The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 72: Are you kidding me?

Although he was very unwilling and felt that he had been insulted, Frederick III really planned to let the matter end like this. 1.5 million pounds can finally make some money, and the Japanese apologized and handed over the culprit to take care of the Germans' face. And the British have promised that Japan will do so, and they will not interfere in other matters between Germany and Japan in the future.

But just as the Germans were preparing for something, another thing happened! Let the things that have been negotiated happen again!

"The culprit, He Yuan, is about to suddenly catch fire in the first-class prison? All the prisoners were burned to death?" Three days before the extradition, Prime Minister Bismarck received the telegram forwarded from the UK and threw the telegram angrily. In the stove next to it!

The Germans felt that they were tolerant of buying. The Japanese officers on the other two Japanese warships were decided not to be held accountable by the Germans. They only demanded that the officers on the Yoshino be handed over to the Germans. However, they did not expect that such a request was made by the Japanese. It's actually gone!

is going to extradite, the prisoner was burned to death? Are you playing with me? Why has the iron-blooded prime minister been so deflated in diplomacy? It can be said that he has won many battles in his life. At the Berlin Conference, even Britain was forced to make concessions to itself in the colony, and Germany did not retreat half a step back in the Pacific Ocean competing with the Americans for Samoa! How dare a little Japan provoke the imperial majesty like this?

"Let's just do this, this thing is not over!" Frederick III said calmly after receiving the message. "In addition, send a telegram to Prince Ruprecht and Tirpitz, telling them that they can contact the Beiyang side and discuss some arms matters!"

"Telegram to the Russians again, if they want to maintain their interests in the Far East and value the traditional friendship between the German Empire and Russia, then take practical action! Our actions did not receive strong help from our friends, I Very disappointed!" When the Kaiser issued this order, it meant that the matter was not over! It's just over!

"Our preparations are too inadequate. We have lost an opportunity to solve the opponent once and for all! We can't lose the next opportunity!" When the Russian emperor saw the note sent by the German ambassador, the ministers said this.

The Manchu Qing is not a concern. The only Japanese who can barely qualify as opponents are the Japanese. If Russia is a little bit prepared, it is really possible for both Russia and Germany to defeat Japan at once! But the accident came too suddenly, and Britain's overpowering performance not only made the Germans lose face, but also made the Russians feel jealous!

Nicholas II, who was almost assassinated in Japan, has never wanted to kill Japan so much like today! Faced with the Kaiser’s proposal, whether it is from their own interests or from the relationship between the two sides, the Russians must take action! It is okay to pay some price when necessary.

"Tell the Germans that in the Far East, Russia is willing to provide all the help it can! Russia is willing to be the main force to interfere in the future Japanese-Qing war! As long as Germany is willing to stand by our side!" It is impossible for the Germans to help the Russians. I understand!

And just as Russia and Germany were preparing to continue plotting the next step, the British were also very concerned about this matter, and as the client, the British Prime Minister was even a little frightened!

"Prime Minister, what do you think of what the Japanese do? Those people really died by accident?" Chamberlain asked with a complicated expression.

"The truth or falsehood of this matter is not important at all! The important thing is that the Germans don't believe this argument at all! They think the Japanese are deceiving them!" Prime Minister Salisbury said angrily! The Japanese are really courageous enough to dare to play tricks at this time? To be honest, the Prime Minister himself does not believe in the Japanese pretexts!

"But at least the Kaiser didn't entangle these things anymore? Didn't they?" Chamberlain said uncertainly.

"No more entanglement? I'm afraid this will not end so well. Let's see the situation." The Prime Minister sneered.

"Then what if the Germans have to take other actions? What shall we do?" Chamberlain hurriedly asked.

"What else can I do? The Japanese themselves bear the consequences of this incident! We are chess players! We will never invest too much in the life and death of a chess piece! What does their own death have to do with the British Empire?" Suddenly angry Roared the Prime Minister!

Salisbury has foreseen the revenge of Germany and the high cost of the British government in order to maintain its Far East strategy! His political life should be over, because the obvious deterioration of the relationship between Britain and Germany is a stain that cannot be removed from him! Even if they are doing the right thing for the benefit of the British Empire, those politicians don't care about it at all, they just want to get a share of their defeat!

"This person really died in an accident?" Ito Hirofumi shook the telegram in his hand, facing Saki Kayama who was sitting opposite! The slightly trembling arms showed that he was in a very bad mood at this time!

"Yes, I really died by an accident, and all the guards are dead." Said Huashan Ziji with some blinking eyes!

"Well, that's the end of this matter, but you have to remember that sooner or later the empire will have to pay for the will of a small group of people!" In the face of the famous Shikashang phenomenon in Japanese history, Ito Hirobumi has no choice! This TM is considered the national conditions of Japan! How can you?

Although something has happened, do you still have to keep doing things? "What do we do next? Will there be any changes to the Qing strategy?" Huashan Ziji asked The general direction remains unchanged, and the war will start next year at the latest! But before that, the Navy needs to make up for the damage as much as possible. At the same time, we must pay attention to Beiyang's actions, they can no longer be as muddled as before! "Ito Hirobumi said with some worry.

Even if they are pigs, they will be vigilant after they get away from the first cut! Beiyang's military expansion and war preparations are inevitable! This also means that Japan needs more costs to defeat its opponents! Just thrown away 1.5 million pounds, and the navy's battle damage has to be added! The Japanese finances now need to sell blood! As for loans? Now besides Britain, who else will lend to Japan? Even the Americans are not optimistic about Japan's future development!

"We must win this war! There is no retreat! Get ready to go. If something happens again, the empire will really be over!" In the end, Ito Hirofumi's knife-like gaze almost turned on Kawayama Suki. A few holes!

The wheel of history seems to be on the right track again after slightly deviating from its trajectory. To outsiders, the great power of the German navy is nothing but an accident, but this incident has changed history to a large extent. When it broke out, a historical fate would make the two countries of the East meet each other, and at this time, what is Ruprecht doing? How can he use this opportunity to change history?

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