The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 73: New beginning

"How do you feel? Mr. General!" Standing on the deck of the armored cruiser Munich, leaning on an 88MM anti-lightning gun, Prince Ruprecht comfortably enjoyed the sea breeze, and then opened a bottle of wine. Take a sip.

"I feel the shame! The powerful Germany was so powerless in this operation, the British didn't even need to use their fleet, so we were helpless." Tirpitz said with a gloomy face. "Your attitude is surprising. You don't seem to care about it."

"Do you care? Does it work? What do you want, the world will run according to your ideas? Are you God?" Ruprecht glanced at the other person. "You are too young and the idea is too simple!" Looking at the Rear Admiral who is much older than himself, Ruprecht said these words triumphantly.

"Some things are destined to be unstoppable. Forcibly they can only be crushed by the wheels of history! You have to know how to choose, some places are not something we can touch, then stay away. This is the case in the Far East. The future Far East hegemon may be Russia. It may be Britain, it may be Japan, but it is definitely not Germany!"

"I don't agree with you, the British do not occupy the world? Why can we not do it? The future of Germany is at sea! Germany without sea power will decline sooner or later!" Tirpitz is most intolerant of himself His dream was regarded as a futile act by the opponent, and Ruprecht's words just exposed his scars!

"When the British rose, there was only one Spain and one declining Portugal. Even so, it took the British hundreds of years to build such an empire, and now? How many naval powers are there in the world, you are sure Beat them all?"

"As the actual maritime superiority, the British have too many bargaining chips to use, even if Russia is an ally? Doesn't they back down in the face of Britain's powerful sea power? Believe me, when the conflict between Germany and Britain broke out , No one will really stand by our side!"

"In addition, you should admit now that building cruisers is indeed more useful than building battleships! Don't you think?" Ruprecht took a sip of wine and asked with a smile!

"Okay, let's start talking about business! The above gave us the affairs of the Far East, what do you think? Anyway, just find a way to trouble the Japanese! My understanding is like this." Ruprecht stopped. Gesture, it means that the previous teasing is over, let's get busy!

"Selling weapons? Sending instructors? You can't let the German army play, right?" Tirpitz said helplessly: "We can't help the Qing nation in vain, let alone lose money. The tragic financial system of the Qing Dynasty made them impossible. How many weapons to buy, and the quality of the Qing army, even with the weapons we provide, may not be able to beat the Japanese. Coupled with the corrupt high-level, they have no chance to win!"

"The direction is wrong, what is our purpose? One is to gain benefits, the other is to teach the Japanese, now we want to let the Qing country win unless you are a **** or a prophet!"

"Compared with the Beiyang Army, their navy is stronger. At least one team of fairly professional officers and soldiers should have a stronger fighting will. They just need some good equipment! Of course, there is a very critical issue here. That is lack of money!"

"If they are willing to borrow money, they can raise a certain amount of funds, of course, they may have to take tariffs as security, or some other rights. This is not what we care about. I think Russia and France are willing to lend the Qing Dynasty war expenses. In order to control this country." Ruprecht said.

Ruprecht did not believe that the Qing Dynasty could use its own resources to provide sufficient funds to purchase warships, nor did he believe that the Qing Dynasty could win the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 without any traversers. There is no other way! According to historical records, Western powers can still provide a huge amount of borrowing. After all, borrowing can control the economic lifeline of the Qing Dynasty! I am afraid that I can only do this for this land!

"You mean, let the Qing country use loans to buy warships? Which one?" Tirpitz asked.

"I think Mainz is pretty good, £650,000! The Qing government can definitely accept it! Then there are rapid-fire guns and shells, boilers, water pipes, and other spare parts that need to be purchased for other warships of the Beiyang Navy at a cost of 1 million pounds. , Enough to make the Japanese headache!" Ruprecht's words surprised Tirpitz!

"That's our new ship! You just sold it? Are you crazy or I heard it wrong?" Tirpitz opened his eyes and said, as if he didn't believe his ears!

"Then you say that the Empire can provide more suitable warships for the Qing Dynasty? No, other old warships have no combat effectiveness! And I remember I told you that the Munich-class armored cruisers are just a transition. Since I want to hurt Japan, We and Qing country have to pay for the capital!"

"And I tell you, this is a one-off sale! We can sell the warship to the Qing country, and the British can naturally sell the warship to Japan, and considering the current relationship between Britain and Germany, the final result is likely to be Everyone only sells it once and then neutral! So, in order to realize our plan, we must provide the Qing country with an armored cruiser!" Ruprecht explained.

"What then? That’s all? A single warship can’t form combat effectiveness. I don’t know if Beiyang can gather enough personnel, and it will take time to form combat effectiveness." Tirpitz looked at Ruprecht. Temporarily accepted this seemingly a bit of a plan.

"So we have to be equipped with some personnel! And according to our plan to strike the Japanese! I don't trust the heads and brains of the Beiyang Navy at all!"

"Hiss." Tirpitz took a breath! "Your idea is... creative."

"Probably the framework already exists. How to ensure the safety of the German combatants to the greatest extent and how to fight the Japanese as much as possible, I have thought about it, and I will tell you in due course."

"What is the right time?" Tirpitz asked.

"After visiting the Beiyang Fleet!" Ruprecht said with a smile.

"Is this all your plan?"

"It's just one step. The other plan has little to do with the navy. After all, the empire hasn't fought in more than ten years. This is an opportunity." Ruprecht's plan is very ambitious. Making trouble for Japan is only one aspect of it. If the plan is fully realized, the situation in the entire Far East will change drastically, even affecting faraway Europe and the whole world!

"Japan can win the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, but it's hard to say how much benefit it can get after winning it! Who will fill this hole? Britain? Or is it some other unlucky country?" Ruprecht thought and tried to use A lever to move the whole world!

The second one is here~~~, the next one is in the evening~~~~~, ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for click!