The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 696: Approaching dynamics

"After the Japanese-Russian naval war, our situation has not changed for the better, but has gotten worse. Especially in recent years, the Americans have expanded too fast in the Western Pacific region. They have already gotten from the Germans. Ban Island. The next step may be the Truco Atoll, which is almost the most suitable atoll for the fleet in the entire Western Pacific. After construction, a fleet that can destroy the empire can be stationed!"

"What's even more frightening is that the Germans have reached a certain tacit understanding with the Americans. They began to withdraw strength from the Far East and hand it over to the Americans step by step, maybe three years later, maybe five years later, but for sure It won’t be long. The Americans will take over all areas of Germany in the Western Pacific, even including the Bismarck Islands and Emperor Wilhelm’s Land. The Americans can build a whole set of naval systems on a one-time basis. At that time, the American cannons will rest on us. On his forehead, but we have nothing to do!" After only thinking about it for 5 minutes, Uemura Hikonojo walked forward and said to Kowang Saiyuanji.

"So your navy is going to decide to continue to strengthen the navy at all costs?" This result did not exceed the expectations of Xiyuan Temple. He has received similar answers from more than one senior navy officer. "Have you ever thought about solving this problem in other ways besides building warships? Of course, I must admit that the building of the navy is necessary."

"Before the Germans and Americans complete the transaction, we will take these colonies from them! As long as the empire expands to the southeast, the Americans will no longer be able to set foot in the Far East." Uemura Hikoyuki immediately replied.

"At this time, let the empire work with the two superpowers of Germany and the United States at the same time? Where are you confident? If you win the Russians, you will think you are invincible?" Saiyuanji Gongwang said.

"This, I just think this area should belong to the empire..." Uemura Hikonojo said embarrassingly. "Of course, we can wait and wait for Britain and Germany to start war in Europe before we take advantage of the trend to seize the German colonies. In this case, it is justified. After all, we are allies of the British."

"Well, a good idea, but have you ever thought about how we should face the anger and revenge of the Germans if the result of the European war is a tie or the French lose?" Xiyuanji Gongwang asked. "Do you expect another naval battle at Cam Ranh Bay? Believe me, this time, the Virtue Fleet will come from Hawaii. And we have no chance of winning!"

"Okay, this matter is still relatively far away, let's take a look at this battleship first." Xiyuanji Gongwang had already got the answer, and he was unwilling to let this somewhat embarrassing topic continue, so he decided to change the topic.

What Ruprecht could not have imagined was that his exchange of German colonies in the Far East for American financial aid and his actions to widen the distance between the United States and the Allied Powers had another consequence, that is, it greatly stimulated the nervously sensitive Japanese. .

In the Japanese view, the fundamental reason why there is no war between the United States and Japan is that the United States has no foothold in the Western Pacific. If the United States obtains the German Pacific colony, the situation will be different and resolved. As for the springboard issue, the Americans will fight the Japanese sooner or later. This is not simply a matter of revenge, but involves the fundamental interests of the two countries.

As imperialism, the United States naturally wants to gain benefits in the Far East, and the monopoly of the Japanese makes Americans very annoyed. The Americans need the market to produce the raw materials, and these need to be snatched from the Japanese. In this era, artillery is always better than mouth artillery. Therefore, on the issue of the hegemony of the Far East, the two sides may eventually choose to resort to force.

However, in this era, the high-level Japanese government with bright heads is obviously not stupid enough to think that Japan can rely on the so-called Yamato spirit to compete with American steel. Japanese people who feel a little guilty will naturally find a way to solve this problem.

If you can’t solve the problem yourself, then ask a friend to help solve it. In fact, without the support of the British, the Japanese would have been rubbed on the floor by the Russians. It is not that the army can’t beat them, but that they have no money to fight! And this time facing the Americans, the top Japanese government is also considering the idea of ​​further strengthening the alliance between Britain and Japan.

The Japanese are very self-aware, at least Saiyuanji Gongwang never thought of letting Britain and Japan fight the Americans together. However, with the backing of the Allied Powers, after the outbreak of the war, it is still possible to take down the German islands in the western Pacific at lightning speed. Of course, the premise is that the Germans did not hand over all these islands to the Americans before the war.

As for this issue, the cunning Ito Bowen believes that there is no need to worry at all. In his opinion, if the Germans want to win the support of the Americans, they won't be so quick to run out of chips. Japan only needs to ensure that it can immediately seize these islands in wartime and that the Allies can win. The United States, which has lost its forward base, is less threatening to In addition to military and security considerations, Japan has economic incentives to be closer to Britain and France. It has just finished fighting. Japan's treasury was empty during the Russo-Japanese War, and various debts that were about to mature made its finances even worse. In this case, the easiest and most effective way for the Japanese is naturally to get more loans. Help Japan through this most difficult time. Once a war breaks out in Europe, everything will be different. Countries such as Britain, France and Germany will have a significant decline in their control of the Far East market because they are busy with the war. Japan can seize the Far East market to develop itself.

Japan can export all kinds of materials to the Allied Powers, organize a huge fleet to transport these materials, and even provide some special products, such as manpower and soldiers! For Ito Hirobumi and others, it is a very good choice to "sell a good price" for a large number of Japanese soldiers who have been idle and retired. The government's finances have been solved, and the wallets of officials have also become bulging. Moreover, it can draw a powerful country like Britain and France as allies. Why not? As a result, Ito Bowen said blatantly, when the European war broke out, the day the empire rose!

However, just like the Japanese think, there are also some places to ask for Japan in Britain and France. They think that their advantages are not big enough, and they need to pull on Japan to expand their advantages as much as possible. At the same time, Britain and France are also very afraid of the United States. They are also dissatisfied with the expansion of the United States in the Pacific. In this case, everyone has common interests. Point, so close is inevitable.

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