The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 704: Black belly

"What you said seems to be contradictory. The Balkan countries may not have much ambitions. They may just want a little place. If Turkey shrinks decisively and they stop the offensive, then your plan will fail? I know. , You are planning to use Turkey to consume the power of the Balkan countries.” Mackensen is also black-bellied enough, knowing that the interests of the empire are first, so when necessary, he needs to use allies as cannon fodder.

"You underestimate their ambitions. If you don't take the entire Balkans, or even Constantinople, they may not be willing to stop. And you see this area, my choice here is not just because They are close to Turkey, which is more suitable for defense in terms of military, but also because this will be an area that Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece all want to get involved. For the land and population, they will use their last bit of money to buy shells!"

As for the greed and egoism of the Balkan countries, Ruprecht, as a traveler, is deeply moved. After the first Balkan war, the Balkan countries who were unhappy dared to start a second internal fight. , This speed from an ally to an enemy is really shocking. In the first Balkan War, Bulgaria gained the most benefits, while Serbia did not gain access to the Adriatic Sea. Therefore, in order to obtain compensation from Bulgaria, the Greeks also believed that they should own southern Macedonia and Western Thrace. Romania, which had not participated in the First Balkan War, also wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail and obtain a piece of territory from northern Bulgaria. Then the three deal with Bulgaria together.

Bulgaria, which was one enemy against three, took the first shot, but in the case of absolute lack of strength, people still rubbed on the ground. Turkey also took the opportunity to tear up the contract and launched an offensive against Bulgaria, with a slight gain. Just such a group of greedy wolves gather together, and they will keep fighting until they are exhausted! After the end of the second Balkan War in history, Bulgaria, which was beaten and disgraced, approached the Allies, while Romania had the idea of ​​relying on the Allies. In short, the impact is far-reaching.

"In this case, I will pass your reply to His Majesty the Emperor, but I personally hope that the Bavarian Army can send an elite force and officer regiment to guide the Turkish army in how to fight." Mackensen knew that he was just a biography. It was a microphone, but before leaving, he still made his request.

"I will. You can discuss related matters with General Caliput. I can send an army of no more than 2,000 officers and troops to participate in the Balkan War. I hope Prussia can also make a gesture. We are the best in this war. The important thing is to be an observer and teacher, not a thug." Ruprecht replied.

Two days later, General Mackensen, who returned to Berlin, reported to the Kaiser the results of the trip to Bavaria and His Highness Ruprecht’s attitude towards the Balkan War. In front of outsiders, William II did not say anything, but after returning, he immediately asked his servant to send Ruprecht a telegram in his own name. The content of the telegram was very simple: "You must have other reasons. It may not be convenient to tell Mackenson, but you can tell me."

"Hehe, is this William II still quite smart?" Looking at the telegram in his hand, Ruprecht smiled. His reply is also very simple. There was only one sentence in the reply to the Kaiser: "If Turkey does not lose something this time, I really don't know what compensation should be given to the Turks!"

"Wise choice." After seeing Ruprecht's reply, William II nodded in satisfaction and ordered to go down and do everything according to Ruprecht's intention.

War is to benefit! As an important member of the Allied Powers, Turkey will also gain benefits after winning, and the territorial part is naturally the top priority! This problem is unavoidable. Although the war has not yet started and it is a bit early to discuss the distribution of benefits, Ruprecht really has a headache for these things before that. From the geographical environment, Turkey can obtain only three places. The first is Transcaucasus and Caucasus, the second is Egypt, and the third is Balkans.

But in actual analysis, it can be found that these places are not suitable for Turkey. First of all, the Caucasus and Transcaucasus regions. From the perspective of the Baku oil field and the border with Iran, Ruprecht does not want this Eurasian The current oil depot on the mainland is sent to Turkey, and here is also the crossroads of the Eurasian continent. To the north, you can advance to the lower Volga region, and to the south you can enter Asia Minor, the Mesopotamia, and later Iran! The latter is one of the most important oil producing areas in the world. As a traveler with ambitions to dominate the world, how could it be possible to abandon these two places? Therefore, even if it is very close to Turkey, Ruprecht will not give it to the Turks.

The second area is the Egyptian area. Let’s not talk about whether the important Suez Canal can fall into the hands of the Turks. From a military point of view, the Turkish army on this plane can guarantee the current boundary It would be nice to be pushed over by the British! Historically, the British could beat Jerusalem down! You can't occupy it even if you occupy it. How do you use this area as a reward for the winner in the future?

That’s great, the two areas above have been passed. Then there will only be the Balkans. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and possible future ally Bulgaria also have territorial needs, and this has led to conflicts. How much compensation is appropriate for Turkey? Ruprecht really had a headache for a while. But now, as history repeats itself, Ruprecht has the answer, just return to Turkey's territory before the Balkan War! This reward is good for the Turks, but at the same time it has kept the interests of Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria as much as possible!

And the Kaiser naturally understood Ruprecht’s ideas, and he was very satisfied with this approach!

No matter what, Turkey is now an ally of Germany, even if it is not convenient for large-scale support, some gestures and actions must be done. In the third week of the war, the German Reich government provided Turkey with a secret military loan of up to 50 million marks. These loans will be used to purchase German equipment and the German government will be responsible for shipping to Turkey. One month later, a large number of Prussian and Bavarian military personnel went to Turkey through various channels under various names. What is surprising is that this time even Austria and Hungary decided to send a considerable military delegation to Turkey!

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