The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 703: Countermeasure

"Your country has participated in several similar wars. It has fought against world powers such as the United Kingdom and regional powers such as Japan, and did not fall to the bottom. Why did you refuse to fight against the Balkans this time? Are you worried about Russia? Is it? If they will not participate in the war, if they participate in the war, the German government will never sit idly by." Mackensen said.

"In this situation, at this point in time, the Bavarian Army is not suitable for war. This war is different from previous wars."

"In the Far East War, the Blue Army only fought a small group of Japanese troops. Although the scale of the wars in South Africa and North Africa was large, the density of the forces on both sides was not high, and the troops had great maneuvering space. And in the Boer War. Bavaria mainly provided military technical support, and the main force was the Boers. As for North Africa? The two sides fought mobile combat, and the Italians’ military advantage was greatly weakened. In addition, Italy was indeed weak. So the fight went smoothly."

"But this time, the situation is completely different! Think about it, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Balkan countries are concentrated on a battlefield of less than 100,000 square kilometers, and my troops are not even fully prepared. We still have no choice. Choose a suitable landing point and obtain supplies from the rear steadily. From the map, we can know that the nearest route of my troops is from Bavaria to Austro-Hungary and then to the Balkans through the Adriatic Sea. It will take more than two weeks for the troops to prepare for mobilization to the Balkans. During this time, it is a question of whether Turkey can hold the sea port, and there is no imperial navy cover during this process. I cannot take the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers. joke."

"If you want to contain the ambitions of the Balkan countries, then this will be a large-scale battle. We need at least two troops to do it. And sending so many troops for a cross-sea expedition is still for a kingdom. Somewhat difficult. This is not just an economic issue. We have 100,000 troops fighting in the Balkans, and we need 300,000 people to provide them with supplies, equipment, transportation and other support. This is too much pressure for Bavaria. And Will disrupt our plans."

"You know, my wife, Princess Mary, is now the Grand Duke of Moravia in Bohemia. One of our descendants will inherit this crown. At the same time, we also need to take on the defense mission of this region. The Kingdom of Bavaria needs to pay A lot of funds and manpower to strengthen this area, so we really don't have enough energy to send two armies to expedition to the Balkans, even with the support of the imperial government." Ruprecht said.

The Ottoman Empire is indeed an ally of Germany, and Ruprecht does want to help Turkey, but this does not mean that he must provide assistance regardless of the actual situation and costs. The so-called not to fight an unsure battle, this time The war broke out a little bit suddenly, Ruprecht did not make any preparations at all. Looking at the previous actions of the Bavarian army, did it not start after months or even years of preparation? In a small area, throwing nearly 100,000 troops and hundreds of thousands of troops on the other side in a hurry, Ruprecht thought he was not so stupid.

And now Bavaria really can’t make it. Prince Mary has been granted the title of Grand Duke of Bohemia and Moravia. Ruprecht has also seized the time to send more people to reorganize and reform the army in the region. . A considerable number of experienced officers and soldiers have gone here. In addition, Bavaria has also begun to expand its own armored forces and air force and other technical arms. In this case, Bavaria can make up two armies, but how many can be allocated The officers and veterans couldn't tell. Therefore, Ruprecht will never send a large number of troops to intervene in this matter.

"But as an ally of the German Empire, we should always give the Turks an explanation, and don't you think that if Turkey loses all the territory of Europe, even the Dardanelles, it will be too bad for our future plans? "Mackenson said earnestly. In his opinion, Ruprecht is not wrong in doing this. As the heir of a kingdom, he must put the interests of the kingdom first. As the external representative, the central government of the empire cannot effectively assume the responsibilities to allies. It is impossible to ask the kingdom below to make sacrifices. However, Mackensen still wants a result. After all, the offensive of the Balkan countries is a bit fierce this time, and he is afraid that Turkey will not be able to hold it.

"Now the only way is to delay. Turkey does not have an army, but it takes time to mobilize these troops in the hinterland of the empire. When a large number of troops arrive, although they still cannot regain the occupied territories, it is still enough to stabilize the situation. Turkey can't. To win this war, it is still possible to rely on defense to leave a bridgehead in the Balkans. If the opponent attacks, our defense, and some economic support, the longer the fight, the more the Balkan countries will suffer!"

"Of course, as an ally, we still have to show something to the Turks. We can provide Turkey with some technical officers and a large amount of military equipment, but we must let Turkey shrink the line of defense as much as possible. Defend some key areas." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

Even if the incident happened suddenly, the Balkan war situation on this plane is still much better than in history, at least now Turkey has not fought the Balkan Alliance and Italy at the same time. And because the Young Turkish Party came to power earlier, Turkey is now much stronger in terms of economic and military power than in history. Although it still cannot completely defeat the Balkan countries that are strongly supported by the Allies, it is at least not like history. Those who lose like that are only a corner in Europe.

Although this is a very bad start, if you operate it carefully, the result may not be bad. After all, war consumes the country, especially for this kind of people who spent one-third of the national income on building the army before the war. For small countries, every day the offense is delayed, it consumes huge amounts of funds and materials. Since defense is much less expensive than offense, let the Balkan countries fight for a while. See how long they can support!

"We can at least hold here." In the entire Balkan territory of Turkey, Ruprecht drew a line at the southeast corner, and the area covered by this line accounted for about a quarter of the entire Turkish Balkan region. I hope the imperial government can assure the Turkish government that all the benefits that Turkey lost in this war will be reclaimed in the next war. "

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