The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 651: Conspiracy of the Allies 2

"Open a gap? Then the only possibility is here." Kuropatkin clicked a certain point on the map on the desktop with a little excitement. Can he not be excited! For this place, Russian sages have worked hard for hundreds of years! How many NB generals. Millions of troops and huge sacrifices could not succeed, and today, at this negotiating table, the Russians finally have the opportunity to unlock the door lock that locked the Black Sea! Russia finally got a passage in and out of the Mediterranean!

"The Dardanelles, in theory, this is indeed the best choice." Churchill took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions. He naturally knew what the Russians wanted to do. After all, they wanted to capture the Dardanelles. It’s not a day or two. A long time ago, Britain and France had a fight with Russia in Crimea over this issue. As a person whose interests in the British Empire were above all else, he was very concerned about this. In the end, he didn't like it. He even worried when there was no one. If the German fell and the Russian stood up again...

"The British Empire would rather help the Russians build a Trans-Siberian Railway than let them open the Dardanelles. But now, in order to deal with the biggest crisis in the history of the empire, we can only compromise." Before Churchill raised this question, The British have considered the possible problems, and the Russian pick-up request for release of the Dardanelles is one of them. For this request, the British are prepared!

"For this, the British Empire has the most basic plan, that is, the British Empire's Mediterranean Fleet and the French Mediterranean Fleet will guarantee sea dominance, and then the landing forces composed of the two armies will directly attack the Dardanelles. By the way, Even the capital of Turkey will be solved together! However, under the control of the two countries, a steady stream of materials can go to your country through the Black Sea." Churchill said.

There are two meanings in this sentence. The first one is that as allies, Britain and France are willing to fulfill their responsibilities to help Russia open up the channel. Second, this channel must be in the hands of Britain and France. The so-called brothers must settle accounts, not to mention the former enemies.

"If this is the case, the empire can also accept it, but we still hope that Britain and France can increase aid. After all, we don’t know when the war will start or how long the war will last. We don’t even know when Britain and France can fight. Access to the Darier Strait." Kuropatkin said.

"The United Kingdom has provided a lot of naval assistance and support to your country. As a large army country, the French government will provide you with corresponding assistance. You can make the products your country wants." French representative Messi General Mi said very generously.

"We need large-caliber howitzers. The larger the caliber, the better. After all, our southwest front army will face the battle lines and fortresses prepared by the Austro-Hungarian Empire for more than ten years. We need heavy artillery to destroy these tortoise shells, and our army also hopes A large number of 6-inch howitzers are equipped." Kuropatkin said.

After all, the Russians have experienced wars and have their own understanding of weapons and heavy equipment. They found that the 3-inch rapid-fire gun on the battlefield is not as easy to use as everyone thinks. The first problem is the 75MM gun. The power of the shell is too small, and it is only a 0.6-meter-deep crater when it falls on the ground. A 6-inch heavy grenade can leave a huge crater with a depth of about 2 meters and a diameter of 15 meters on the ground. The difference is too much. The second problem is that the trajectory of the howitzer is very good. A positional howitzer company can easily destroy a 75MM rapid-fire battery, and the long-range artillery can quietly kill the opponent in a place out of the rapid-fire gun.

Of course, there is another problem that makes Russians like France need help. That is, it is difficult for Russia's backward industries to produce a large number of large-caliber artillery in terms of economics and quality. Since their own costs are high, they can only let France People helped. Of course, the Russians hope that the French can also attach importance to the role of large-caliber howitzers, but it is a pity that the French automatically ignored this. In history, the French did discover many problems with rapid-fire guns during the Balkan War, but unfortunately, because the French were too self-confident and ignored them, at the time of the war, more than 90% of the French guns were 75MM rapid-fire guns. ....

"So very good. I think we have reached an agreement on this issue. The British Empire and the Kingdom of France have provided a lot of support to your country and are willing to take great risks to break through the blockade of the Allies against your country. Then your country Can you make some efforts? For example, support Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Greece to start a war against Turkey to improve the bad situation in the Balkans." Churchill finally made his request!

Yes, the British have never thought of helping the Russians in vain. Although opening the Dardanelles is also helping the British in a sense, this kind of help still comes with additional conditions, and this additional condition is Let Russia personally come to instigate the Balkan countries to war on Turkey! This is not only to weaken Turkey, but also to look at the attitudes of the Allies, and to judge the opponent’s combat readiness based on the reactions of Germany and Austria. If the reaction is strong, or there is a possibility of a direct fight, then when necessary, It is not that the Allies can abandon the Balkan pawns. On the contrary, if the response is not fierce, it can not only weaken Turkey, but also tell the Big Three of the Allies that the Allies are far from ready!

“We don’t have to stand up, we can only support these small countries behind the scenes. The Turks have just fought a battle with the Italians, and they have suffered a lot. Funding and armament support can be provided by us, and as a Slavic world Protector of people, from the perspective of national justice, shouldn't Russia reach out to help them?" Churchill said calmly.

"The French Navy can provide Greece with two Dandong-class battleships. With such a battleship, the Greek Navy will be invincible in the Aegean Sea. We will train the Serbian army and arm them. The war will not last long. Germany may agree to war, but the Austro-Hungarian Empire will definitely not. It is impossible for the Germans to cross Austria-Hungary to support Turkey, and it is even more impossible by sea!" Mesimi said.

"I agree with this plan in principle, but we need to plan carefully. Especially not to leak any wind. I will report to your majesty." Kuropat said carefully.

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