The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 719: Footsteps of war

The telegram from the Kaiser brought some changes to Ruprecht’s plan. After making some arrangements with Prince Leopold regarding the military mobilization in Bavaria, the prince and his entourage boarded the special train to Berlin Before the war, the Kaiser deems it necessary to let the commander-in-chief of Germany’s second largest state come to Berlin.

The meeting was held at the German General Staff Headquarters. In addition to the Kaiser, the Prime Minister, and himself, the top leaders of the General Staff Headquarters and the commanders of a total of 9 army groups were present. Among them, the first to seventh army groups were in charge of fighting France on the western front. , And the Eighth Army is responsible for defending East Prussia. The Bavarian Army is listed separately. What surprised the prince is that this time, the commander of the Eighth Army is Mackensen, which is not a big deal for the prince. The good news is that with such a teammate, I am afraid that the trouble will be much less.

The meeting first discussed the issue of the Western Front. Generally speaking, Xiao Maoqi once again introduced the battle plan and the tasks of each group army to the big brothers. This process is very fast, and it can even be said to be a cutscene. After Xiao Maoqi finished speaking. The Kaiser spoke: "Ruprecht, do you have anything else to say about the Western Front?"

"Our army can take a proper rest after arriving at the border between Belgium and France, because starting from the border area, the railway line will not help us. After the last section of the railroad track, we can only rely on vehicles and legs. Taking the last part of the journey is very deadly for the tired legion."

"The French will not sit back and watch their territories be occupied by us. They will mobilize legions to counterattack. The French also have armored units. The British heavy artillery is also very powerful. We have no advantage in attacking and fighting for the tired us, but as Belgium If the railway system of China is repaired and our air force and heavy equipment can be transported to the front line, then we will regain the advantage. As long as the front lines of both sides are not solidified, we will always make money."

"If our corps is blocked in the direction of Paris, we can actually try to develop south, so that the leader of the front will be drawn, and the density of both sides will decrease. It is a good thing for us with air superiority and armored unit superiority. "Ruprecht said.

This meeting is a pre-station mobilization meeting. The prince naturally cannot say that your plan will definitely fail, but he still euphemistically put forward some plans that seem to be quite conservative to outsiders. As for whether the other party listens or not, it is beyond his control.

"Do you have any new ideas for the Eastern Front?" the Kaiser asked.

"I can't control the Austro-Hungarian Army. I believe the Eighth Army can still defend East Prussia. Within one month of the war, I will defeat the two Russian Army groups opposite me. There is no problem. Depending on the situation, I may continue to attack east, or I may go north." Ruprecht said.

"It seems that you have confidence in yourself." The Kaiser said with a smile. "What do you think of the Austrians?"

"If you are defensive, there may not be any major problems, but if you want to attack, they are not the opponents of the Russians, especially now that there are 4 legions to the north and the two Balkan legions are horribly organized." Ruprecht Said.

"His Royal Highness, if you can, after you defeat the enemy in front of you, I hope we can cooperate to defeat the Russian Northwest Front Army. We built a double-track railway in East Prussia. Your army can enter East Prussia smoothly. Then launch an attack on the Russians from the flank. And your army that invades the Russian Poland can also attack the Russian rear. If successful, we can put half of the Russian Poland into our hands.” Markenson on the side Said suddenly.

"This is a very tempting plan, but I cannot answer it now, because we don't know the situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If our allies have no objection, we can cooperate." The prince said.

After the army meeting was over, the navy also held a pre-war meeting. Ruprecht and the Kaiser left the Prussian General Staff and immediately went to the Admiralty. There are also a lot of things waiting to be dealt with here.

Compared with the army’s aggressive and proactive strategy and tactics, the navy has to be more conservative. In Tirpitz’s plan, the navy’s first two-month mission is mainly to send submarines to break the cross, and at the same time start defense in its own waters. Bray. Subsequently, the main fleet will make a limited attack. Of course, how to do it depends on the situation...

"This plan is basically no plan!" Ruprecht said with some dissatisfaction.

"I still think that the two warships produced for Argentina should implement Plan B. Although it is a bit risky, the benefits are huge. Even if we can only succeed once, it is enough."

"Secondly, we must take action on the North Sea blockade. Even if the risk is relatively high, even if we want to fight in the open sea, we will not hesitate to use submarines, but also capital ships. Of course, the navy can collect intelligence in the first two months. , But then must strike the blockade fleet."

"Don’t always think about bombarding a few undefended The damage we cause to them may not be greater than the loss and fuel consumption of our warships. And doing so will also bring great risks. Far sea, our maneuvering space will be greater."

"As for the Baltic Sea, we must take offensive mine-laying and submarine operations. To lay the foundation for large-scale operations in the Baltic Sea in the future. Prolonged burnout will cause an extremely fatal blow to morale. Only continuous victories can keep the army high in fighting spirit. ."

Although Germany is one step ahead in this plane, overall the gap between the two fleets at the start of the war is still very large. At present, apart from the two ultra-dreadnoughts built for Argentina, there are a total of 18 active battleships in the German High Seas Fleet. But three of them are being prepared in the docks, so the number is further declining, and the British capital ships now have more than two dozen, and various armored cruisers, light cruisers, and former dreadnoughts are even larger. Therefore, even if there is a big operation, you have to wait for the three warships that are being prepared in the dock to come out.

But even so, the prince believes that small-scale high-speed warships are needed, especially to break the blockade. The shipping companies registered by the German Empire and the Americans will send supplies to the Allies as much as possible, but the premise is that the German fleet should be as far as possible. Weakened the British naval blockade.

"This suggestion is very good, Tirpitz, you should consider it carefully." The Kaiser finally said.

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