The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 695: Unexpected change

Excluding the Hyuga and Fuso after King Kong, just these warships, the Japanese Navy could have 2 dreadnoughts, 2 super-dreadnought battleships, and 4 battlecruisers at the beginning of the war in 1912. This fleet strength It's over exploded in France, OK! With reference to the current construction speed of French warships, 4 Dreadnoughts can be completed, but the Super Dreadnoughts are difficult to serve in the first year of the war! Let alone Russia, Italy, Austria-Hungary and the like!

If it is because of the pressure from the United States, this is not justified. In fact, the Japanese already have a vote for quasi-fearless. The Satsuma-class battleships bought from the United Kingdom and the two Lurik II battleships seized can actually be changed into fearless. of. Coupled with a few new ships against the United States, which has no foothold in the Far East, there is no problem at all. From an economic point of view, the scale of the army expansion at this time was somewhat large, and it was not worth the gain. The current Japanese government is not a group of lunatics in the Second World War, and it is still very clever. They can only do this for one reason, that is, they have obtained the benefits of others and are ready to fight!

Where does this benefit come from? Who do you fight with? Isn't this plain truth? The British must have persuaded the Japanese, and given certain benefits, and then let the Japanese work for the British! If this is the case, the Japanese main fleet might appear in the Mediterranean or even the North Sea, right?

This is definitely not alarmist! In fact, in history, the main force of the Japanese navy actively participated in the operations of the Allies in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, such as seizing German colonies in the Far East, such as besieging the Earl of Spey, and also covering the ANZ Army with the British. Europe. The Japanese navy's mine-sweeping forces even entered the Mediterranean Sea to perform mine-sweeping missions, and they received high ratings. Moreover, the British historically hoped that the Japanese King Kong-class battlecruisers could go to the North Sea, but the Japanese refused. This time, if the two sides sign certain agreements and exchange interests, maybe these Eastern warships It will really be against the German High Seas Fleet!

One thing that can be determined now is that as long as the Japanese really help the Entente countries, whether it appears in the North Sea or the Mediterranean, it will have a great impact on the entire situation! Don't talk too much, even if 2 quasi-dreadnought and 2 dreadnought ships pass, plus the French navy, they can crush the two weak navies of Austria-Hungary and Turkey. It doesn't matter whether there is Italy or not. And if the fleet arrives in the North Sea, the battle with the main fleet may not be a big deal. After all, regardless of whether the British fleet has a Japanese fleet or not, the German fleet does not intend to head-on. But if the 4 King Kongs join Betty's fast fleet, the situation will be different, and Hipper may be very, very difficult to fight. Even if the quality of the German fleet has a slight advantage, there are twice as many people as you can't fight!

And it’s just to consider these issues from the naval perspective. If you consider the army, if the price provided by Britain and France to Japan is high enough, then it is possible for the Japanese army to appear on the European battlefield in large numbers. The willingness is simple. There are many Japanese, Japan The government needs money very much, and the issue of restricting the equipment production of the Japanese Army is not a problem at all for Britain and France. Britain and France can arm hundreds of thousands of Americans, can't they arm hundreds of thousands of Japanese? As for combat effectiveness? Anyway, they have fought with the Russians, maybe they are not as good as the French and the British on the same scale, but even if they are comparable to the Russians, they are worse than Austria-Hungary! Thinking of this question, Ruprecht felt a little depressed. It seemed that he would have to pay some price if he wanted to win this war.

Ruprecht had to admit that the British made a good move, a very good move. At the end of the documents compiled by Raidel, Ruprecht himself added this sentence: "What if the Japanese navy and army appear in large numbers on the European battlefield?"

After returning to his temporary residence in Berlin, Ruprecht did not relax. He immediately asked Earl Schelling to collect all information related to Japan. The content was not limited to military, but also economic, diplomatic and civilian information. At the same time, it also asked the Prussian General Staff to help complete this work.

In fact, Britain and Japan are really in frequent contact at this stage to establish a closer cooperative relationship in the next step. Ruprecht still somewhat underestimated the changes he had brought to history. This little butterfly that appeared in the tide of history slapped its wings, making the whole world unrecognizable!

"When did your excellency Xiyuanji pay so much attention to the navy? He also visited the Navy Kure Factory in person. This really surprised me." He accompanied Xiyuanji Gongwang to visit the Navy Hanoi battleship built by Uemura Hikonojo, half serious, half joking Said.

"If, judging by the current expansion speed of the Imperial Navy, can we guarantee to keep the Americans out of the Western Pacific?" The top Japanese politician did not directly answer Uemura Hikonojo, but proposed a way All the top Japanese navy finds thorny issues. is tricky! Very difficult to answer, but a question that must be answered! After defeating the Russian navy, the Japanese navy finally became a veritable maritime hegemon in the Far East, but this does not mean that the Japanese can sit back and relax. On the contrary, when the British power is gradually shrinking to the mainland, the Japanese need to face independently from the other side of the ocean. The danger of that huge, powerful and obsessed with the Far East is always the sword of Damocles hanging high above the Japanese!

The Japanese Navy has beaten the U.S. Navy, but that is history, and there are various accidental factors mixed into it, so that now the Japanese Navy executives, including Togo Heihachiro, have lingering fears about the last victory. If the Spaniards get two ships Armored cruiser, if two battleships arrive late, the situation in the Philippine naval battle will be completely different. All, the top Japanese navy did not despise their opponents just because they have won the United States. The United States and Russia are different. After losing once, they can come back immediately, so they went from the navy to the political world. The Japanese have always been wary of the United States!

And now, Xiyuanji Gongwang has asked this question, and Uemura Hikonojo obviously cannot fool it. But he still asked tentatively: "You can actually ask Commander Dongxiang. He is the highest commander of the Imperial Navy."

"I need to listen to your opinions now, use your brain to think, not to be too popular." Saiyuanji looked at Uemura Hikonomori and walked straight forward. "Has half an hour is enough?"

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