The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 650: Conspiracy of the Allies One

"Listen, you must persuade the Kaiser to let the German government put pressure on the Turkish government to expand its navy. The German Empire may send a squadron to the Mediterranean, but the scale will never be large. For the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. According to the situation, the Turkish Empire should invest in the construction of 2 dreadnoughts. In this case, the number of dreadnoughts in the Mediterranean can reach 6, of which the number of dreadnoughts that can freely enter and exit the Mediterranean and the Black Sea can reach 4. This is the bottom line, no more. , It’s hard to say."

You know, in history, the Russians started construction of 4 dreadnoughts for the Black Sea Fleet, and 3 of them were completed. If the 4 dreadnoughts and super dreadnoughts on their own side are almost the same, the quality has some advantages, but at the same time they are responsible. In the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and the facilities of Constantinople cannot be compared with the Sevastopol Fortress, which has been operated by the Russians for hundreds of years, the prince believes that these four warships are the bottom line and cannot be less. .

With all the words, the prince cannot control the rest. How many warships will the Austro-Hungarian Empire send to join the combined fleet? Will Turkey purchase new dreadnoughts? How many warships did the German Emperor send over? This is not for the prince to decide. But the prince was right, that is, the series of adjustments made by the Allied Powers were indeed directed at Austria-Hungary and Turkey in the Mediterranean. Just as the Allies were preparing to build a joint fleet, the Big Three of the Allies also gathered in London and began to plan their war plans!

The Big Three had a meeting. The battle situation on land was very simple. To put it bluntly, the French fought to the east, the Russians fought to the west at the same time, and the British provided assists. Then the navy blocked the German high seas fleet. If the war can end within a few months, then everyone will be happy, but the most important question now is what to do if it can't be ended!

And to the surprise of General Mesimi of France and Kuropatkin of Russia, this time it was actually proposed by the British! When the British representative Churchill said this issue, the friends were shocked, because neither the French nor the Russians thought about what would happen if the war was fought for two years.

"This is unlikely. The daily cost of modern warfare is a very large number. The Empire’s front-line combat troops in the Russo-Japanese War were less than 500,000, but the daily cost was more than 3 million rubles. If it is Europe On the battlefield, the scale of the Russian army’s participation in the battle may be doubled! It’s normal to spend 10 million rubles per day. If you fight for a long time, you may not be defeated by the enemy on the battlefield. First, you will be defeated by yourself. Was your wallet defeated?" Kuropatkin said.

"Germany and Austro-Hungary are both continental countries. The resources they can obtain are very limited. On the contrary, we can obtain resources from colonies all over the world. Together, our three countries have controlled more than half of the world's land area and The whole ocean. I think the Germans may not be able to support for that long. In fact, it is better for us to fall into a confrontation, because time and materials are on our side. But we still hope to be able to reach Brandon as soon as possible Military parade at Fort Gate." The French representative said.

"We must consider this matter. The current Allied powers have actually formed a system capable of protracted warfare. Germany can obtain iron ore from Norway and Sweden. The 3B railway linking Berlin, Constantinople and Baghdad has been completed. Turkey The empire’s grain, oil and various mineral resources can be continuously sent to Europe, coupled with American loans. Although their material is not abundant, it is enough to support this war." Churchill said.

In fact, it is not only these reasons that support the British in making this inference. The lessons from the Boer War also made the British see the possibility of a long war. The Boer army was trained by the Germans and used part of the German equipment, but it was just these tens of thousands of Boer army that it took the British more than 3 years to get it done, destroying nearly 300 million pounds of war funds!

And this time, the British are facing a German army of millions. How terrifying is the combat power of such an army? The British Army is also at the level of the first-class powers. Look at your performance in Africa, and then look at your teammates. One was rubbed against the ground by Prussia, the predecessor of Germany, and the other was just trained by the Japanese in the Far East. Has become synonymous with big and useless. Just such an army wants to kill the Germans in a few months? This is not easy...

"Fighting for a long time?" The French pouted and said that they didn't care much. In the eyes of the French, there are British to help out, the British Empire guarantees sea power, and the British Empire and French merchant ships maintain the supply of raw materials. The pound sterling and the franc guarantee the funding of the war. Longer time, it doesn't matter. In the eyes of the French, 80% can kill Germany.

"Long fighting? Then the Tsarist Empire will not be over!" Kuropatkin shuddered involuntarily. A chill rushed directly from the tailbone to the top of the head! Maybe the French and the British will be fine if it goes on like this, but Russia will definitely not work!

Yes, Russia is a vast land with abundant resources and a large population, but Russia’s national power and industry are not in proportion to other powers. In terms of money, Britain and France, which are already the world's financial centers, have more casually than Russians~www Now that the Russian government can survive, can it still rely on the assistance of Britain and France? Speaking of industry, let's not talk about the production of weapons and ammunition, let's just say that, except for the barely enough food and fuel, all other military-related industrial products are not good! Russia does not even have an independent chemical industry system!

Yes, Russia’s huge population base can indeed produce many troops, but there is a huge gap between many troops and many combat-capable troops! For Russia, a country that may lack even rifles, his protracted combat capability is no better than Germany!

"If the war lasts for more than a year, it will be terrible." Kuropatkin wiped the sweat from his head with a towel. "We shouldn't let the war last that long. The empire will run out of our weapons reserves in a short time."

"I understand the plight of your country, and I also know the importance of blood transfusion to your country, but what I want to say is that your country is almost completely surrounded by the Allies in the European direction, while the Arctic route to the north and the Far East are transported by the Siberian Railway. The supplies are very limited," Churchill rubbed his hands, then said, unless we can open a gap at some point.

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