The accidental death of Ferdinand really disrupted Fritz’s plan. It is not difficult to move Serbia. You can just find an excuse, but as an empire, there is no suitable heir, then there is a problem, Feidi After all, Nan has been the crown prince for decades, regardless of prestige, ability, and connections. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire can win this time, then gaining profits through war might really make the empire rise again. At least it is not a big problem to maintain it.

But now, there is a problem in choosing the next heir. Originally, his younger brother’s grandson Karl could be the heir, but this heir was opposed by some people who questioned Karl’s ability. Some of these people were military. The people of Fang, the reason they put forward is this, if Karl becomes the crown prince, then he will be the deputy commander of the imperial army, but let a person who is just 25 years old be the deputy commander of the army... Well, some generals did not understand.

And some people in the government said that at the time of crisis, adding other factors to the original political system is unstable. To put it plainly is not convinced. It is impossible to say that everyone is operating behind this!

And Fritz also knows who is operating, and his baby daughter is very unfriendly to Karl, the prospective prince, or despise it. So Fritz fell into a predicament. On one side, he possessed the legal principle, but he had no foundation and general ability. On the other side was the most important foreign military force of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. How do you let Fritz choose?

And Fritz is really worried Even if he can pull Karl up, he may not be able to control the political situation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And if the round family is distant and close, it seems, maybe, maybe Princess Mary is a better choice? But this idea just jumped out. Because there are also many people who are hostile to Princess Mary. Generally speaking, domestic politics has not formed a unified opinion on the issue of heirs. Therefore, in order to stabilize the situation, Fritz finally chose to put the crown prince on hold. .

"Ruprecht, father seems to be aware of our plan." After Princess Mary returned, she immediately asked her entourage to send a secret telegram. She still has some confusion about her father's attitude, although in the end the Austrian Emperor's choice was still The princess was satisfied, but the warning in what the Austrian Emperor said to him was also very obvious. This made her a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, your majesty's attitude will improve a lot in 2 months." Looking at this telegram, Ruprecht didn't mind, and directly replied like this. "War is the best touchstone. If it doesn't work, it will be eliminated. We don't need to worry about some small characters."

Compared with Ferdinand, who is a little arrogant and dream of a great power, Carl is really far behind. After taking office, he and France secretly negotiated, but it is very problematic to support the French to take back Alsace and Lorraine. , I don’t want to lose any benefits, I want allies to lose benefits in exchange for getting away, this... How can there be such good things in the world?

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